
5 book names to dissuade the content but good historical overhead novel, the plot is wonderful and interesting, it is worth reading at one time

Book Title: Su Kitchen

Author: Erzi Congzhou, Word Count: 4.8 Million Words, Chapter: 1851 Chapter, Status: Completed

Introduction: Governing a big country is like cooking small fresh, so this is a story of foodies ruling the country, starting from the fourth year of the Northern Song Dynasty

This is an alternate history type of novel, and the book that was strongly promoted this week is a historical cross-article. The book is not bad, writing about the historical background of the Northern Song Dynasty. Some people say that this is Xiaobaiwen, in fact, the definition of Xiaobaiwen is? Little White Text? I don't know how you define it, just a few of the poems, you can't find such a level in the small white text, right? And a lot of text rhyme you can't read? As for invention, how do you improve eating without inventing? Technology is the means, eating is the end, even if the transformation and invention is dense, it can not hide the highlights of the book. Anxious to define the small white text, it is inevitable that it is too subjective, it is not easy to leave if it is not satisfactory, it is not easy to write a book, and it is not necessary to raise your hand.

Book Title: Spring and Autumn Little Lords

Author: Red Tiger, Word Count: 1.88 million words, Chapters: 391 chapters, Status: Completed

Introduction: The Spring and Autumn Period is the root of Chinese civilization, because more than half of China's surnames were formed in the Spring and Autumn Period, more than half of the idioms were formed in the Spring and Autumn Period, and the origin of our culture was also in the Spring and Autumn Period... Because of this history, we have left us with the most glorious legacy in human history. For a fortuitous reason, a certain man crossed over to the Spring and Autumn Period and became a small feudal lord in the Spring and Autumn Period. He was lucky because he came to this great era... The hegemonic country, becoming a small nobleman with no worries, with a little effort can become a "nobleman" who holds the right to speak, he has his own territory, his own private army, his own family and vassal group... However, he was also unfortunate, because in this turbulent era, the struggle between the secretaries of state was always bloody, the losers were exterminated, and the fight of the secretaries of the Jin Dynasty was particularly tragic in this era. Unfortunately, this crosser is incarnated by the legendary "Orphan of Zhao"...

This is a novel of the ancient pre-Qin genre, the book of the Red Tiger, the male protagonist. The protagonist "inherited" Dao is collectively known as the Orphan of the Zhao Family, and in the late Spring and Autumn Period, he carries the story of the rise of the Zhao family, and has no title and no hegemony. The Spring and Autumn Period is the root of Chinese civilization, and whenever I read that this plot written by the author is the prototype of a certain allusion, it is really a great insight. The Red Tiger's book has always had a deep and very pleasant feeling to read, and this one can give you a sense of excitement and novelty in the bloody struggle between the secretaries of state, after all, the lords have the army in their hands to fight without talking, not like an official struggle. The protagonist also does not climb the technology tree randomly, and can only use thousands of years of insight to develop a little bit of the process that conditions allow while integrating into the ancients. The writing is smooth, the writing is no major bugs, give the fairy grass!

Book Title: Covering Yin Shang

Author: Qiu Qingli, word count: 3.23 million words, chapter: 836 chapters, status: completed

Introduction: Three thousand years ago, blood-colored merchants. Shrouded in mist, the mysterious dynasty, the worship of ghosts and gods, the blood sacrifice, and the lowly people are wantonly slaughtered. A human animal survived the ritual of sacrifice to the heavens. In this era, witches and ghosts are rampant, and demonic flames are fierce. The reborn slave is against a terrible and vicious powerful country

This is an alternate history genre novel, recommended index: four stars. At present, I have just seen a hundred chapters, and I personally feel that it is not bad Overhead history + low magic world. Rare crossing to something like Yin Shang, farming and competing for supremacy, right? Pig's foot modern professional boxer through the Yin merchant slave society to become a slave, and then climb up? At present, the hundred chapters are still fighting slaves, similar to Sparta... Low devils have a bit of a taste of mountains and seas. Personally feel that it is not bad at present, it is recommended to have a detour of cleanliness and spiritual cleanliness, I don't know if the comment area is not very friendly for this reason, the spray people are a bit more, I don't know if it will be better to see the shelves, I may be used to seeing the small white text and the history control is a little uncomfortable. Unorthodox historical texts

Title: The Great Controversy

Author: Yue Guan, Word Count: 1.09 million words, Chapters: 242 chapters, Status: Completed

Introduction: The reborn prince, Zhongni is full of spirit, Yanzi is dying of old age, Sun Wu has not completed the military book, and the doctor is fighting for the strong Jin will die... As the Son of Man, the courage to crown the world, a revenge, the world moves - a big husband, such is enough. When you are walking, looking at the crab leaf, where is the Autumn Water Yiren, the city corner Sanglin, the quiet woman is hesitating, Guan Guan Ju Dove, and there are more gentlemen and good boys- good boys, what do you want? In the world of great controversy, the world is asking for the most important thing, and the celebration is not dead, what about the world?

This is an ancient pre-Qin type of novel, this is the best historical novel I have ever seen, Yue Guan's world of great controversy makes me feel addicted, I have always thought that Yue Guan to write the female protagonist is much better than writing the protagonist, but I am the absolute protagonist control, Hui Ming is good, but I prefer Han Youniang, rather than Yang Ling, but this world of great controversy, whether it is the male protagonist or the female protagonist wrote is particularly outstanding, especially the male protagonist, forgive my fan sister said, really like the male protagonist in the idol drama, unfortunately, this book is too short.

Book Title: I am a primitive man

Author: Mo Shoubai, Word Count: 4.2 Million Words, Chapter: 1336 Chapters, Status: Completed

Introduction: The sky is as blue as a wash, the sun shines on the mountains and forests, and the whole world seems to be quiet and peaceful, with a unique tranquility. Looking at the leader wearing a sexy tiger skin short skirt with a stick in his hand and more than a dozen people screaming to chase after the leader of the woolly rhinoceros, Han Cheng couldn't help but put his slightly curled right hand to his slightly open mouth, and once again sighed: "My God! ”

This is an ancient pre-Qin type of novel, pig's foot has no system, no magical power. If nothing else, this is a real primitive person, and this book is worth a look! The most annoying of those original texts in the protagonist travels through the past, primitive people do not look like primitive people, but are similar to modern people. Also, some women will suddenly appear in some primitive texts, and those women will be ugly in the eyes of other primitive people. In the eyes of the pig's feet, they are all melon faces, S-shaped figures. Disgust Compared to this, the book is very good, the only drawback is that the author is a bit wordy.

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