
hateful! Human trafficker technology upgrade, Fujian 5-year-old girl disappeared for 7 hours was transfigured...

Recently, Sun Haiyang, who has been searching for a son for 14 years, finally found his son.

He is the prototype of Zhang Yi's role in the movie "Dear".

On December 6, the abducted child Sun Zhuo traveled from Liaocheng, Shandong Province, to Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, to meet his biological father, Sun Haiyang.

hateful! Human trafficker technology upgrade, Fujian 5-year-old girl disappeared for 7 hours was transfigured...

When Sun Zhuo took off the mask, the tears of Sun Haiyang and his wife suddenly poured out.

They hugged Sun Zhuo tightly while crying, and this scene made people cry.

hateful! Human trafficker technology upgrade, Fujian 5-year-old girl disappeared for 7 hours was transfigured...

Zhang Yi, an actor who played Han Dezhong (based on Sun Haiyang) in the movie "Dear", also posted that he cried after watching the live broadcast and congratulated Sun Haiyang's family on finally being reunited.

hateful! Human trafficker technology upgrade, Fujian 5-year-old girl disappeared for 7 hours was transfigured...

Traffickers have broken countless families and collapsed overnight, which makes people hate it, but today's traffickers still exist, and the means of committing crimes are becoming more and more rampant, parents must look after their children!

Recently, some traffickers have abducted children in this way, making parents invincible!

The 5-year-old daughter of a snack bar owner in Quanzhou plays at the door as usual. My parents were busy with business in the shop.

hateful! Human trafficker technology upgrade, Fujian 5-year-old girl disappeared for 7 hours was transfigured...

At 1 p.m., the shopkeeper found that his daughter was missing, he hurried around to look for it, or disappeared, he quickly called the police.

The police quickly came to the scene, found the surveillance near the snack bar, and found that the child had been taken away by a strange woman of about 50 years old at 9:30 in the morning.

hateful! Human trafficker technology upgrade, Fujian 5-year-old girl disappeared for 7 hours was transfigured...

The police urgently expanded the search, and the shopkeeper also sought contacts to help find it.

At 4 p.m., the store manager received a call from the clerk saying that his daughter had been sent back to the store by a strange woman. And told them that they had controlled the woman.

hateful! Human trafficker technology upgrade, Fujian 5-year-old girl disappeared for 7 hours was transfigured...

Rushing back to the shop, the owner found that his daughter looked different from the morning.

The child's hair was unevenly cut, and the fan coat and dark red trousers worn in the morning became dark infrared sleeves, white pants.

hateful! Human trafficker technology upgrade, Fujian 5-year-old girl disappeared for 7 hours was transfigured...

The store manager asked the mysterious woman why she took her daughter away?

The woman said that she saw that the little girl was pitiful, so she took it away.

When he repeatedly questioned the woman, she did not talk about it.

The police investigation revealed that the woman was mentally ill and that the specific circumstances were still under investigation.

hateful! Human trafficker technology upgrade, Fujian 5-year-old girl disappeared for 7 hours was transfigured...

There are too many doubts about children being taken away

Why cut your child's hair and change clothes? What is this operation? For what purpose?

Some netizens began to suspect that cutting children's hair and changing clothes to change their shape is a common operation of human traffickers to avoid others from recognizing the child's appearance.

Some netizens also said that this middle-aged woman was delirious and perhaps really confused. But why do you think little girls can be pitiful? What exactly did the woman go through?

Others asked, why did this strange woman bring back the child herself, was she afraid?

hateful! Human trafficker technology upgrade, Fujian 5-year-old girl disappeared for 7 hours was transfigured...

The child was taken away, the parents must be frightened, but fortunately it was just a false alarm. But in the face of the accident of the child's disappearance, in fact, the guardian really has to reflect on it.

Is the parents' supervision strong enough?

The child was taken around 9:30 a.m., and the parents were unaware of it, and it wasn't until 1 p.m., that is, more than 3 hours later, that they were surprised to find that the child was missing.

hateful! Human trafficker technology upgrade, Fujian 5-year-old girl disappeared for 7 hours was transfigured...

Is the child's safety awareness too weak?

According to surveillance footage, the 5-year-old girl was led by a woman, with no apparent resistance and behaving normally. If the child knows to say no to a stranger, then it is possible that the parents or others will be aware.

