
hardcore! Bear the weight of "Xingye" with the strength of a family! The three paths of the financial capitalist family are the Jiang family

Wen │ Xu Bing

Diligence and thrift are the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation, if the Chinese nation's family rules and family training is a big data analysis, thrift and thrift must be one of the most frequent. At present, this virtue seems to be different from the concept of encouraging consumption, and encouraging consumption to drive the demand of an active economy has become the mainstream of the world today, but the author thinks that the two are not incompatible at a deep level. Thrift and thrift are more emphasized is a concept, not no consumption or less consumption, the history of world civilization many costly civilization relics, including literature, art, technological revolution, etc., many of its funders pursue thrift and thrift, so the correct understanding of thrift and thrift should not waste money, but will use money, if it is a project that benefits human society and benefits the people's livelihood of the country, although hundreds of billions, may wish to pour out. This article begins with thrift and thrift, which is actually the extraordinary thrift and thrift of the Jiang Hai and Jiang Suppressed Families in Hangzhou that will be described in the article, but when it contributes to society, it can be said that it is a throw of thousands of dollars.

Rise of the Family

hardcore! Bear the weight of "Xingye" with the strength of a family! The three paths of the financial capitalist family are the Jiang family
hardcore! Bear the weight of "Xingye" with the strength of a family! The three paths of the financial capitalist family are the Jiang family
hardcore! Bear the weight of "Xingye" with the strength of a family! The three paths of the financial capitalist family are the Jiang family
hardcore! Bear the weight of "Xingye" with the strength of a family! The three paths of the financial capitalist family are the Jiang family

During the Qianlong period, Chiang's ancestors moved from Shanyin (present-day Shaoxing) to Jishanfang in Hangzhou and started a liquor store. According to the author's speculation, the Jiang family was already engaged in the liquor industry when they were in Shaoxing, shaoxing people are good at brewing, and the Jiang family's move to Hangzhou Jishanfang should be two considerations, one is to upgrade to the owner, and the other is to find a larger market, while avoiding competition with shaoxing counterparts. Qiantang has been prosperous since ancient times, but even if the liquor store is operated in the central area of the bustling place, the Jiang family did not get rich until the third generation, and this third generation is Jiang Tingliang and Jiang Tinggui, two brothers, who made a fortune by not relying on their own industry, but the traditional silk weaving industry in Hangzhou.

Jiang Tinggui (1845--1934), the word Hai Chip, 10 years old into Kong Feng Chun Xiang Powder Shop as an apprentice, Jiang Hai Chip is clever and clever, has abacus talent, can calculate two sets of numbers with both hands at the same time, accurate, but unfortunately the big characters do not recognize, only recognize their own names, but clear thinking, excellent memory. When Jiang Haichu was 13 years old, at the call of his brother Jiang Tingliang, he cooperated in the operation of silk fabrics, and founded "Jiang Guangchang Silk Village" in his hometown of Jishanfang, his brother Tingliang would be responsible for weaving technology, Jiang Haichu was mainly responsible for finance and sales, Jiang Haichu carried silk fabrics every day to walk the streets, all customer information, financial accounts are all based on brain memory, which is magical. Because the silk fabric quality is good, Jiang Haichuo is good at coping, Jiang Guangchang Silk Village gradually accumulated a reputation in the rich and even the official government, the business gradually opened up the situation, he was too late to make orders, began to subcontract to other weavers, and the two brothers also improved the wood loom, the new wood loom is fast and good, but also can weave large pieces, only by selling wood looms, the two brothers also benefited greatly. The elder brother Tingliang had no sons, and succeeded Hai Tuo's eldest son, and later Ting Liang died young, so that the Jiang family's property was controlled by Jiang Hai Tuo alone. In 1894, Haichu set up a distribution shop in Houma Road (now Ningbo Road) in Shanghai, named Guangchang Long Silk Village, and then set up semicolons or distributors in Hankou, Yingkou, Fengtian, Changchun, Harbin, Qingdao, Suzhou, Jiujiang and other places. By 1908, it continued to expand the scope of marketing in the north and Beijing, Tianjin, Liao, Kyrgyzstan, Hei, Suiyuan, Mongolia, south to Hu, Guangzhou, Fujian, Gansu and other places, and opened up export trade, which was very prosperous. As Mr. Jiang Shicheng sorted out in the article "The Life of Hai Chip Gong", "Looking around at the specific historical conditions in which China was located at that time, capitalist industry and commerce were mostly invested and founded by feudal bureaucrats, compradors, and landlords. ”

