
Video 丨 Snow health: diet nourishes yin and dryness, and exercise pays attention to the right amount

author:Shangguan News
Video 丨 Snow health: diet nourishes yin and dryness, and exercise pays attention to the right amount

Today is the "heavy snow" of the twenty-four solar terms, which is the third solar term of winter. The arrival of heavy snow means that the weather is getting colder. Our body also needs to strengthen nutrition and maintain vitality on the basis of doing a good job of cold protection and warmth. Winter supplements, how to eat, how to exercise in order to maintain health? We consulted Liu Jing, director of the Department of Internal Medicine of the Shimen Yilu Outpatient Department of Shanghai Municipal Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Video 丨 Snow health: diet nourishes yin and dryness, and exercise pays attention to the right amount

From the perspective of Chinese medicine, the snow festival is a great time for winter supplementation. Dr. Liu explained that because the winter supplement has two benefits: one is to improve the body's immune function, promote metabolism, and promote the ability to resist cold; the other is to convert the energy of nutrients into the body, stored in the body, laying a good foundation for the spring of the following year. There is also a folk proverb related to this: "Winter supplements, spring to fight tigers." ”

Video 丨 Snow health: diet nourishes yin and dryness, and exercise pays attention to the right amount

Dr. Liu listed some foods that are suitable for winter, let's take a look.

mutton. Lamb is warm and weak, which is good for the liver, kidneys and stomach; lamb can also promote blood circulation, promote the secretion of digestive enzymes in the human stomach, and can be better digested and absorbed. In winter, we can put lamb, yam and goji berries together to cook porridge. This is more suitable for some people who are afraid of cold, tepid limbs and have a bad appetite. Chinese medicine has a very famous recipe: angelica ginger mutton soup, which is also very suitable for eating this season.

duck. We usually use cordyceps to stew duck in winter. Cordyceps can increase immunity, benefit the lungs and kidneys, while ducks are cool and very rich in protein. Cordyceps stewed duck, can be lungs and kidneys with supplementation, especially good for some cough, asthma patients, for the lungs weak, lung and kidney deficiency patients will also play a good role.

Hot porridge. We can cook sweet potatoes, millet and japonica rice together. Because japonica rice is healthy and nourishes the spleen, millet nourishes the yin and nourishes the blood, which helps sleep. Sweet potato deficiency, these three things cooked together, can replenish the qi and stomach, nourish the yin and dry.

vegetable. For example, lotus root, radish, Chinese cabbage. Winter is relatively dry, the human body is more likely to catch fire, these vegetables eat a little more, can play a role in nourishing the yin and lowering the fire.

Black food. Winter is suitable for kidney supplementation, black rice, black beans, black sesame seeds, black dates, as well as kelp, sea cucumber, black bone chicken and other black foods are kidney supplements, you can eat a little more in moderation.

fruit. During the snow festival, citrus fruits such as oranges, grapefruit, and oranges are on the market. These fruits are rich in vitamins, and to a certain extent, they can also play a role in preventing rhinitis, eliminating phlegm and cough.

Video 丨 Snow health: diet nourishes yin and dryness, and exercise pays attention to the right amount

In terms of rest, Chinese medicine has always said that in winter, you must go to bed early and get up late to bring daylight. It means that you should not stay up late at night to go to bed early, so that you can nourish the yang, and it is best to wait until the sun comes out in the morning to get up, and you should also bask in the sun during the day.

In terms of exercise, because of the cold weather in winter, people's mood will be relatively low, and more exercise can improve this state, such as jogging, dancing, playing ball and the like. But we should also pay attention to the following points: first, exercise in the morning should not be too early, because the temperature in the early morning is very low, especially easy to catch a cold; second, exercise is best to be moderate. The right amount of exercise can strengthen the muscles and bones, smooth the blood veins, and enhance the ability to resist cold; the third is not too intense, can not sweat, that will damage the yang qi.