
James defeated the number one "Zhan Black"! The all-out game still didn't help, what happened to the Lakers

The high-profile Christmas war slowly began, and after the lack of Durant, Anthony Davis and Irving, the Head-to-Head-to-Head between the Lakers and the Nets did lack a little "star flavor", but in the case of both sides being disabled, the two teams still worked together to provide fans with a wonderful game. After the end of the third quarter, the Nets had an early 20-point lead and seemed to have decided the outcome of the game, but after the start of the fourth quarter, the Lakers opened a counterattack mode under the leadership of LeBron James, once playing a 17-0 attack wave and equalizing in the final moments. But in the end, the Brooklyn Nets still relied on the steady play of Mills and Harden in the decisive moment of the game to take away the victory of this game.

James defeated the number one "Zhan Black"! The all-out game still didn't help, what happened to the Lakers

In the whole game, The Lakers' number one star James played a total of 40 minutes of game time, hit 14 goals in 25 shots, and very efficiently cut 39 points, 9 rebounds, 7 assists and 3 steals. Some time ago, James's "loose" performance on the defensive end had once aroused the doubts of many fans, but in this game, James has almost done his best, even if he was tragically blocked by Clarkston at the end of the game, he also bravely stood in front of Clarkston. After the end of the game, LeBron James lowered his head and slowly walked into the players' tunnel, and it was clear that "All-Out Zhan" could not save the currently dilapidated Lakers.

James defeated the number one "Zhan Black"! The all-out game still didn't help, what happened to the Lakers

Speaking of the name Skip Bayless, fans who often pay attention to the sports media should be no stranger, he is the world's "famous" number one Zhan Black, in some previous games, even if James played a very wonderful performance, he can also pick out the bones from the egg and make James "black" useless. It is reported that the number one Zhan Hei's skip earns up to millions of dollars a year, and it turns out that the "number one Zhan Hei" can also have such a considerable income. However, after the end of the game, the number one Jenhei did not point the finger at James for the loss of this game, but turned the wind direction and opened the taunt mode to Westbrook, who was 4 of 20.

James defeated the number one "Zhan Black"! The all-out game still didn't help, what happened to the Lakers

Skip said: "Patti Mills has done better than Russell Westbrook on any night, Patty is a key shooter, an intangible asset of the victors, and Westbrook is a bad pitcher and turnover machine, he is more interested in data than winning. The Nets won the Lakers because they had Patty, and the Lakers had Westbrook. Obviously, James's insoluble performance in this game has made the number one Zhan Hei unable to find a "black spot", so he can only choose to spray at the offensive end of the sluggish Wei Shao.

James defeated the number one "Zhan Black"! The all-out game still didn't help, what happened to the Lakers

In the last five games, the Lakers ushered in a five-game losing streak, losing a total of 76 points, and this score is also a new record for the sum of the lost points difference in the five consecutive games of the team James has played, refreshing the record of 74 points lost in 5 games in the Cavaliers in 18 years, which is undoubtedly a "mileage sad" journey for James, who is nearly 37 years old. In early 2018, the Cleveland Cavaliers ushered in a long-lost trough, and after The send-off of Kyrie Irving, the Many All-Star Cavaliers did not play a good chemistry and eventually fell apart. Obviously, today's Lakers team is even worse than the Cavaliers team of that year, if they do not make a big change, I am afraid that the Lakers will lose more games in the future.

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