
One Piece: Kaido is defeated, and Blackbeard harvests kaido fruits, gathering three demon fruits

Luffy's big haunted island, Fei Liu and the three plagues have all been defeated, leaving only Kaido and Big Mama, watching the plot direction, it is estimated that their lives will soon be over.

One Piece: Kaido is defeated, and Blackbeard harvests kaido fruits, gathering three demon fruits

This is the time to leave us with a suspense! Will Blackbeard, who is the best at taking advantage of the fire in the pirate world, once again take advantage of the fisherman, seize Kaido's fish fruit, and become the strongest four emperors?

One Piece: Kaido is defeated, and Blackbeard harvests kaido fruits, gathering three demon fruits

Kaido is indeed a powerful creature, and the Red Sheath Samurai, Supernova and others are wheel-fighting against Kaido. Although Kaido was injured in many places, he was still able to fight, which was enough to show that Kaido was ridiculously strong.

Will Kaido die at the hands of Luffy? Obviously impossible, judging from the results of Luffy's previous battles, Luffy's ultimate purpose is to defeat the opponent, not to kill the other party.

Referring to Whitebeard's ending, we can boldly speculate that Kaido will not end up with Whitebeard? If Kaido will eventually be killed by Blackbeard, how did Blackbeard come to the Land of Peace?

There is a very important clue here, that is, Moriah, Blackbeard captured Absalom and seized the Demon Fruit, granting the Demon Fruit to Hiryu of the Rain. Moria went to Blackbeard's territory to find Absalom, and his men had been killed, and Blackbeard extended an olive branch to Moriah, and Moriah might join the Blackbeard Pirates, after all, the situation was already difficult to ride at that time, and the consequences of not joining could be imagined.

One Piece: Kaido is defeated, and Blackbeard harvests kaido fruits, gathering three demon fruits

Moriah had been defeated by Kaido, so it was not excluded that it was possible to join Blackbeard, Lead the Way and Blackbeard to come to the Land of Peace. After Kaido is defeated by Luffy, he takes advantage of his lack of preparation to hunt the Demon Fruit.

Blackbeard Pirates flag

Blackbeard is indeed a legend, the Demon Fruit has never been born so far, no one person can have two Demon Fruits, but Blackbeard is an exception.

One Piece: Kaido is defeated, and Blackbeard harvests kaido fruits, gathering three demon fruits

In the War on top, after Blackbeard kills Whitebeard, he covers him and Whitebeard with a black cloth, and after a stealth operation, he captures Whitebeard's Demon Fruit. He himself has a dark fruit, he has become an unprecedented person with the ability to possess two fruits, here we will not say for a moment what method he used to seize the shock fruit, let's talk about his one piece flag.

One Piece: Kaido is defeated, and Blackbeard harvests kaido fruits, gathering three demon fruits

In the pirate world, the pirate flag represents a certain characteristic of its owner.

For example, Luffy wears a straw hat, so his pirate flag has a straw hat logo on it, and the white-bearded pirate flag has a big white beard.

One Piece: Kaido is defeated, and Blackbeard harvests kaido fruits, gathering three demon fruits

Looking at Blackbeard's Pirate Flag, "Blackbeard" should be similar to Whitebeard according to our common sense, with a Blackbeard logo, or other more prominent signs, but no.

Blackbeard's One Piece Flag has three skulls linked together, why is that? According to the popular understanding, the three heads can represent three people, just like the Baskabil on the Island of Justice, which fused three people into one.

One Piece: Kaido is defeated, and Blackbeard harvests kaido fruits, gathering three demon fruits

So what kind of existence is Blackbeard's three people here? The only most apt explanation is the three "Devil Fruits." Now he already had two demon fruits, and if he got one more, three would be enough.

This raises another question, which is how Did Blackbeard's ability to seize Whitebeard's Demon Fruit in the first place?

Blackbeard's Dark Fruit can devour everything (except Magellan's poison), so let's see if blackbeard uses the dark fruit's ability to seize Whitebeard's Shock Fruit?

One Piece: Kaido is defeated, and Blackbeard harvests kaido fruits, gathering three demon fruits

First of all, the Demon Fruit can be reborn after the owner dies. We can tell this from the reproduction of the burned fruit of Ace and the fact that after the death of the great salamander on ph island, the apple closest to it became the devil fruit. That is, after the owner dies, the demon fruit can be transferred to the nearby fruit.

Blackbeard can completely not be covered with a black cloth, and after Whitebeard dies, put some fruit next to him, and the demon fruit can be easily obtained.

One Piece: Kaido is defeated, and Blackbeard harvests kaido fruits, gathering three demon fruits

Secondly, when Blackbeard uses the ability of the Dark Fruit, his hands will turn black, his body will emit black smoke, and he can inhale, compress, and crush everything that comes into contact with the dark.

Some people will say that because Blackbeard does not want to affect the people around him, he covers it with a black cloth, so the explanation is also correct, then Blackbeard's power should be able to swallow Whitebeard, or directly crush it, but there is not. Then it means that Blackbeard's Dark Fruit does not have the ability to seize the Demon Fruit.

One Piece: Kaido is defeated, and Blackbeard harvests kaido fruits, gathering three demon fruits

In the War on top, Marko said that Blackbeard has a different body structure from ordinary people, and we can guess that There are two other people on Blackbeard's body besides himself, so in order to make everyone fear him, so when the second person in his body eats the demon fruit, he will cover it with a black cloth.

One Piece: Kaido is defeated, and Blackbeard harvests kaido fruits, gathering three demon fruits

Blackbeard's unusual body structure Luffy and Sauron have also seen it. When Luffy, Sauron and Nami are leaving, the conversation between the three of them is also intriguing, Luffy "I don't know, but it's not the guy", Sauron "it's those guys", Nami "Did that guy have a companion just now, where is it". These three passages of dialogue are savored and full of doubts, presumably there are secrets in Blackbeard's body, perhaps "those people" refers to Blackbeard and the other two people in his body.

One Piece: Kaido is defeated, and Blackbeard harvests kaido fruits, gathering three demon fruits

From the above three points, we can judge that the Dark Fruit is not the real means for Blackbeard to seize the Shock Fruit, and Blackbeard's body structure is the real reason for taking the Demon Fruit.

One Piece: Kaido is defeated, and Blackbeard harvests kaido fruits, gathering three demon fruits

To sum up, there were three people in Blackbeard's body, and he already had two Demon Fruits, and now there was one more person who didn't have fruit abilities, and with Blackbeard's current ability, it was very easy to take a Demon Fruit at will, but he didn't.

One Piece: Kaido is defeated, and Blackbeard harvests kaido fruits, gathering three demon fruits

He memorized the Demon Fruit Atlas, he knew his needs, the first was the Dark Fruit of the Superman Lineage, the second was the Shock Fruit of the Natural Lineage, then the third was most likely the AnimalOid Fish Fruit of the strongest creature Kaido.

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