
How can anxiety disorders be psychologically regulated?

Therefore, psychological regulation is an important measure to treat anxiety disorders. So, how to mentally regulate anxiety disorders?

Below, we have sorted out some methods for everyone, let's take a look at it.

How can anxiety disorders be psychologically regulated?

Classification of anxiety disorders

Anxiety disorders mostly occur in young and middle-aged people, and tend to be younger, and the factors that induce them are mainly related to people's personality and environment.

In the youth group, those who are introverted, shy, and overly neurotic are prone to anxiety disorders; while the anxiety disorder patients in the middle-aged group are often closely related to fierce competition, overload work, long-term mental work, interpersonal tension, etc., and some patients have atypical triggers.

Clinically, anxiety disorders are often divided into two categories: acute anxiety and chronic anxiety.

(1) Chronic anxiety: Acute anxiety often arises in the background of chronic anxiety, but more patients mainly manifest as symptoms of chronic anxiety.

It is difficult to distinguish from neurasthenia or other specialized diseases, so it is necessary for the doctor to have a comprehensive and meticulous understanding of the condition to avoid misdiagnosis. Sometimes some necessary auxiliary tests can help rule out organic diseases, such as electrocardiogram, chest x-ray, gastrointestinal angiography, gastroscopy, etc. can help doctors detect diseases.

However, although the subjective symptoms of anxiety disorders are severe, the objective signs are mild or negative.

(2) Acute anxiety: mainly manifested as panic-like attacks, which occur more often in night sleep, have a feeling of imminent death, respiratory alkali poisoning caused by excessive breathing caused by panic (excessive carbon dioxide exhalation leads to alkaline blood), and will induce numbness in the limbs, numbness around the mouth, pallor, abdominal distension and other physical symptoms, further aggravating the patient's fear, so that the patient's mental collapse.

When such patients go to the hospital, they are often very emotional and nervous, often giving doctors the illusion of a cardiovascular disease attack. Typically, an acute anxiety attack lasts for a few minutes or hours, and symptoms can be relieved or disappeared when the episode has passed or after appropriate treatment.

How can anxiety disorders be psychologically regulated?

How do I make psychological adjustments?

1. Get enough sleep

Getting plenty of rest and getting enough sleep is a recipe for reducing anxiety.

2. Stay optimistic

When you lack confidence, imagine past achievements, or imagine your success. You will quickly resolve your anxiety and anxiety and regain your self-confidence.

3. Self-hypnosis

This is a great way to relieve tension and anxiety. Give yourself some positive, quiet or healing images – imagine yourself lying on a sunny beach with the cool sea breeze blowing... Try it, maybe with unexpected results.

4. Take a deep breath

When you are faced with emotional tension, you may wish to take a deep breath to help relieve stress and eliminate anxiety and tension.

5. Divert attention

If the work in front of you makes you nervous, you can temporarily divert your attention and turn your eyes to the window, which is also to relax the eyes and other parts of the body at the right time, so as to temporarily relieve the pressure in front of you. You can even get up and walk around, temporarily avoiding the low-tide work atmosphere.

Image: From the web

Text: Consultant Hong

How can anxiety disorders be psychologically regulated?

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