
James supported Wei Shao after the game, praised his 2 aspects of doing well, and admitted that he was not very patient

The Lakers lost to the Nets suffered a 5-game losing streak, although they were behind by 23 points in the fourth quarter, but in the last moment they saw the hope of overturning, but unfortunately, Wei Shao's final dunk was blocked by the basket, and the Lakers completely lost the opportunity. In this game, James cut 39 points, 9 rebounds and 7 assists to do his best, but it is a pity that a win is difficult to find. Another giant, Wei Shao, became a sinner on 4-of-20 shooting, and although he cut a triple-double of 13 points, 12 rebounds and 11 assists, he was still attacked by the media, and Wei Shao refused to be interviewed after the game, which was enough to see how bad his mood was after losing.

James supported Wei Shao after the game, praised his 2 aspects of doing well, and admitted that he was not very patient

Indeed, in such an important game, Wei Shao not only failed to stand up to help, but became a burden on the field, plus and minus -23 the lowest in the whole team, it is difficult to bear the name of the giant, which is quite disappointing, and the call for a deal on Wei Shao has once again sounded in the comments of many fans, but despite this, James still supported Wei Shao in the post-game interview and praised him for his contribution in two aspects.

James supported Wei Shao after the game, praised his 2 aspects of doing well, and admitted that he was not very patient

James said: "One night when he shot inaccurately, he lost a lot of balls near the basket and used to be a regular one, but he made spectacular decisions on the court, he gave 11 assists, he grabbed a lot of rebounds, he played very hard, he gave everything on the court, I don't have any objection to that.

James supported Wei Shao after the game, praised his 2 aspects of doing well, and admitted that he was not very patient

James did not blame Westbrook, let alone fall, but praised his passing and rebounding on the court to help the team. In fact, James, as the boss of the team, was able to stand up for Wei Shao at this time, and to a large extent, he also fought back against the doubts of the outside world and maintained the harmony of the locker room. In the interview, when asked how patient he was with the current situation of the team, James said something intriguing!

James said: "I'm not a very patient person, but our manager hasn't come back yet, just a couple of players coming back, but there are still some absences, I just try to balance it out, but nobody feels bad for us.

James supported Wei Shao after the game, praised his 2 aspects of doing well, and admitted that he was not very patient

Indeed, the Lakers' problem is not only in Wei Shao, the head coach triggered a health and safety agreement, a number of main players are absent, thick eyebrows have also been suspended for a long time due to injury, the team has used 18 sets of starting lineups so far this season, there is no stability at all, Wei Shao's state is unstable, in fact, it is just one of the Many Problems of the Lakers. It doesn't seem realistic to blame him completely, as one of the team's 3 giants, he should be responsible, but it is not the fundamental problem of the Lakers, after James and Wei Shaotong cut 30+ games, they also lost.

James supported Wei Shao after the game, praised his 2 aspects of doing well, and admitted that he was not very patient

Perhaps what the Lakers have to do next is to patiently wait for the return of the injured, ensure that the team has a stable rotation lineup, take advantage of the buffer period in the middle of the season, watch the effect after completing the run-in, and if there is no hope before the season trade deadline, then the management should really consider pulling the trigger of the transaction.

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