
Foreign media Kotaku released the list of the top ten annual games in 2021

Recently, foreign media Kotaku unveiled their selection of the top ten games of the year in 2021:

Foreign media Kotaku released the list of the top ten annual games in 2021

1. Resident Evil: The Village

2.《Lost in random》

3. Killer 3

4. "Two-Person Trip"

5. Ricky and Jingle: Time-Time Jump

6. "The Ascent Ascending Battlefield"

7. Brain Voyager 2

8. Halo: Infinity

9. Forza Horizon 5

10. Marvel Guardians of the Galaxy

In addition, they said that the list was ranked in no particular order. Because for them, there are still a lot of boutique games that are still worth a try. For example, Resident Evil 4VR, Kona: Bridge of Spirits, and Death Loop, among others.

Foreign media Kotaku released the list of the top ten annual games in 2021

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