
Bobo: Everybody's attacking the box to create three-point shots, which is boring but that's the game

Bobo: Everybody's attacking the box to create three-point shots, which is boring but that's the game

Live Bar Dec. 28 – At 9:30 a.m. this morning, the Spurs will host the Jazz. Popovich was interviewed before the game.

Referring to the NBA's daily players triggering health and safety agreements, Popovich said: "We're not lone rangers, every team is going through that. It's part of our lives. ”

Speaking about the current way of playing, Popovich said: "This is the NBA this year, everyone is attacking the paint so they can get a three-point shot. It's boring, but that's the game. ”

Popovich said that the analysis has been an important driving force for the (game) change.

(Snake Man Sherman)

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