
Calcium carbonate, calcium graperate, calcium acetate... Which is good for calcium supplementation?

author:National Sankei platform

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Calcium carbonate, calcium graperate, calcium acetate... Which is good for calcium supplementation?

Spring is the golden period of calcium supplementation, and if you want to be "full of backbone", you must seize the good spring light. However, in real life, many people are "doing white work" when supplementing calcium, and some are not absorbed at all. Want to effectively supplement calcium, the following knowledge, have to understand ~

Advantages and disadvantages of commonly used calcium preparations

1. Calcium acetate

Advantages: high available calcium content, good solubility, neutral pH, absorption does not consume stomach acid, fast onset, does not contain lead arsenic and other harmful substances.

Cons: Not yet clear.

Suitable for: especially suitable for children, pregnant women, the elderly and people with little gastric acid secretion.

2. Calcium carbonate

Advantages: Calcium content of up to 40%, low price, less side effects.

Disadvantages: weak alkaline, poor solubility, absorption and depletion of stomach acid.

Applicable population: people with excessive gastric acid secretion, children.

3. Calcium gluconate

Advantages: Belongs to organic calcium acid, good water solubility, easy to absorb.

Disadvantages: Calcium content of 9%, to achieve the daily calcium supplement dosage is too large, diabetics should not be used.

Suitable for: adolescents, children, pregnant women, pre- and postmenopausal women and the elderly.

4. Calcium lactate

Advantages: Belongs to organic calcium acid, good water solubility.

Disadvantages: 13% calcium content, to the daily calcium supplement dosage is large, easy to produce muscle weakness and other uncomfortable symptoms.

Suitable for: Teenagers.

5. Active calcium

Advantages: High calcium content.

Disadvantages: Calcium oxide and calcium hydroxide mixture, belongs to the strong alkaline drug, easy to stimulate the gastrointestinal tract, long-term large-scale use, easy to induce gastritis, stomach ulcers and other symptoms.

Suitable for: Not recommended for children.

6. Amino acid chelated calcium

Advantages: high bioavailability, good absorption.

Disadvantages: Easy to consume stomach acid, damage to the gastrointestinal tract.

Manifestations of calcium deficiency in people of all ages

1. Children: it is not easy to fall asleep, it is not easy to enter a deep sleep state, love to cry after falling asleep, easy to wake up, sweat after falling asleep; Paroxysmal abdominal pain, diarrhea, cramps, sternal pain, "X" legs, "O" legs, chicken breasts, nails gray or white marks; Anorexia, partial eating; Irritability and restlessness during the day; Mental development is delayed, speech is late; Toddler is late, and it does not start toddler until 13 months later; Teeth are toothed late, 10 months later, the teeth are sparsely arranged, not neat, not tight, and the teeth are black-pointed or serrated; Thinning of hair; Poor health, easy to catch colds, etc.

2. Teenagers: there is obvious growth pain, leg weakness, cramps, poor physical education class performance; Fatigue, irritability, lack of concentration, easy tiredness; Partial eating, anorexia; Tooth decay, tooth dysplasia; Easy to allergies, easy to catch colds, etc.

3. Young adults: there are frequent symptoms of fatigue, fatigue, cramps, back pain, easy allergies, easy to catch colds and so on.

4. Pregnant women: Women in extraordinary periods, calcium deficiency is more common. When they feel their teeth loose; Weakness in the extremities, frequent cramps, numbness; Back pain, joint pain, rheumatic pain; Dizziness and anemia, prenatal hypertension syndrome, edema, and inadequate milk production should be diagnosed with calcium deficiency.

5. Elderly: Most of the elderly are due to calcium loss and calcium deficiency. Their symptoms of calcium deficiency have senile skin disease itching; Pain in the heel, pain in the lumbar and cervical spine; Loose and fallout teeth; Pronounced hunchback, height reduction; Loss of appetite, peptic ulcer, constipation; Dreaming, insomnia, irritability, irritability, etc.

Calcium supplementation should also pay attention to these

1. Since the human body can only absorb a maximum of 178mg of calcium each time, calcium supplementation can be divided into 3-4 times a day, and the amount of calcium supplementation should not exceed 200mg each time. In addition, it is not advisable to supplement calcium in large quantities for a long time, and excessive intake of calcium can lead to ectopic calcification, kidney damage and other adverse conditions.

2. Calcium supplement products are divided into organic calcium and inorganic calcium, inorganic calcium is mainly calcium carbonate, active calcium, organic calcium is mainly calcium gluconate, calcium lactate. Among them, calcium gluconate preparations can be completely absorbed and utilized in the human body, and are safer and easier to absorb, which can be given priority.

3. Calcium should be used alone, if you need to supplement other elements, it is recommended to stagger the time to take, the interval of more than 2 hours is appropriate, or morning and evening supplementation of one element, such as: zinc supplementation in the morning, calcium supplementation in the evening.

4. At the same time of calcium supplementation, appropriate vitamin D supplementation, or the use of calcium containing vitamin D components. In addition, vitamin AD drops can also be used for vitamin D supplementation.

Disclaimer: The above content is reproduced from the pharmacy manager, and the content sent does not represent the position of the platform.

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