
Ye Luoli: The fairies hide that they like to wear black, but the love princess looks unusual

In the elven dream Ye Luoli, many fairies like to wear black clothes in order to hide their identities, just like the Xin Ling Fairy in the first season, in order to test Wang Mo and Chen Sisi, will wear a black suit to investigate whether they are suitable for being Ye Luoli warriors. It can also be seen from here that Xin Ling Fairy is a very responsible fairy, and she is conscientious in order to ensure that the Ye Luoli warriors will take the dolls who have concluded the contract seriously, and secretly conduct a test.

Ye Luoli: The fairies hide that they like to wear black, but the love princess looks unusual

In fact, after the Xin Ling Fairy put on the dress of the man in black, Queen Mandora learned of this and taunted the Xin Ling Fairy, "How did you wear my clothes?" ”。 After all, wearing black is also a habit of Queen Mandora, and the black dress gives people a blackened feeling, however, with the development of the later plot, many fairies begin to wear black to hide themselves, even good fairies will wear black.

Ye Luoli: The fairies hide that they like to wear black, but the love princess looks unusual

Among the fairies who appear in the later plot who wear black clothes to hide themselves, we should be quite impressed by the royal kings Li Ash and Shi Xi. King Li And Shi Xi did not actually appear in the eighth season, they also appeared in previous episodes, and even the two traveled to the human world together, but the two always appeared in the costume of the Man in Black. It wasn't until the eighth season that the two really revealed their true faces and were familiar to us, and since the eighth season had been broadcast for a year, the topics about Shi Xi and Li Gray were also very rich, so it gave people the illusion that they appeared very early.

Ye Luoli: The fairies hide that they like to wear black, but the love princess looks unusual

The two emperors Li Ash and Shi Xi were wearing the same black dress, there was no slightest difference, in fact, the black clothes worn by the two of them and the black clothes of the Xin Ling Immortal were not too different. However, there is a character who seems to be a bit unusual when she hides herself, and this person is Ai Zhen, the eighth princess of the Lingxi Pavilion.

Ye Luoli: The fairies hide that they like to wear black, but the love princess looks unusual

Princess Love is a rather mysterious fairy, she is also the last to appear in the Spirit Rhino Pavilion Lord, and even in the comic plot of the ninth season, she only made a temporary appearance. The information about the love princess is only revealed a little in the comics, so it can be seen that the love princess will not have many opportunities to appear in the plot at the beginning of the ninth season, and her real appearance is also in the middle of the ninth season of Ye Luoli.

Ye Luoli: The fairies hide that they like to wear black, but the love princess looks unusual

However, it is worth mentioning that in the ice lotus of Ye Luolifan, we have seen the figure of the love princess. Because the Ice Lotus revealed the plot of the Lingxi Pavilion running for the cabinet lord, and the love princess also happened to be one of the fairies who ran for the cabinet lord, but the love princess was very tightly wrapped to participate in the election. However, her dress style is not black, but red and black.

Ye Luoli: The fairies hide that they like to wear black, but the love princess looks unusual

The love princess's red and black clothes look very cute, the hat and torso parts are still black, but overall it looks very lively, like a little girl. This is actually related to the personality of the love princess herself, the love princess is good at collecting emotions, and will transform emotions into candy, but she herself prefers the sweet red candy, which is no wonder that the love princess likes to wear pink puffy skirts. Judging from the relevant information known to the Princess of Love, she should be one of the eight cabinet lords who is very easy to get along with.

Ye Luoli: The fairies hide that they like to wear black, but the love princess looks unusual

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