
"Hangzhou Charm" debuted! Let the world know Hangzhou, understand Hangzhou, and fall in love with Hangzhou

"Hangzhou Charm" debuted! Let the world know Hangzhou, understand Hangzhou, and fall in love with Hangzhou

"I believe that through this book, we will surely enable more friends at home and abroad to have a more three-dimensional understanding of Hangzhou, know Hangzhou, understand Hangzhou, and fall in love with Hangzhou..." This morning, the launch ceremony of the new book "Hangzhou Charm" (published by Zhejiang Education Publishing House) sponsored by the Zhejiang Provincial Association for the Promotion of Culture and Tradition was held at Songxi Lake Academy. At the launch of the new book, cultural scholars, author representatives, and guests told the stories behind the planning, compilation, and publication process of the book. Xue Nianqin, president of the Zhejiang Traditional Culture Promotion Association, said that after that, the English version of "Hangzhou Charm" and digital publications will be published one after another, which is of positive significance for adding color to Hangzhou, inheriting culture, and making Chinese culture "go out".

"Hangzhou Charm" debuted! Let the world know Hangzhou, understand Hangzhou, and fall in love with Hangzhou

Hangzhou has a thousand years of history, profound heritage, long cultural veins, known as "the land has lakes and mountains, the first state in the southeast". Hangzhou West Lake, China's Grand Canal, Liangzhu Ancient City Ruins and other world heritage sites make it famous; ceramic culture, printing culture, silk culture, tea culture, Traditional Chinese medicine culture, calligraphy and painting seal carving culture, religious culture and other Chinese civilization logos shine here; Xianghu Sanjianghui Future City Pioneer Practice Area, Mengqi Town, Dream Town was born here... Modern Hangzhou is full of vitality, known as the city of innovation, digital city, smart city, livable city, exuding innovative charm. The gene of innovation is imprinted in the blood of Hangzhou City.

"Hangzhou Charm" debuted! Let the world know Hangzhou, understand Hangzhou, and fall in love with Hangzhou

"Telling the Chinese story to the world, telling the Story of Hangzhou well, interpreting the connotation of 'Charm', and allowing readers to truly appreciate the charm of Hangzhou, feel the culture of Hangzhou, and enhance cultural confidence in a variety of ways such as visual and auditory through reading is the original intention of the book "Hangzhou Charm"." Wang Jimin, consultant of Zhejiang Traditional Culture Promotion Association and editor-in-chief of "Hangzhou Charm", introduced that the book invited more than 80 authors, such as senior urban planners, the main designer of the emblem of the Asian Games, the president of Alibaba Dharma Academy, famous writers, non-hereditary people, Olympic champions, presidents of the Second Academy of Zhejiang University, famous directors, etc., involving academia, literature, art and other fields, there are leaders, experts, scholars, foreign friends, new Hangzhou people, etc., they write wonderful articles and touching stories from their own unique perspectives. It expresses the recognition of the unique charm of Hangzhou and the deep affection for Hangzhou.

"Hangzhou Charm" debuted! Let the world know Hangzhou, understand Hangzhou, and fall in love with Hangzhou

It is understood that the whole book is divided into six chapters: "Brave Tidehead", "Innovative Charm", "Qiantang Memory", "Poetry, Calligraphy and Painting Printing", "Zen Tea Taste", and "Love in Hangzhou", showing Hangzhou's natural mountains, historical stories, cultural heritage, scientific and technological inventions, cultural celebrities, food and life, as well as information technology, artificial intelligence and other industries that are at the forefront of the times, so that readers can understand the profound cultural heritage of Hangzhou, experience the incomparable innovative charm of Today's Hangzhou, and especially show the practice and innovation achievements of socialism with Chinese characteristics in Zhejiang. Highlight the achievements of reform and opening up for more than 40 years, in the current era of Zhejiang's high-quality development and construction of common prosperity demonstration zone, look back at the past, look forward to the future, and taste the unique charm of Hangzhou's thousand-year-old ancient capital.

"Hangzhou Charm" debuted! Let the world know Hangzhou, understand Hangzhou, and fall in love with Hangzhou

In the "Brave Tide" and "Innovative Charm", there is an introduction to create "Digital Wisdom Hangzhou? Livable Paradise" Xianghu? The Future of Sanjianghui"; there is "Hangcheng on the Clouds" with feelings, dreams, innovation and temperature; there is "The Past and Present Life of Leifeng Pagoda" of non-hereditary inheritors; there is "One Person, One Road, One School" that shows the spirit and history of Huixing Middle School daring to be the first in the world... Hangzhou's spirit of innovation and the blueprint for the future unfold slowly between the lines. In "Qiantang Memory", "Hangzhou", "Old Mayor" Su Dongpo" writes the sweat and wisdom of the ancients in building Hangzhou; "Dongxiao Song Yun" takes us back to lift culture, activate cultural memory, and raise sails for the creation of another golden business card in Hangzhou; Zhang Xiaoquan, Hu Qingyutang, Qianning Zhai and other old brands mentioned in "Hangzhou Time-honored Brand" are the pride of Hangzhou. "Zen Tea Yiwei" shows the urban character of Hangzhou, where multiple religions coexist.

"Hangzhou Charm" debuted! Let the world know Hangzhou, understand Hangzhou, and fall in love with Hangzhou

It is worth mentioning that "Hangzhou Charm" is not only the text and beauty of the article, but also comes with more than 350 new and old photos. Among these photos are exquisite photos of Hangzhou's West Lake, Xianghu Lake, Grand Canal, Fuchun River, Xixi Wetland and other places, there are precious historical photos such as Guleifeng Pagoda, Tangqi in the old times, Qiushi Academy, Central Aviation School, Zhonghang Factory, etc., as well as photos with modern characteristics such as Sanjianghui City Community, Dream Town, and Hangzhou International Animation Festival. The book's more than 30 wonderful videos show the cultural roots of Hangzhou in a bird's eye view, no matter when and where, readers can scan the QR code in the book, and they can immediately experience a different wonderful Hangzhou charm.

Author: Liu Haibo

Editor: Fu Xinxin

Editor-in-charge: Jiang Ping

*Wenhui exclusive manuscript, please indicate the source when reprinting.

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