
What do you eat for breakfast on two days of my family's weekend? Four pairings a day, delicious and easy to make, suitable for autumn eating

author:Tien Shan cocoa

In my house, Saturdays and Sundays are counted as weekends, and I can sleep until I wake up naturally every day. Breakfast can also be eaten as a brunch, you can eat breakfast between 10 o'clock and 11 o'clock, and you can eat as much as you want. In the strict sense, Friday is the weekend, but the data says that the weekend originally referred to Friday after work to Sunday night, after the implementation of the five-day work system, refers to the last two days of the week. That is, Saturday and Sunday are weekends. Ha, my family can also keep up with the rhythm, friends, what day is your weekend? What do you eat for breakfast on two days of my family's weekend? Four pairings a day, delicious and easy to make, suitable for autumn eating

What do you eat for breakfast on two days of my family's weekend? Four pairings a day, delicious and easy to make, suitable for autumn eating

Weekend breakfast, generally my family is very casual to eat, lunch is the main meal, generally will make something delicious, to treat the hard work of the week of office workers. Today's weekend breakfast is four kinds of pairing every day, milk and red bean porridge are available, flapjacks and oil towers are also available, the dish is fried casually, it looks relatively simple, and it takes ten minutes to do it, which is really a lazy breakfast.

Saturday breakfast

Staple food: oil tower + milk + fried sausage

Dish: Stir-fried soybean sprouts with leeks

Very simple breakfast, four kinds of collocations, get up late in the morning, just make a lazy breakfast, ten minutes to get it done, the family is very comfortable to eat.

What do you eat for breakfast on two days of my family's weekend? Four pairings a day, delicious and easy to make, suitable for autumn eating

Leek fried soybean sprouts, this is my home-style fast dish, leeks washed, soybean sprouts washed, first a little ginger stir-fried out of the aroma, and then under the soybean sprouts high-fire stir-fry, fried out of the aroma, under the leeks. Add salt and chicken essence, stir-fry a few times to come out, leeks can not be fried for a long time, become soft out of the pot, tender and delicious.

What do you eat for breakfast on two days of my family's weekend? Four pairings a day, delicious and easy to make, suitable for autumn eating

Oil tower, is Xinjiang characteristic noodles, generally do early with powder soup to eat, oil tower color white oil bright, thin like paper, many layers, more oil but not greasy, soft and not sticky, suitable for all ages. For example, the Uyghurs in Ili, Xinjiang, in addition to making oil towers with white noodles and oil, have also extended the content of oil towers to make an oil tower called "Seviz" (that is, Huang Ji Bu Oil Tower). There are generally three kinds of oil towers: butter, mutton oil and rapeseed oil. If you eat it with ball soup in a ball soup shop, the oil tower is eaten with ball soup, and these two are a perfect match.

This is what I bought cold and fresh on the e-commerce platform, the taste is not fresh and delicious, not very authentic, the oil tower is not clear, I just want to taste how it tastes, I want to make breakfast later, the result is very disappointed to use a steamer to heat in the morning, a few minutes on it.

What do you eat for breakfast on two days of my family's weekend? Four pairings a day, delicious and easy to make, suitable for autumn eating

Fried sausages, sausages My family always prepares, that is, fried rice or make breakfast or what occasionally eat a little, this time fried fried, make breakfast, change the taste of it.

What do you eat for breakfast on two days of my family's weekend? Four pairings a day, delicious and easy to make, suitable for autumn eating

Milk, which I have at home, is available almost every day, buy a box of 20 packs at a time and drink for a while, just right for breakfast to cook a sachet per person.

What do you eat for breakfast on two days of my family's weekend? Four pairings a day, delicious and easy to make, suitable for autumn eating

Sunday breakfast

Staple food: red bean porridge + flapjacks

Dish: Stir-fried artemisia annua

Fruit: Red heart dragon fruit

Looking at the porridge and flapjacks to cook is very complicated, in fact, the porridge is pre-ordered by the electric pressure cooker, and the flapjack dough is reconciled in advance and kept fresh in the refrigerator, so it is not troublesome to do.

What do you eat for breakfast on two days of my family's weekend? Four pairings a day, delicious and easy to make, suitable for autumn eating

Stir-fried artemisia, perhaps many small partners, have long noticed, in my home breakfast or lunch, the appearance rate is very high, this is my family love to eat, although the price is more expensive than other vegetables, but love to eat is not like other, the big fire fried out, really fresh and beautiful to eat, a few minutes is a plate on the table to eat.

What do you eat for breakfast on two days of my family's weekend? Four pairings a day, delicious and easy to make, suitable for autumn eating

Flapjacks, I generally bake cakes are in advance and good dough more awake to wake up noodles, so that the baked cake is very soft and delicious, put in the refrigerator in the cold fresh dough, in the morning up can be directly kneaded into a cake blank, with a pan to bake into two sides of the bulge, you can out of the pot, you need to master a certain degree of heat and technology, in order to bake a good cake yo.

What do you eat for breakfast on two days of my family's weekend? Four pairings a day, delicious and easy to make, suitable for autumn eating

Dragon fruit, which was bought by the girlfriend, I cut one for breakfast as an after-dinner fruit

Share a small way to cure constipation by eating dragon fruit

If you are constipated, you can eat dragon fruit while drinking milk, eat less than 10 minutes, you have to go to the toilet, constipation is good, try not to be happy, small partners, often constipated can try this method.

What do you eat for breakfast on two days of my family's weekend? Four pairings a day, delicious and easy to make, suitable for autumn eating

Red bean porridge, added red dates and rice, glutinous rice together with the electric pressure cooker reservation, especially convenient, there is an electric pressure cooker at home, boiling mixed grain porridge is really very convenient. Soft sticky aroma, save time and effort.

What do you eat for breakfast on two days of my family's weekend? Four pairings a day, delicious and easy to make, suitable for autumn eating

My family weekend breakfast, is so simple and delicious, but also take care of the taste of the family, not like some of the small partners left a message, my family breakfast is too complicated, eat not nutritious, his family is every day to drink a pack of milk, eat an egg on the line, that is your taste, everyone's taste is different, eating habits are not the same, no matter how good the food, suitable for the family and themselves on the line. The others that don't fit are all white.

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Cocoa cuisine, the most concerned thing is the family's three meals a day, the biggest hobby is to create a variety of cuisines. Recipes are just the process of sharing your own food, not the only criterion. Share good food and fun every day, follow me, enjoy the food without getting lost.

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