
The vicious eunuchs of the Ming Dynasty were killed on the spot after being tortured, but he survived until the next day

Speaking of the most special position in the palace during the feudal period, it must be a eunuch, eunuch is one of the most distinctive positions in the ancient imperial palace, their power is great, the Highest Status in the Qin Dynasty period, the eunuch Zhao Gao, who can cover the sky with one hand, and the most respected period for the status of eunuchs must be the Ming Dynasty.

Since Zhu Yuanzhang founded the Ming Dynasty, although the official system of eunuchs has become more and more stringent, it does not affect their rights, but only stipulates that they are not allowed to read.

At the beginning of the Yongle period, eunuchs were slowly reused, and for a time the eunuchs' henchmen fell to the opposition, and the people were not happy, prompting the Ming Dynasty to decline.

The vicious eunuchs of the Ming Dynasty were killed on the spot after being tortured, but he survived until the next day

And the Ming Dynasty was also a dynasty with the most notorious eunuchs, and in addition to the much-spurned Wei Zhongxian, there was another person who could compete with him, and this eunuch had a very tragic end.

To say how miserable, he was cut with a thousand knives during the day, and when he returned to the cell at night, he could calmly drink two bowls of porridge, which made people admire, this person was the eunuch Liu Jin.

Liu Jin, at the age of six, was adopted by the eunuch Liu Shun, only enough to enter the palace and become a eunuch, but unfortunately, during the Hongzhi period, Liu Jin committed a felony, enough to be executed, and was later pardoned and arranged to take care of his diet and living with the crown prince Zhu Houzhao.

The vicious eunuchs of the Ming Dynasty were killed on the spot after being tortured, but he survived until the next day

It was precisely because of this rare opportunity that Liu Jin finally fell to power and finally became a eunuch of all evils.

Zhu Houzhao is a greedy person by nature, every day in addition to studying some strange things is to find something new to do, Liu Jin, who just escaped from death, at this time only wants to hold Zhu Houzhao's thigh to save his life.

To this end, he tried all kinds of ways to please Zhu Houzhao, who followed you birds and beasts, folk tricks but everything that was related to novelty let Liu Jin find it over and over again.

The vicious eunuchs of the Ming Dynasty were killed on the spot after being tortured, but he survived until the next day

Because of this, Zhu Houzhao praised Liu Jin, and by the time Zhu Houzhao became crown prince, Liu Jin had become his right and left arm.

Later, when Zhu Houzhao ascended the throne, Liu Jin's grasp naturally improved, and he, who was becoming more and more powerful, did not feel satisfied or restrained by this, but was more tempted to Zhu Houzhao.

Originally, after becoming emperor, he should be at ease in ruling, but under the influence of Liu Jin, Zhu Houzhao often went out on tours to find novelties, and Zhu Houzhao had no intention of interfering in politics and only wanted to have fun.

The vicious eunuchs of the Ming Dynasty were killed on the spot after being tortured, but he survived until the next day

Of course, he said that the affairs of government affairs after the emperor could not be ignored, so Zhu Houzhao handed over the administrative affairs that he should have handled by himself to Liu Jin to take care of.

At this time, Liu Jin was equivalent to the power of an acting emperor, and he tasted the feelings brought by power, Liu Jin was deeply trapped in it and could not extricate himself, he began to bully the people and collude with the chaotic party to fear that the world would not be chaotic, and even instigated Zhu Houzhao to do bad things together.

By the middle and late Ming Dynasty, eunuchs had become one of the most trusted departments of the imperial family, and their status was so high that many local officials were afraid.

The vicious eunuchs of the Ming Dynasty were killed on the spot after being tortured, but he survived until the next day

When Liu Jinquan fell to the opposition, many people wanted to seduce him, and made a clear price tag against different people Liu Jin, what buy officials to escape crimes, form a private army, as long as it is to give him money Liu Jin will not refuse.

In order to amass more money, Liu Jin even took the annual tax and silver for himself, and he took out a small part of it to fill the national treasury, and the rest was swallowed by him alone.

Liu Jin colluded with the party and mutilated loyalists and the people, thus offending many people, and some people repeatedly complained to Zhu Houzhao, but in the end, they did not pay attention.

Zhu Houzhao favored him and framed the ministers who rebelled against him, and as a result, none of these ministers could end up with a good ending.

Since then, there has been no one in the DPRK who dares to oppose it, and all that remains is submission and forbearance.

Zhang Yong, who was also a eunuch, had long seen that he was not happy and wanted to eliminate him, and in the fifth year of Zhengde, King Anhua rebelled, and Zhu Houzhao asked Wang Yong to quell the rebellion.

When Wang Yong returned, he brought prisoners and took the opportunity to report Liu Jin's many serious crimes to Zhu Houzhao, who was shocked to hear this, so he ordered him to be taken down and raided Liu Jin's home.

The vicious eunuchs of the Ming Dynasty were killed on the spot after being tortured, but he survived until the next day

After raiding Liu Jin's house, Zhu Houzhao was angry and shocked, and he did not expect that the people who attached so much importance in the past would hide so much property and arms behind their backs, and even a fan made of a dagger.

If one day Liu Jin assassinated himself, Zhu Houzhao would definitely not be able to escape death, zhu Houzhao was angry and sentenced Liu Jin to three days of Lingchi, but ordinary people could not survive the first day of Lingchi, these three days are really difficult for the executioner.

They had to do the same, and the first day was just a light knife on his body, which was the only way for him to survive the first day.

As a result, Liu Jin was still angry, and after the punishment ended on the first day, he returned to the prison and drank two bowls of porridge, but in the end he still failed to survive the next day, and died on the execution ground due to excessive blood loss.

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