
What happens when Scorpio gets angry? Don't "provoke" them

People who have been with Scorpio will find that they are very cold on weekdays, which makes people feel that they are not easy to approach. However, Scorpio is even more chilling when they are angry, after all, compared to undisguised anger, disguised anger is more lethal, because Scorpio has strong self-esteem, they will tell themselves that "impulse is the devil", rarely get angry in public, but their silence is very aggressive. So, how terrifying is it for Scorpio to get angry? People who came over reminded them not to "provoke" them casually.

What happens when Scorpio gets angry? Don't "provoke" them

Scorpio character

The guardian star of Scorpio is Pluto, who is in charge of the netherworld, so the Scorpio people have mysterious, unpredictable qualities that make people cruel and sinister.

Scorpio people are very vengeful, do not offend them, let alone self-righteous cleverness, otherwise, one day, they will surely take revenge; because of the influence of Pluto, their personality is full of cunning and cruelty, and they will stop at nothing to attack the enemy; even if they are middlemen, they may be implicated. Of course, Scorpio believes in a rule, which is that "no one offends me, I do not offend." If anyone offends me, I will sin against them. "They don't take the initiative to vent their bad feelings to others.

At the same time, Scorpio has the advantage that once they have determined the goal, they will not give up until they reach the goal! This is also an important reason for their success.

What happens when Scorpio gets angry? Don't "provoke" them

1. The hammer will be repaid, and the tooth for the tooth will be returned

Scorpio is a very good sign of forbearance, but this does not mean that their temper is good, let alone that they will tolerate each other indefinitely, when this anger exceeds a certain limit, they will burst out of their brains, they will not consider the consequences at all, and they will not consider how you were before.

Why is Scorpio's outburst terrifying? Because once they go to war, they are reporting the mentality of "killing a thousand enemies and self-inflicting eight hundred", they will not leave any affection for each other, let alone consider the cost after that, therefore, Scorpio chooses to vent, it is likely to completely turn his face, so that things have no room for maneuver.

What happens when Scorpio gets angry? Don't "provoke" them

2. Stay as far away from you as possible

Scorpio chooses to stay away, absolutely not because they are afraid of you, but because they are afraid that they will hurt you, they are very clear in their hearts, what kind of consequences they will have once they break out, what harm may be caused to you, Scorpio is still kind to choose to stay away from you.

Of course, staying away does not mean forgiveness, and you can still clearly feel the anger and anger of Scorpio from their angry eyes or from their sarcastic and sarcastic words.

If you seriously hurt or completely annoy them, especially betray them, they will not let you go easily.

"Never forget, never forgive", even after a long time, they still remember (many zodiac signs remember good things, and Scorpio is a sign that is good at remembering scars).

What happens when Scorpio gets angry? Don't "provoke" them

3. Either choose to be busy, or care about nothing

Anger is not necessarily due to others, Scorpio sometimes angry may be due to themselves, at this time, Scorpio will avoid hurting others, choose to keep themselves busy, after all, when busy, they can't care about thinking about angry things, "big things become small, small things become nothing", and the anger will dissipate little by little.

However, sometimes being too angry will produce negative thoughts, and at this time, Scorpio does not want to do anything, but they will not show this emotion in front of everyone, so they will choose to be alone and ignore anything else.

The two methods look very different, but they have similarities in that they can alleviate the negative emotions of Scorpio people.

What happens when Scorpio gets angry? Don't "provoke" them

In summary, maybe Scorpio is very scary and terrible when they are angry, and even calculated, but as long as they do not touch their bottom line, take the initiative to coax them, tolerate their small emotions, and do not calm down with Scorpio people for a long time, otherwise, they will think that the other party does not care about them.

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