
The official service trailer | in the clouds of a thousand colors The Jade City opened

The 2022 Millennium Colors in the Clouds race year is about to begin

S26-S29 season, the annual theme of "In a Thousand Colors in the Clouds" will be gradually presented!

As the opening season of the Year in the Clouds of Colors, the story of S26 will begin with the Jade City, known as the Flower of the Desert, where a prophecy of a "destined hero" is circulated

The place where the wind passes leaves only a silence, and the place where the jade pillar stands brings a piece of prosperity;

The god who is buried in the earth signs a thousand-year contract with the king, jade city longs for eternal life, and jade city prays for eternity;

When the Ychi built the jade pillar, God would swear to promise:

On the day when the twelve jade pillars are formed, when the eternal prosperity comes, when the destined hero holds aloft the jade blade,

I see the fireworks in the sky, I see the night that never sleeps, I see the perfect city like jade that never fades,

Like a dream, brilliant, brilliant, momentary, but eternal...

The day of the prophecy is approaching, but the Grand Prince of Yucheng faintly smells a hint of danger, concerning his dearest brother Sheng...

When the cherished person can only choose one or the cherished dream, when the hero's fate and the fate of the jade city can only choose one, what kind of choice will be made

Xiao Daji and everyone are looking forward to the new story of the son of Jade City in the new season of S26

Small TIPS

The boots worn by the sun, inspired by Persian war boots, were first used for the convenience of horseback riders to pedal stirrups, and later became quite popular among aristocratic men

The official service trailer | in the clouds of a thousand colors The Jade City opened
The official service trailer | in the clouds of a thousand colors The Jade City opened
The official service trailer | in the clouds of a thousand colors The Jade City opened
The official service trailer | in the clouds of a thousand colors The Jade City opened
The official service trailer | in the clouds of a thousand colors The Jade City opened

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