
Which is better, calcium carbonate, calcium acetate or calcium citrate?

author:Shao Mingjian 1965

Calcium is an indispensable raw material for synthetic bone, and adequate calcium intake is beneficial for obtaining ideal peak bone mass, reducing bone loss, improving bone mineralization and maintaining bone health.

Which is better, calcium carbonate, calcium acetate or calcium citrate?

1, the amount of calcium (elemental calcium) that should be consumed at different ages:

Adolescents (7-18 years): 800-1200 mg/day

Middle-aged and elderly (50-80 years old): 1000 mg / day

Pregnant women, lactating mothers: 800-1000 mg / day

Chinese the average daily dietary calcium intake is about 400mg, which is only half of the recommended intake, so some people say that the Chinese people are the whole people with insufficient calcium intake, middle-aged and elderly people and pregnant women, it is recommended to supplement calcium preparations.

2, the current clinical commonly used calcium agents are calcium carbonate, calcium acetate and calcium citrate, etc., several kinds of calcium have advantages and disadvantages, each has its own advantages and disadvantages, can be appropriately selected according to their actual situation.

3, compare the elemental calcium content and absorption rate of several calcium:

Properties Elemental calcium/per gram Absorption rate

Calcium carbonate Inorganic calcium insoluble in water 400mg 39%

Calcium acetate Organic calcium soluble in water 253mg 32%

Calcium citrate organic calcium is slightly soluble in water 200mg 30%

4, the specifications and dosage of common calcium agents

Calcium dosage Dosage

Calcium acetate capsules contain 152 mg of calcium per capsule 1 capsule once a day

Calcium carbonate tablets contain 169 mg calcium per capsule 2-4 tablets at a time, 3 times a day

Calcium carbonate d3 tablets 600 mg calcium per capsule 1 tablet at a time, 2 times a day

Vitamin D3-125u

Calcium citrate tablets contain 100 mg of calcium per tablet 1-4 tablets at a time, 3 times a day

5, common adverse reactions: calcium carbonate and calcium carbonate d3 common adverse reactions for constipation, flatulence, acid reflux, etc., because calcium carbonate is insoluble in water, need to consume gastric acid, so patients with atrophic gastritis with gastric acid deficiency should not take it; calcium acetate adverse reactions are constipation, calcium citrate occasionally see constipation.

6, several common contraindications to calcium: hypercalcemia, hypercalciuria, kidney stones, etc.

Calcium supplementation should be based on their own specific conditions, reasonable selection, it is best to take under the guidance of a doctor, it is recommended to 300-500ml of milk or dairy products per day, low-salt diet, high-salt diet to increase the excretion of urinary calcium, promote bone mass loss.

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