
Netizens gave the LPL team rating, EDG is the only S grade, BLG is not A level for Beifeng to question

Recently, some netizens have sorted out the ratings of the major teams in the LPL in 2022 on the Internet, and this time there is b+ in the rating situation. Instead, it directly took out the previous S, A+, A and other groupings to rank! Among them, there is only one team in the S group, that is, the EDG team. For this grouping situation, Beifeng, the anchor from the Huya League of Legends section, also said that EDG is in the S group, after all, it has just won the championship, and all the staff are still in the team!

Netizens gave the LPL team rating, EDG is the only S grade, BLG is not A level for Beifeng to question
Netizens gave the LPL team rating, EDG is the only S grade, BLG is not A level for Beifeng to question

As for the A+ team netizens think so, they feel that there are a total of 3 A+ teams, which are TES, RNG, LNG and other teams. Beifeng said that the performance of the TES team in this German Cup is definitely worthy of this grouping, and it is even impossible to say that they can be ranked in group S. And RNG and LNG ranked A+ is a bit unreasonable, because there are still many other teams with the same rating as them.

Netizens gave the LPL team rating, EDG is the only S grade, BLG is not A level for Beifeng to question

Beifeng said that RNG and LNG are estimated to be unable to reach the height of TES, at least the strength shown so far is not possible, and the grouping of A groups that netizens think is BLP, FPX, WBG, V5, JDG and other teams. Beifeng said that BRG has the addition of Gods, and Liu Qingsong's joining, no matter how you can break the wrist with RNG and other teams, how to line up here. Many people may think that Uzi does not have many opportunities to play, of course, this is also one of the factors to consider.

Netizens gave the LPL team rating, EDG is the only S grade, BLG is not A level for Beifeng to question

As for the WBG side, Beifeng believes that it is also possible to break the wrist with RNG, after all, the addition of TheShy, the return of the snake snake, will raise this team up a notch no matter what, of course, these two teams have a problem is that they need to run in, and the run-in time is longer than the RNG time, perhaps this is the main reason why netizens will be grouped like this. Beifeng said that this group only has reference value, and the specific situation can only be revealed until the official start of the competition.

Netizens gave the LPL team rating, EDG is the only S grade, BLG is not A level for Beifeng to question

Do you have any other views on this? Welcome to discuss. Talk about the ratings of these teams in your mind and see if they really match this one.

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