
Dinwiddie on chemistry with Bill: It's a little bit difficult, but we all have to play in the system

Dinwiddie on chemistry with Bill: It's a little bit difficult, but we all have to play in the system

Live bar December 24 news Today's Wizards victory over the Knicks, Beal is absent, Dinwiddie performed well. He started 36 minutes and had 21 points, seven rebounds and 12 assists on 7-of-14 shooting.

After the game, talking about the chemistry between himself and Beal, Dinwiddie said: "We have our own division of labor on the pitch, I just try to do my job stably. So it's a bit harder. ”

"I want to play my best every night, I want to shoot every shot and defend every pair. I want to average 50 points, 30 rebounds and 20 assists per game, you know what I mean? ”

"But it's not, you have to play in the team's system to make sure everything goes smoothly with the team. So we're trying to figure that out. ”

(Bacchus, Dionysus)

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