Jiang Haiqiu was frugal and refused to pay a single penny, but he was wise about his son's arrangement. Jiang Haicuo had two sons and a daughter, the eldest son Yuquan helped in The Silk Village, was Jiang Haicuo's successor, and the second son, Jiang Haicuo, took the road of studying and entering the army. Unfortunately, the eldest son died young, disrupting the family layout of Hai Chugong.

hardcore! Bear the weight of "Xingye" with the strength of a family! The three paths of the financial capitalist family are the Jiang family

Portrait of Jiang Wei

Jiang Shuyi (1875--1940), known as Yulin, the word Yizhi, also known as Suppressed. Because his elder brother helped his father take care of the family estate and had no time to study, Jiang Shujie was ordered by his father to learn from a famous teacher from a young age, and he also used his business citizenship to take the boy exam and had to make up for the students in Qiantang County. However, his nature did not like to be an official, and he was bent on learning, and under the influence of his teacher Zhang Taiyan, he especially liked to read the ancient books of profound and difficulty and the qing Confucian voice exhortations. Before going to Japan in 1902 to study, Jiang was about the image of a rich scholar, and unlike ordinary people, he was obsessed with ancient books, which later became his lifelong hobby. Jiang Weijie's study tour to Japan was actually to pursue the road to national salvation, so he originally planned to study military affairs at the Tokyo Armed Forces Academy, but at that time, the Japanese Ministry of Education and Culture stipulated that students at their own expense were not allowed to study military, and felt that the country's situation was overwhelming, but they changed their studies to economics and concentrated on studying the reasons for the rise of capitalism in neighboring countries, so that they knew that the close relationship between finance and industry was the foundation of the country's strength. However, his brother died, and Jiang returned to China around July 1904 to begin his life journey of financial salvation.

In the name of "revitalization"

hardcore! Bear the weight of "Xingye" with the strength of a family! The three paths of the financial capitalist family are the Jiang family

Jiang Weijie (third from left in the back row) poses with Lu Xun

In the middle of the 19th century, the Qing government was corrupt and incompetent, and after the defeat of the two Opium Wars, the great powers signed a series of unequal treaties with the Qing government. In 1898, the British envoys coerced the Qing government into agreeing to build 5 railways including Suzhou-Hangzhou-Ningbo by British businessmen, and the British merchant Jardine Matheson & Co. secretly signed a draft agreement with Sheng Xuanhuai, minister of the General Office of the Qing Railway, to borrow money from British businessmen to build the Suzhou-Hangzhou-Ningbo Railway. When the news came out, the people of Zhejiang were indignant. At that time, the gentry of Zhejiang believed in the propositions of the British and French minister Guo Songtao, and the people themselves raised funds to open mines and build roads, and opposed the affairs of the government, "The wealth of the West is exclusively in the people, not in the country." Mr. Tang Shouqian of Zhejiang, a jinshi in 1892, published the book "Dangerous Words" in 1890, and in 1890, he loudly advocated for the development of national capitalism, in which he criticized the practice of "official supervision and commercial office". In July 1905, Tang Shouli Initiated the establishment of the Zhejiang Railway Company by the Shanghai Xieqiao Foreign Affairs Bureau, advocating that the merchants should run the zhejiang railway by themselves, setting off the first road protection movement. At that time, the Qing government borrowed £1.5 million from the British merchant Jardine Matheson & Co., which was collateralized by the right of way. Tang Shouqian set up a provincial national refusal association, and wrote to the telegram: "Now the foreign countries want to force me to borrow foreign debt to run the road, and it is no different to want to kill my Zhejiang people's life." In this regard, Sheng Xuanhuai once said: "If the Zhejiang people have the strength to run it themselves, this covenant will not be abolished but will be abolished." In order to prevent the government from reneging on its promise, Tang Shouqian called on the people of the province to subscribe for shares, and soon raised nearly 23 million yuan, (at that time, 1.5 million pounds equivalent to 10 million yuan), Sheng Xuanhuai was forced to abandon the formal contract of Shanghai,Hangzhou-Ningbo borrowing from British businessmen, and the railway project was immediately started.

