
Guo Xie: The first "big guy" of the jianghu

As a "post-80s" who grew up reading Mr. Jin Yong's martial arts novels and watching Hong Kong gangster movies. There will always be a kind of jianghu and chivalrous complex. Exploring the source of jianghu and chivalry, although Guo Xie is not the first famous "ranger", but throughout his life, he can be described as the first big man in the jianghu and the first set of the jianghu way. Unlike Sima Qian's other rangers, he did not leave any hot moments of "killing one person in ten steps", nor did he leave a generous death. He's more like the gangster we saw in the Hong Kong gangster movies of the 80s and 90s!

Guo Xie: The first "big guy" of the jianghu

Guo Xie in film and television dramas

When guo xie:

Good bravery, fierceness, adultery

Although Guo Xie was born in the city, he can also be regarded as a famous queen. His maternal grandmother, Xu Fu, was a legendary female chancellor and the first person to be knighted because she was good at meeting people. However, Guo Xie's father was arrested and executed by the government during the reign of Emperor Wen of Han because of his "good renxia". Therefore, Guo Xie lost his father in his early years and mixed up in the city, perhaps because of his father's genetic genes, Guo Xie in his youth has already revealed a "good gene" of being brave and fierce.

Good brave and fierce: The history books record that Guo Xie was short and lean and did not drink alcohol. At a young age, he was known as a "shady thief" (cruel and vicious and quite a city government). It is precisely for this reason that the young Guo Xie often kills people violently because of the dispute between the wills and the qi, which is typical of "violating the prohibition by force and causing disasters in the township". From another point of view, Guo Xie has also accumulated a certain "murderous reputation" and "notoriety".

Adultery Section: Chivalrous guests also have to eat, although Mr. Jin Yong's chivalrous guests seem to be not eating human fireworks, and they are doing chivalrous battles in the rivers and lakes all day long, without considering their livelihood at all. But in fact, to become a chivalrous or gangster, it is impossible without a certain economic foundation. Therefore, Guo Xie also obtained his own "original accumulation" through some illegal things. History records that when he was young, if he did not kill people or fled for disaster because of killing people, he often made money by minting coins and digging graves. In today's parlance, he committed multiple cases of counterfeiting and grave robbery.

He is short and lean and does not drink alcohol. When he was a young thief, he was unhappy and killed many people. Borrowing revenge with one's body, hiding one's life for adultery, and digging a grave with money are innumerable. Chronicles of the Rangers

Of course, Guo Xie's behavior is not worth advocating and is not respected, but I have to admit that he can become a big guy, these two characteristics of youth have indeed played a big role, and his brave and fierce personality has made him quite notorious among the townships, and although the townships do not respect him, they have to be afraid of him. The Adulterer Section allowed him to accumulate a certain amount of wealth, laying the foundation for his later "raising customers".

Guo Xie: The first "big guy" of the jianghu

Adult Guo Xie: The "Morality" of the Gangster

Just like Mr. Jin Yong's martial arts novels and the stories in Hong Kong gangster movies, the notoriety of martial courage and bravery and fierce fighting in the world alone cannot be convincing and respectful, and it is difficult for such a person to become a real big man in the jianghu. And Guo Xie's transformation after he became an adult is also the transformation of the jianghu into a respected ranger in the city and township or a respected big guy in the jianghu.

Guo Xie has a nephew who relies on his uncle Guo Xie's prestige in the jianghu and acts wildly on weekdays. Once, drinking with someone, forcibly pouring alcohol resulted in angering the other party, and was stabbed to death by the other party's knife. The other side then ran away and hid. Guo Xie's sister believes that her brother has been on the road for so long, but he can't catch the murderer, so she deliberately discards her son's body on the side of the road to humiliate Guo Xie. Guo Xie had to secretly send someone to investigate the murderer, the murderer had no choice but to take the initiative to come back and tell Guo Xie the truth, Guo Xie thought that his nephew had a mistake and let the murderer go first, and Guo Xie, who was not good at handing over to his sister, collected the body for his nephew and buried it himself. Guo Xie, who became a big man, would not disregard the reason for the matter because the deceased was his nephew, and would not even hand over the murderer to the government for justice according to Gaozu Liu Bang's law of "the murderer pays for his life", indicating that he would not bully others and treat others fairly with his own moral rules.

