
Lakers 6 big news! Fans were presented with Kobe Bryant memorial dolls, and James and Westbrook were interviewed

On December 24, Beijing time, the Lakers lost to the Spurs in an almost humiliating way, and the 28-point defeat also cast a shadow on the hearts of Lakers fans.

Lakers 6 big news! Fans were presented with Kobe Bryant memorial dolls, and James and Westbrook were interviewed

After the game, James and Westbrook also gave media interviews, and both of them talked about their views about the loss of the game, which was also the last game of the Lakers at staples center. There are mainly 6 major news about the Lakers today, let's take a look at the summary of the news of holding the ball.

Lakers 6 big news! Fans were presented with Kobe Bryant memorial dolls, and James and Westbrook were interviewed

1. The fans who watched the Lakers and Spurs game today are blessed, and the guests present can get Kobe Bryant's commemorative doll doll doll, a very commemorative doll.

Lakers 6 big news! Fans were presented with Kobe Bryant memorial dolls, and James and Westbrook were interviewed

2, James was interviewed after the Lakers game, James believes that the Lakers today paid a heavy price for their mistakes, himself and Wei Shao are too focused on scoring, in fact, they should go to drive teammates, and the Lakers lack more defensive players.

Lakers 6 big news! Fans were presented with Kobe Bryant memorial dolls, and James and Westbrook were interviewed

3, Wei Shao was interviewed after the Lakers game, first of all, Wei Shao talked about the Lakers' shooting problem, 18.5% of the three-point shooting rate, became the key point of the Lakers' loss, Wei Shao believes that the Lakers forgot to shoot is the best way to win. Secondly, Wei Shao also believes that fighting Christmas wars is not an honor, and it is more important to accompany his family. Westbrook also talks about Horton Tucker and thinks Tucker is talented and tucker will get back in shape. In the end, Wei Shao also admitted that the lineup problem will be solved by the Lakers after all, and the Lakers players will not back down.

Lakers 6 big news! Fans were presented with Kobe Bryant memorial dolls, and James and Westbrook were interviewed

4, the Lakers home Staples will be renamed, the game against the Spurs to become the Lakers in staples center of the last game, 22 years of feelings will usher in a new starting point, a number of Lakers celebrities to say goodbye to Staples.

Lakers 6 big news! Fans were presented with Kobe Bryant memorial dolls, and James and Westbrook were interviewed

5, the Lakers against the Spurs in the game, once again sacrificed a new starting lineup, respectively, Westbrook, Ellington, Tucker, James, Howard, is such a lineup Lakers still did not improve, and finally lost to the Spurs with a gap of 28 points.

Lakers 6 big news! Fans were presented with Kobe Bryant memorial dolls, and James and Westbrook were interviewed

6, Lakers player Ariza triggered safety and health agreement is isolated, the Lakers currently have a number of players trigger health and safety agreement, including Ariza, Bazemore, Bradley, Reeves, Munch and others.

Lakers 6 big news! Fans were presented with Kobe Bryant memorial dolls, and James and Westbrook were interviewed

The Lakers have lost 4 consecutive games, who can save the Lakers?

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(Text/Ball-Carrying Attacker)

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