hardcore! Bear the weight of "Xingye" with the strength of a family! The three paths of the financial capitalist family are the Jiang family

Letter from Lu Xun to Jiang On October 8, 1904

The raised funds of 23 million yuan is a huge amount of money, hangzhou financial circles on the custody of this fund has been difficult, Mr. Tang Shouqian heard that Jiang Shujie returned from Japan to return to China, he relied on the stock, Jiang Shuyi is to learn, suggested that the Zhejiang Road Company attached a railway bank, which was originally also The plan after Jiang Shujie returned to China, it can be said that it is the right time. Therefore, in October 1906, Zhejiang Road Company held the first shareholders' representative meeting in Hangzhou, and decided to establish a bank independent of the company. In this way, it can not only "look at the road book internally", but also "guarantee the commercial market outside". At the meeting, Mr. Tang Shouqian proposed to name it "Zhejiang Industrial Bank" to mean "revitalize Zhejiang Industry". At that time, China, the bank is a new thing, Zhejiang Industrial Bank can be called the first commercial bank with national capital as the main body, from the perspective of the later operating achievements, its support for national industry and commerce is huge, known as "the entrepreneur's own bank", which also implements the purpose of the industrial bank.

Zhejiang Industrial Bank followed a completely commercial stock model, and the initial idea of its establishment was a bit like the financial company of Zhejiang Road. Zhejiang Xing's share capital is 1 million yuan, at that time the banking industry was naïve compared to the Xincheng Bank's 250,000 yuan, the general big money zhuang tens of thousands of yuan, is a large amount of capital, Zhejiang Road Company's number of shares is 40% of the total share capital of Zhejiang Industrial Bank, the company raised up to 23 million yuan, the capital invested in Zhejiang Xing Bank is not large, which should have a controlling right consideration. However, even with the initial investment of Zhejiang Road Company, private commercial stocks are still not interested. Jiang Shu nai persuaded his father Hai Chu Gong to take the lead in subscribing to 1,000 shares, and Hai Chu Gong was extremely simple and stingy to the outside world, but he had the courage to do things for the cause of his beloved son, and threw thousands of dollars to become the major shareholder of Zhexing Bank.

hardcore! Bear the weight of "Xingye" with the strength of a family! The three paths of the financial capitalist family are the Jiang family

In October 1907, Zhejiang Industrial Bank, in the name of "revitalizing Zhejiang Industry", was officially listed in Hangzhou

Zhejiang Industrial Bank was founded in Hangzhou on April 16 (May 27, 1907) in the 33rd year of the Qing Dynasty (1907), and officially opened on the ninth day of September (October 15) of the same year. Initiated by Zhejiang Railway Company and petitioned the Ministry of Posts, the Degree Branch, and the Ministry of Agriculture, Industry and Commerce to register and file a case. The initial capital is 1 million yuan, divided into 10,000 shares, 100 yuan per share, paid in four installments, and 250,000 yuan is collected at the time of opening. Directors Shen Xinsan, Jiang Haicuo, Hu Zaoqing, Sun Xiangqing, Hu Zaoqing concurrently serve as premier. In 1907, the Shanghai branch was established, and in November of the same year, it was allowed to issue exchange coupons. By 1911, Zhejiang Xing issued a total of nearly 1.35 million yuan in banknotes, of which about 150,000 yuan in Hankou Branch, about 600,000 yuan in Hangzhou Headquarters and Shanghai Branch, and the prosperity trend has become a success.