How does a strange woman seduce her child?

The fact that the child is taken away without crying or making a fuss shows that the strange woman used some seemingly friendly ways to attract the child to follow her, and when the child encounters a similar situation, will she be deceived again?

The child is found, but behind the problems that cannot be ignored. Only in this way can we prevent more tragedies.

How many children are gone, how many families are broken

The child is gone, directly shattering a complete family, leaving many families in endless despair and pain.

hateful! Human trafficker technology upgrade, Fujian 5-year-old girl disappeared for 7 hours was transfigured...

And the family that was lucky enough to find a child has also gone through countless hardships, and after the family is ruined, it will take a long time to heal the family's injuries.

The Shen Cong case, which caused a sensation on the whole network before, touched the story of countless people looking for a son.

In Zengcheng in 2005, traffickers snatched his 1-year-old son, Shin Cong, from a rental house, and his wife suffered a severe blow and developed schizophrenia.

Husband Shen Jun embarked on a long and endless road of searching for a son.

hateful! Human trafficker technology upgrade, Fujian 5-year-old girl disappeared for 7 hours was transfigured...

He resigned as a factory supervisor and ran all over Zhuhai, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, and Dongguan alone, asking about his son when he saw people, and going to the streets and alleys to post notices for people.

In Zhuhai alone, he sent 100,000 copies of the search notice, printed a piece of paper for 6 cents, spent all his savings, and borrowed money to continue to look for.

hateful! Human trafficker technology upgrade, Fujian 5-year-old girl disappeared for 7 hours was transfigured...

He first sold the car, and then he sold the house.

In order to save money, he didn't even stay in the hotel, squinted at the corner of the wall when he was tired, and then went to find his son.

In just one year, he had bought more than 200,000 tickets, printing fees, and so on.

Until 2020, after 15 years, he has spent 1.5 million and owed 500,000 yuan.

What was even more sad was that the anxiety, disappointment and pain of that day and night, he gritted his teeth and carried hard, never stopping the pace of searching.

hateful! Human trafficker technology upgrade, Fujian 5-year-old girl disappeared for 7 hours was transfigured...

Finally, he found the son he had been thinking about day and night.

He was 16 years old at the time, and he wondered how every day of his child's growth was spent.

He missed it, and had to make up for it with the rest of his life.

Shen Jun's family is one of the lucky ones of thousands of separated families, and there are families who can't find their children in their lifetime, and they suffer endlessly until they leave the world.

hateful! Human trafficker technology upgrade, Fujian 5-year-old girl disappeared for 7 hours was transfigured...

Prepare the necessary defensive armor for your child

No matter how strictly social laws try to crack down on traffickers, the hearts of bad people are unguardable.

We don't want accidents to happen, but in order to prevent it, it is necessary to prepare the most solid armor for children. To prevent children from getting lost, we must be vigilant.

1, take the child out of the attention can not leave the child, reduce the time to play with the mobile phone or chat with people for a long time.

2, parents should always be clear about the child's whereabouts, where the child is going, with whom to go to the parents should be clear.

3. Teach the child how to dial 110 and tell the child that when he encounters danger, if the parents are not there, he should call the police for help in time.

4. Let children learn to be brave in rejecting others. For example, if a stranger talks to a child or asks for advice, the child must know how to say no.

5. Know who to ask for help. When children and parents get lost, children should learn to seek help from people around them, such as traffic police uncles, waiters in stores, uncles and aunts with children, and others.

hateful! Human trafficker technology upgrade, Fujian 5-year-old girl disappeared for 7 hours was transfigured...

To prevent children from getting lost, every parent should do a good job of safety education for their children as soon as possible. At the same time, we must also let children understand these truths:

1. Life first, property second.

2, do not keep the secrets of bad people, small secrets can be told to parents.

3, you can deceive the bad guys, you can kick and beat the bad guys at the critical time, and take the opportunity to escape.

4. When encountering danger, you can run first.

Children are the lifelong concern of our parents. Children grow up safely and healthily, and parents must not only pay, but also learn how to correctly teach their children to protect themselves.

It is hoped that more separated families will be reunited as soon as possible and that the tragedy will not continue.

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