
How many steps per day is the healthiest? How many steps can your body withstand?

How many steps did you take today? "Walking" has become a part of many people's lives, and "sunshine steps" has also become a trend in the WeChat circle of friends.

In order to fight for the ranking, many small partners walk tens of thousands of steps or even tens of thousands of steps a day! There is no highest, only higher! If you climb to the top of the circle of friends list one day, you will really be too proud to do it...

In everyone's concept, walking is the best longevity medicine! So, walking more is definitely good for the body, but is that really the case?

Orthopedic experts pointed out that although walking exercise is conducive to health, but exercise should master the appropriate method, blindly walking a lot may damage the legs!

How many steps per day is the healthiest? How many steps can your body withstand?

Seven hazards of excessive walking

1. Synovitis

Knee synovitis is a sterile form of inflammation caused by knee sprains and various intra-articular injuries. Abnormal synovial function can cause the joint fluid to not be generated and absorbed normally, and the knee joint will accumulate fluid.

Morphological changes in the synovium can also invade the cartilage of the knee joint, and if not treated in time, it will lead to osteoarthritis of the knee joint, and there is a great crisis of disability.

How many steps per day is the healthiest? How many steps can your body withstand?

2. Knee effusion

Our upright walking knee joint is subjected to such a pressure of conductive weight, from the joint itself, as long as you start walking, the joint is a loss of parts, will definitely be the cartilage of the joint.

The meniscus of the joint, the ligament tissue around the joint wear and irritation, the cause of knee effusion is that you use an excessive amount to stimulate the joint, the joint cartilage bears a large force to produce synovitis and finally produce effusion.

How many steps per day is the healthiest? How many steps can your body withstand?

Knee effusion will not only bring us a certain sense of pain, once the pain is very uncomfortable, knee hydrops in osteoarthritis, synovitis patients are very common, knee hydrops, will seriously affect the movement of the knee joint.

And if this disease is not treated in time, it will not only affect walking, but also lead to disability if it is serious.

How many steps per day is the healthiest? How many steps can your body withstand?

3. Fracture of the thigh

It is estimated that the movement mode may be incorrect when exercising, or the personal bone density cause, more likely to fracture, the knee joint is more likely to be damaged during exercise, pay attention to protect the knee joint.

How many steps per day is the healthiest? How many steps can your body withstand?

4. Joint pain

If pain occurs in or near the joint and involves joint dysfunction, ligament strain should be considered.

In addition, due to the weak strength of women, it is easy to have knee meniscus injuries when exercising. Fatigue fractures or periostitis may also occur.

How many steps per day is the healthiest? How many steps can your body withstand?

5. Muscle soreness

People who have just begun to move, people who have stopped being active for a long time and then resumed their activities, or people who change the content of new activities will cause muscle soreness in a certain part, which is a normal phenomenon.

If the muscles continue to ache, check for damage to the muscle soft tissues.

How many steps per day is the healthiest? How many steps can your body withstand?

6. Heavy sweating on the chest

Exercise generally sweats, if the exercise is excessive, the front chest sweats heavily, accompanied by shortness of breath, it may be a signal that the heart is affected, because sweat is the fluid of the heart, at this time should immediately stop strenuous exercise.

How many steps per day is the healthiest? How many steps can your body withstand?

7. Dizziness

During fitness activities, you should not feel dizzy except when you start practicing certain rotational movements. If prolonged or transient dizziness and nausea occur, it is a sign of insufficient blood supply to the brain, and the cerebrovascular system and cervical spine should be examined in time.

How many steps per day is the healthiest? How many steps can your body withstand?

How many steps can your body withstand per day?

Everyone is subjected to different amounts of exercise. If you usually have exercise habits, it is not difficult to take 10,000 steps and 20,000 steps a day.

But people who usually lack exercise, suddenly walking 20,000 steps in a day, may cause too much burden on the cardiovascular system and the motor system. If this is done continuously, joint, ligament, and bone injuries may occur.