On October 10, 1911, Jiang Jiajie received news in Shanghai: "Hubei military and civilians revolted at 12:30 last night in Wuchang, governor Rui Ling did not know the whereabouts", Jiang Wei immediately realized that there was a risk of running in the Hankou branch, urgently prepared cash, saved the Han bank is to save the head office, insisted on the belief that "we must maintain business and win the trust of the city", and finally completely calmed down the run trend of the three lines. After this battle, the credibility of Zhejiang Xing Bank rose up, and his peers praised him as envious, and Jiang Shujie, as the largest shareholder, slept at night and summed up: "This is mainly due to the concerted efforts of Mr. Shen Xinsan of zhejiang headquarters and Mr. Fan Shixunzhu, premier of Shanghai Bank... And Mr. Tang Shouqian transferred the silver of the three libraries ... As for the reason why Zhe Xing did not avoid risks and jointly supported the crisis, he sincerely took the bank's reputation as the foundation of the world, one of which was the first; Zhejiang Xing took Zhejiang Road Company as its service object, and once it was suspended, it would be impossible to deal with the two Zhejiang fathers and elders, and the second was the second The Jiang family is the majority shareholder of Zhejiang Xing, which is the third. "Speaking frankly, only those who have experienced the hardships have the deepest understanding. Twenty-nine years later, on December 29, 1940, Ye Jingkui, then chairman of Zhejiang Xing, delivered a speech at the memorial service of Jiang Weijie: "The storm is full of winds and waves, the most dangerous day, and finally it will be safe to cross, and if Mr. Gou is not the perseverance and enthusiasm of Mr. Zhexing, the bank should not return to today's grand situation." "I still remember Mr. Shu's battle on this day.

In 1908, Jiang Weijie succeeded Hai Tuogong into the board of directors, and in 1915 acquired all the shares of Zhejiang Road Company, holding more than half of the total number of shares of Zhejiang Xing Bank, in the same year, the head office moved to Shanghai, changed Hangzhou as a branch, and hired Mr. Ye Jingkui as the chairman, thus Zhejiang Xing Bank entered its heyday with the support of Jiang and Ye.

Cast immortal karma

hardcore! Bear the weight of "Xingye" with the strength of a family! The three paths of the financial capitalist family are the Jiang family

Formerly Zhejiang Industrial Bank Hangzhou Branch, it is now the Hangzhou Yangbatou Branch of ICBC Zhejiang Branch

After 1915, Mr. Jiang's reputation in the financial circles of Zhejiang and Shanghai grew, and his wisdom gradually became known to the outside world. In March 1916, Yuan Shikai's imperial system collapsed, and in April, there was a run on cash in various places, and on May 12, Duan Qirui, the premier of the Beiyang government, ordered the Bank of China and the Bank of Communications to stop cash payments. When the news came out, the whole country was shocked. Song Hanzhang, manager of Bank of China Shanghai Bank, and Zhang Jiazhang, deputy manager of Bank of China, discussed Jiang Xiaojie, Ye Jingkui, Xiang Lansheng, Li Fusun, manager of the Shanghai branch of Zhejiang Local Bank, and Chen Guangfu, general manager of Shanghai Commercial and Savings Bank, on the afternoon of the same day. With the support of commercial banks such as Zhejiang Xing and the military government authorities of Jiangsu Province, a run was safely overcome from May 13 to 19. The Shanghai branch of the Bank of China has become a mainstay of resistance to chaos and has played a huge role in stabilizing the country's financial markets.

In the golden 10 years from 1918 to 1927, Zhexing Bank once ranked first among the major commercial banks in the country for five times. As a commercial bank, Zhexing Bank fully supports the development of national industry and commerce. The lending of national industry and commerce accounts for more than 50% of all loans. According to incomplete statistics, the loan in 1925 has exceeded 20 million yuan, reached 40 million yuan in 1931, and reached 58 million yuan in 1934. During this period, more than 600 national industries and businesses were loaned by Zhejiang Xing, of which more than 20 were rescued by Zhejiang Xing loans when they were on the verge of bankruptcy, including the Dasheng Spinning Factory of Nantong Zhang Xiao, which was able to tide over the difficulties by obtaining loans from Zhe Xing when the funds were difficult, and later Zhang Xiao repeatedly said on different occasions that Zhe Xing was "our entrepreneur's own bank". From the analysis of the total number of loans made by 13 important commercial banks in Shanghai to industrial and mining enterprises: In 1930 and 1933, Zhejiang Xing accounted for 25.6% and 26.4% respectively, ranking first.

