
Gentleness is a kind of wisdom like a spring breeze

author:lmy sculpts the time
Gentleness is a kind of wisdom like a spring breeze

People who smile and smile softly will always make people like

I don't know if everyone feels the same way, whether we like to interact with a person, appearance image, education level, work ability are secondary. The most important thing is whether it is comfortable to get along with this person.

Some people are like hedgehogs, and when you approach him, the sharp thorns on your back make you scale and fear.

Some people are gentle and amiable, even if they don't see it for a long time, mentioning that name, like a spring breeze.

Dong Qing is undoubtedly such a woman, she is gentle and humble, radiant, and the years have not left any traces of destruction on her, but with the passage of time, she has become more intellectually elegant and fascinating.

At the "Chinese Poetry Conference" presided over by Dong Qing, the opening statement of each scene was a poem. Some of the difficult questions that the contestants could not answer, she answered easily.

Many netizens sighed: "Dong Qing's smile, every word and deed, exudes a gentle and dignified charm. ”

In an episode of "Readers", guest Lai Min fell ill and had limited mobility, and sat in a wheelchair to complete his own reading, feeling deep and tearful. The moment Dong Qing squatted down to comfort and encourage her, it was gentle to the bone, so that everyone felt her inner cultivation.

The reason why Dong Qing is loved by the audience is not only her great literary skills and ability to speak, but also her comfortable character and respect for everyone.

She is gentle, does not lose her temperature, and has height, can be good at observing the difficulties of others, and can inadvertently answer questions for others.

Gentleness is a kind of wisdom like a spring breeze

Because you understand, you are compassionate

Psychologist Daniel once said: The degree of comfort you make people determines the height you can reach.

The higher the level of people, the more empathetic ability, the more considerate and gentle they are, and the more approachable they are.

When Carnegie was 9 years old, his father married his stepmother into the door. At that time, the father and son were very poor, did not have enough to eat and wear, and the stepmother came from a better family.

Father introduced to his stepmother: "Honey, please pay attention to the worst boy in the whole county, maybe he will throw you a stone or do something bad before tomorrow morning, in short, he will make you invincible."

To Carnegie's surprise, the stepmother smiled and said: You are wrong, he is not the worst boy in the county, but the smartest boy who has not yet found a place to vent his enthusiasm.

Carnegie's words made Carnegie's heart warm, and the tears were almost rolling down, before that, no one had ever praised him for being smart, and everyone thought he was a bad boy.

It was with these words that he and his stepmother began to build a friendship; it was this sentence that became the motivation that inspired him to help thousands of ordinary people to succeed and become rich in the future.

People with soft hearts will not be arrogant or condescending.

They are always warm to life and have good thoughts about ordinary life in the world.

As Zhang Ailing said: Because you understand, you are compassionate.

The more knowledgeable and cultivated people are, the more they will think in a different position when they get along with people, making people relaxed and happy.

May you and I, in the long journey of life, meet all the people we meet, and be gentle.

May you and I, too, be the gentle ones.

Gentleness is a kind of wisdom like a spring breeze

May you and I be the gentle ones

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