For middle-aged and elderly people, you can adhere to light-load exercise for more than 30 minutes a day, but not more than 1 hour. If converted to the number of steps, it is about 5000 to 10000 steps.

How many steps per day is the healthiest? How many steps can your body withstand?

The various walking rankings in the circle of friends can indeed drive everyone to exercise and fitness, which is a good phenomenon.

However, if you compete because of the ranking, you may lose the meaning of the exercise itself, especially blindly increasing the amount of walking in order to rush the list, but it will hurt your health!

How many steps per day is the healthiest? How many steps can your body withstand?

What is the healthiest way to go?

Whether it's hiking or walking, it can play a role in exercising. Experts believe that walking 6,000 steps a day to achieve the effect of fitness, why is this? As the saying goes, "If you walk a hundred steps after a meal, you can live ninety-nine."

Every day, we walk a few steps to the toilet, a few steps up and down the stairs, a few steps in the office... But in addition to these fragmentary steps, being able to take 6,000 steps a day in one breath can really improve everyone's health.

As long as you complete these 6,000 steps in one breath and persist in a long time, your health will improve qualitatively. The best time to exercise is from 8:00 to 10:00 in the morning.

How many steps per day is the healthiest? How many steps can your body withstand?

The heart beats 100,000 times a day to beat out blood, and after the blood goes out, it has to return to the heart, who is at work? It is 640 muscles of the whole body.

As long as the muscles move, they will squeeze the blood back into the heart, our eyes open, close, and open again, and the eyelids can squeeze the blood on the eyeball back into the heart; we walk, and each step we take is equivalent to squeezing the blood on the foot back into the heart.

The way to make the heart feel better by walking is actually very simple: swing your arms up, preferably shoulder to shoulder level, and take the steps to breathe. Sticking to it for 15 to 20 minutes a day is more effective than walking for two hours.

How many steps per day is the healthiest? How many steps can your body withstand?

The benefits of sticking to walking

1. Improve immunity

Research at Loughborough University in the United Kingdom also found that brisk walking every day can improve immunity, reducing the chance of colds and respiratory diseases by 30%.

How many steps per day is the healthiest? How many steps can your body withstand?

2. Prevent heart disease

Walking for 30 minutes a day can maintain the health of cardiopulmonary function.

3. Avoid fatty liver

Studies have found that people who walk regularly have better blood circulation. Blood can flow to the ends of many microvascular vessels that accumulate in the liver, and the metabolic function of the liver is good.

How many steps per day is the healthiest? How many steps can your body withstand?

4. Prevention of arteriosclerosis

Walking for more than 20 minutes helps to break down and burn neutral fat in the body and prevent arteriosclerosis.

How many steps per day is the healthiest? How many steps can your body withstand?

5. Delay the aging of joints and legs

The American journal "Arthritis and Rheumatism" reported that compared with running, walking has less damage to joints, can delay the decline of joint function, strengthen muscle efficacy, help maintain good ability of lower limbs, and prevent osteoporosis.

How many steps per day is the healthiest? How many steps can your body withstand?

Rhythmic, relatively fast walking improves health reasons

Calorie consumption, conducive to weight control.

Promotes venous return of the lower extremities and protects the heart.

Exercise the body's coordination ability and sense of balance to delay aging.

Move the muscles and bones, unclog the stagnant veins.

Enhances cardiopulmonary function and improves blood circulation.

Relaxes the tired brain and restores energy.

How many steps per day is the healthiest? How many steps can your body withstand?

If you insist on walking in the correct posture every day, you can easily strengthen your physique and improve your immunity! All in all, the best way to exercise is to walk.

But do not blindly "fight the number of steps", on the basis of health, consciously increase and accelerate the pace, integrate exercise into life, increase calorie consumption, and let the "longevity medicine" of walking play the greatest effect!

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