hardcore! Bear the weight of "Xingye" with the strength of a family! The three paths of the financial capitalist family are the Jiang family

The "Zhejiang Xing" led by Jiang Weiqi vigorously supported the construction of the Qiantang River Bridge

By 1937, Zhexing Bank had set up branches in Hangzhou, Hankou, Tianjin and Nanjing, 8 branches in Shanghai West District, Hongkou, Xiafei Road, North Suzhou Road, Wuxi, Zhengzhou, Qingdao and Beijing, and 11 branches and 8 warehouses in Changshu, Suzhou, Xinpu, Wuxing, Bengbu and Hong Kong. Business types include general banking business, savings, real estate, trust, insurance, agency, etc. During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the Nanjing and Hangzhou branches and the three branches and 8 branch offices in Shanghai Hongkou, North Suzhou Road and Wuxi were all withdrawn to the head office, and the other branch offices were also withdrawn and merged. In 1938, the Chongqing Sub-branch was added, and on July 1, 1943, it was upgraded to a branch. In 1939, the Kunming branch office was added. On December 8, 1942, the Ministry of Finance of the Wang puppet government issued Qianzi No. 153 business license. In 1944, the capital was increased to 10 million yuan of China Reserve Bonds, and the actual income was 10 million yuan, which was divided into 100,000 shares, 100 yuan per share. After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, it was changed to 10 million yuan in legal tender. On March 1, 1946, the Nanjing and Hangzhou branches resumed business, on May 1 of the same year, the Shanghai Hongkou branch resumed business, the North Suzhou Road branch was relocated to Nanshi Dongmen Road and renamed dongmen road branch, the Tianjin Hegong branch was moved to east road, renamed the east road branch, and the Nanjing Jiankang Road branch, Suzhou, Wuxi and other branches were resumed. In May 1949, the capital was changed to 410 million yuan. In 1951, he approved the public-private partnership and joined the joint general management office of 5 public-private partnership banks including Xinhua. He joined the public-private partnership bank at the end of 1952.

It is said that the capital invested by the Jiang family in Zhexing all came from Mr. Ji's father, Hai Chu gong, when Zhe Xing encountered a run storm in 1911, it was also Hai Chu Gong who took out family funds to help Zhejiang Xing tide over the difficulties, so the establishment of Zhejiang Xing Bank included the father and son of the Jiang family, Hai Chu Gong paid for it, and Mr. Zhi Zhi was out of the people. Hai Tuogong self-deprecating minimalism, but for Zhejiang Xing Bank does vigorously support and spare no effort, Jiang Wei has achieved great success in running Zhejiang Xing, donated funds to Zhejiang Silk College, he named "Jiang Hai Chip, Jiang Shu Wei Silk Scholarship Fund" after his father and himself, and at the same time donated funds to establish the "Mr. Jiang Wei Wei Education Fund" in Zhejiang Sci-Tech University. Now the outside world knows that Mr. Jiang and Mr. Lu Xun are close friends, and there are many records in Lu Xun's diary, and Mr. Lu Xun's translation of "Collection of Novels Outside the Territory" was funded and published by Mr. Jiang. In fact, Mr. Ji Ji's greater contribution to the cultural cause lies in donating his life's collection of ancient books to the United Library, which is the immortal work in cultural history.

The ancestors of the Jiang clan can be traced back to the Yanzhou Thorn History Jiang Xue in the first year of the Hanping Emperor, Jiang Xue Guili, Thorn Gate, pushing open the three paths in front of the house, and the day and the deceased asked for Zhong, Yang Zhongyan was happy. The source of the plaque hanging the "Three Paths Hall" in the old residence of Jishanfang in Hangzhou lies in this. And the boundary stone of "Three Paths Tang Jiang" is still there.

The official public number of "Shanghai Bank Museum".

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