Untie the sister's negative solution, drink with people, and make it chew. If it is not his duty, he will be irrigated. The man was furious, drew his sword and assassinated his sister, and died. Sister Xie was furious: "With the righteousness of Ongbo, a man who kills my son is not allowed to be a thief." "Forsaken his body in the Word, and buried it in order to be humiliated." The solution makes people know the thief slightly. The thief is embarrassed and confesses. Xie Yue: "The solidity of public killing, my son is not straight." "He who thief he has committed, and who has sinned against his sister, shall receive it and bury him." All that is known to the public is the righteousness of many interpretations, and the benefits are attached. Chronicles of the Rangers

Because of Guo Xie's "prestige", many people avoid him. But there was a man who was not afraid at all, not only did not hide but looked at him arrogantly. Some of Guo Xie's disciples wanted to kill this arrogant man and give his anger to the eldest brother. But Guo Xie not only did not agree, but reflected on his own reasons for being disrespected, and even greeted the county official to let them take care of this arrogant person. Later, when the arrogant man found out, he immediately went to Guo Xie's mansion to plead his guilt. As a result, the adult Guo Xie has begun to understand the way of "subduing people with virtue" of the jianghu gangsters.

Unblock the entry and exit, and everyone avoids it. One of them looked at him alone, and the dispatcher asked for his first name. The guest wants to kill it. Xie Yue: "The house of the house is not respected, it is Wu De who is not ashamed, what a sin!" Nai Yin Wei Shi Said: "It is a man, and I am anxious to do it, and I will get rid of it when I practice it." "Every time you practice more, you count, and you ask for it." Strange, ask the reason, but the solution makes it go. The one who is the one who stands in the ground is the flesh that apologizes for sin. When the teenager hears it, the more he understands it. Chronicles of the Rangers

Because of Guo Xie's moral name and the virtue of subjugating people, more and more people came to him to do things, especially to deal with jianghu disputes. Guo Xie not only did his best, but also tried his best to make everything that could be done, and if it could not be done, he also tried to satisfy all parties. Otherwise, Guo Xie would not dare to eat people's wine and rice. Even when mediating the grievances of the Luoyang people, you can also take into account the face of the local Hao clan (which can also be seen as a famous person on the local road), even if your own mediation is successful, let others not be silent, let the local Hao clan reconcile when they mediate, and then "hide their merits and names".

The Luoyang people have enemies, and the xianhao in Yizhong are in the tens, and they will not listen. Ke Nai see Guo Xie. Xie Ye saw the enemy family, and the enemy listened to the solution. Xie Nai said of the enemy family: "I have heard that the princes of Luoyang are here, and many do not listen." Imako was fortunate to listen to the explanation, and Xie Yu He nai snatched the power of the RenzhongXian Doctor from his county! "It is useless to go by night, so that no one will know, but when I go, let Luoyang Hao dwell in the middle of it, but listen to it." "Ask for something for man, and let it come out, and let it out, and he who does not do so, each of them will be disgusted, and then he shall dare to taste wine." Chronicles of the Rangers

The three stories of Guo Xie recorded in the "Records of History" vividly portray for us an image of a "big man in the rivers and lakes" who is sensible, morally righteous, does not bully others, convinces people with virtue, and at the same time understands people's feelings and sophistication. Just like many of the big brothers and big guys we see in Hong Kong gangster movies.

Guo Xie: The first "big guy" of the jianghu

The Sorrow of being in a prosperous world: the end of Guo Xie

Guo Xie's sadness is precisely that he is in a prosperous world, if he is in a chaotic world or a time of shoucheng, with his understanding of human feelings, he knows how to advance and retreat. It is likely that he will have a good death. But he lived in a time when there was a great monarch, and the existence of Emperor Wu of Han and his great unification policy could not make an increasingly "respected" and more famous jianghu big man live in the prosperous world. The so-called "become famous, die is also famous."

