
Be vigilant against Xuanwu and his ilk doing traffic business under the banner of patriotism

The Chinese boxer Xuanwu interpreted an ordinary boxing match as a "Sino-Japanese duel", illegally hugging the Japanese boxer and making harsh remarks, trying to provoke ethnic hatred and put gold on his face. However, his calculations were wrong.

Phoenix Network Sports "Phoenix Family Stand" produced

Wen | Zhang Bin, a special sports commentator of

Be vigilant against Xuanwu and his ilk doing traffic business under the banner of patriotism

▎ Chinese boxer Xuanwu

Xuanwu is really famous this time. His purpose may have been achieved.

A few days ago, in a boxing match held in Wuhan, China's Xuanwu used a wrestling action against Japan's former WBO (World Boxing Organization) flyweight world boxing champion Kimura Sho. Under the rules of boxing, hugging is a violation of the law. Xuanwu violated the law first, but became the winner, on the grounds that Kimura's side announced its withdrawal from the tournament.

At this point, the matter was already very clear, Xuanwu did not talk about martial virtue, and the referee did not strictly enforce the law. Referee Zhang Xu explained that before the start of the match, he was verbally told that the game method was changed to "Chinese Kung Fu VS Japanese Boxing", allowing the use of hugging and wrestling movements. It's obviously not common sense that a formal game, even if it's not so formal, the rules can't be changed temporarily before the game. Moreover, Xuanwu's opponent is still a real boxing king, who once defeated Zou Shiming and became famous in China.

This is a complete farce. If the matter ends here, it will not lead to an international event. After the match, Xuanwu continued to provoke, he left a message online: "Does China still need rules to fight Japan?" I can't sleep if he doesn't die! ”

Kimura's response was polite and courteous, "In any country in the world, there are bad people, good people, sincere people and cunning people, and I hope that everyone will not hate Chinese because of this matter." "Compared with Xuanwu's posture, the character is superior and judgmental.

Be vigilant against Xuanwu and his ilk doing traffic business under the banner of patriotism

▎Kimura responded generously after the game

Xuan Wu is obviously stealing the concept, interpreting an ordinary boxing match into a "Sino-Japanese showdown", trying to provoke ethnic hatred and put gold on his face.

It is an objective fact that geopolitical conflicts have strained relations between China and Japan. At present, the patriotic enthusiasm of the people is generally high. Not long after the "National Day of Public Sacrifice", most Of the Chinese people are still immersed in the memory of history. I have to say that Xuanwu is very good at taking advantage of the opportunity to put himself in a moral high position by provoking Sino-Japanese confrontation at such a sensitive historical moment.

However, his calculations were wrong. Opposition to the politicization of sports has always been the attitude of all parties. It is true that sport cannot be completely unrelated to politics, but in the competition arena, sports should still be kept pure. Respect for opponents, respect for rules, respect for referees, this is the spiritual core of sports.

Of course, it is impossible for any international competition not to be mixed with national feelings. It is common for Chinese players to cheer for Chinese players and chinese players to help Chinese players, but this has little to do with the complex political background. Chinese players compete with Japanese players and should not be bound by the complex feelings of revenge for their country. He could fight for his country, but only for the sake of simple patriotic feelings, without any moral kidnapping or bondage.

Be vigilant against Xuanwu and his ilk doing traffic business under the banner of patriotism

▎ Xuanwu is famous for hype

Xuanwu elevated an ordinary boxing match between him and Kimura into a Sino-Japanese national duel, which is a typical stealing of beams and pillars. Fortunately, this time, neither the Chinese nor the Japanese people were fooled by Xuanwu. Netizens in both countries denounced Xuanwu on the Internet, and he became a "rat in the bellows." Xuanwu's behavior is not only a naked blasphemy against the spirit of sportsmanship, but also an attempt to achieve an ulterior motive by tying itself with patriotism.

In fact, there is no need to make a long-winded attack on the behavior of the Xuanwu Jumping Beam Clown, because he is not worthy. However, we must still admit that the purpose of his wave of "riot operations" may have been achieved. By violating the rules, and by tying up patriotism, he allowed himself to gain a lot of traffic and fame.

Forgive me for being lonely, before this incident, I didn't know who Xuanwu really was, only Xuanwu Lake (now, I feel that Xuanwu has a certain degree of defiance to Xuanwu Lake). Baidu Encyclopedia shows that he is a martial arts sanda athlete and boxer, and his most brilliant resume is the 52kg champion in the 2004 China vs Japan True Kung Fu Championship.

His opponent, Xiang Kimura, is well-known in China, not only because he once defeated Zou Shiming, but also because of his identity as a "takeaway boxer". If it weren't for the compulsion of life, it would be hard to imagine that he would come to Wuhan to have a small exhibition match with such an unknown player (Xuanwu).

Be vigilant against Xuanwu and his ilk doing traffic business under the banner of patriotism

▎In 2017, Zou Shiming was unfortunately lost the gold belt by Kimura Sho TKO

The organizers of this match are: WBU World Boxing Federation, WKF World Free Fighting Federation and China International Mixed Martial Arts Federation. However, on the day of the competition, WKF China and WBU Greater China issued a joint statement, saying that the competition had not been verbally acknowledged or officially authorized in writing. The China International Mixed Martial Arts Federation also issued a statement denying being the organizer of the tournament.

In such a small game that does not enter the stream, the rules are changed verbally before the game, and the emotions of netizens are provoked after the game, and I have reason to guess that this is the innings laid out by Xuanwu in advance, that is, to sensationalize the public, win traffic, and thus make profits in the future. In such an Internet era, the "ugly mode" is very popular, and many jumping beam clowns have harvested enough traffic to make a lot of money.

This is something we should be particularly vigilant about, and why I said at the beginning that his purpose may have been achieved. He just wants to achieve the purpose of becoming famous by enveloping patriotic sentiments, and finally to realize it.

Sometimes cleverness is mistaken for cleverness. At present, patriotism is indeed high, but in his case, the people still maintained enough sobriety, but concentrated their fire on his actions of not talking about martial virtue and kidnapping patriotism. His wolf ambitions were recognized and repulsed. That's enough to keep him nailed to the column of shame in sports history.

Be vigilant against Xuanwu and his ilk doing traffic business under the banner of patriotism

▎ A tai chi master

The horse master of the "rat's tail juice" has been annihilated by the dust of history. Xuanwu's behavior is equally disgraceful. Public opinion should abandon people like him, so that he cannot profit from it, and eventually be abandoned by history.

What we also need to be vigilant about is whether in the sports world there will be more and more Xuanwu wearing the banner of patriotism and kidnapping public opinion, which on the surface seems to be for the sake of national righteousness, but in fact it is nothing more than personal fame and profit. Patriotism is a noble emotion, expressed in deeds, not in words. Many people who claim to be patriotic are actually doing patriotic business, full of benevolence and morality, and full of stomachs and flies.

This not only reminds me of a line in Stephen Chow's classic movie "Nine Pin Sesame Officer": "Lafayette is to be respected in your heart, like you hang on your lips all day, only to demean her identity." 」 ”

Through this incident, I believe that it is everyone's responsibility to prevent unscrupulous people from doing patriotic business. Especially in the field of sports, institutions at all levels have repeatedly issued orders against the politicization of sports, and there are also small people who are desperate to take risks, which is even more reprehensible to everyone.

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