
Mills: Harden has made up a new haircut and he's ready for christmas wars

Mills: Harden has made up a new haircut and he's ready for christmas wars

Live Bar December 25, including Harden, the Nets have a number of players to lift the health and safety agreement, the team will leave for Los Angeles to prepare for the Christmas game against the Lakers.

Speaking about the regrouping of the team in an interview, Mills said: "It feels like the last time we were together for many months. I was still able to train when there were no races and was lucky that I could continue to do what I needed to do to stay in shape. We've been dealing with all kinds of difficulties throughout the season and it feels like this time it's been through a mini offseason. ”

Speaking about Harden's preparations for the Christmas war, Mills said: "He reproached his hair a bit and he was ready. ”

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