The misfortune brought by fame: Guo Xie's fame first caused him to encounter the disaster of flying. In order to curb the local powerful forces, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty issued an edict to allow the powerful families and families with assets of more than three million yuan to migrate to settle in the area of Maoling in Guanzhong. Because Guo Xie did not have three million assets, he did not belong to the relocated personnel, but because of his "hehewei name". At that time, a Yang official nominated Guo Xie to move to Guanzhong.

Fame of Shangda Tianting: Another important reason for Guo Xie's coming to the end is that his fame has reached The Heavenly Hearing. After the news came out that Guo Xie was going to be moved to Guanzhong. The great warrior god of the Great Han, the great general of the empire, and sima Weiqing, even interceded with Emperor Wu of Han, who believed that Guo Xie's family was poor and did not meet the criteria for relocation. But this time the intercession basically determined that Guo Xie had no possibility of a good ending. Because Wei Qing has always been low-key and does not interfere in government affairs, his clarification has alarmed Emperor Wudi of Han, and his views are also very interesting, Emperor Wudi of Han believes that a city of people can make the top generals of the Han Empire personally intercede, especially Wei Qing, who is known for his low profile, which shows how much energy the people of this city have.

Subsequently, Guo Xie's nephew cut off his head because he was dissatisfied with this troublesome official, and the Yang family went to the palace gate to file a complaint. In addition, when Guo Xie moved into Guanzhong, the local people actually paid 10 million yuan when sending off, and the local Haojie in Guanzhong also rushed to get acquainted with Guo Xie. Emperor Wu of Han, who was already alert, ordered the arrest of Guo Xie on the grounds that the Yang family had filed a complaint. Guo Xie, who alarmed Tianzi, had already been forced into a desperate situation at this time, and he had no choice but to place his old mother, while he fled for his life.

Guo Xie: The first "big guy" of the jianghu

The "morality" on the road to escape is firm

In order to survive, fugitives are generally anonymous, hoping to pass through the barrier in confusion. But Guo Xie is different, even in the face of death, he still insists on his "morality". Guo Xie fled to Linjin in order to get out of the customs and asked for help from the local Shaogong, and the unknown Shaogong not only helped Guo Xie escape out of the customs, but also committed suicide in order to protect Guo Xie when the official government tracked him down.

After Guo Xie got out of the customs, he fled all the way, and everywhere he went, no matter who asked for help, he told his name and identity truthfully, and he also clearly informed him of the situation that he was being hunted down. Most of these people were willing to help Guo Xie, so it took a long time for the government to catch Guo Xie.

Guo Xie: The first "big guy" of the jianghu

The Theory of the Heart: The Reason why Guo Xie had to die

After Guo Xie's arrest, the government examined his past crimes and found that all the crimes he had committed were before the pardon, which meant that Guo Xie's crimes had actually been pardoned and he should be acquitted. During the investigation of his case, another Confucian who spoke indiscriminately refuted Guo Xie's praise for Guo Xie during small talk, and as a result, he was killed by this doorman and cut off his tongue. Guo Xie, who had no knowledge of the matter, should have been innocent, but at this time, Gongsun Hong, the highest official in charge of the court's judiciary, said the final theory of retribution. That is, Guo Xie's sin is not in what people he killed or how many people he killed, but in the fact that he can let people kill people for him without Guo Xie's knowledge and instructions. This was the most fundamental reason why he had to die, because his morality had threatened the Han regime, and he was already like an underground emperor.

Guo Xie: The first "big guy" of the jianghu

Although Guo Xie was eventually destroyed by the Han Wu emperor, Sima Qian of the same era had a very high respect for him, not only for his neutral biography in the "History of the Rangers", but also for a large record of Guo Xie's deeds, and gave him a high evaluation, not only calling him "the world is unskilled and unworthy, know and not know, all admire his voice, and the heroes are all famous." Moreover, he summed up the "morality" of Guo Xie and others as follows: "His words must be believed, his deeds must be fruitful, his promises must be sincere, he does not love his body, he goes to the misfortune of a soldier, he has survived and died, but he does not despise his ability and shame his virtue." And these few words are the core of China's thousand-year-old chivalrous culture.

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