
These three cultural relics will never leave the country, "two pieces of glass and a piece of cloth", "treasure of the town hall" has not yet been solved

These three cultural relics will never leave the country, "two pieces of glass and a piece of cloth", "treasure of the town hall" has not yet been solved

When it comes to cultural relics, China is the most in the world, and there are countless rare treasures created under the continuous cultural heritage for thousands of years. Each of them reflects the outstanding wisdom and ingenious skills of the ancient Chinese who transcended the limitations of history. These cultural relics created through hands in ancient times, which are extremely backward in science, are still difficult to understand today with the rapid development of science and technology, two of which are essential daily necessities for every household today, and the other is just an ordinary cloth, which has now become the "treasure of the town hall" that the three museums will never leave the country.

These three cultural relics will never leave the country, "two pieces of glass and a piece of cloth", "treasure of the town hall" has not yet been solved

The first piece, the "Northern Swallow Duck Shaped Glass Note" that spans space and time

The first thing that surprises people is its transparent material, which immediately reminds people of the very popular transparent glass. It was found in the tomb of Feng Sufu of the Northern Yan in the Five Hu and Sixteen Kingdoms era, and was excavated intact, making it difficult to imagine that it was so thin and transparent that it was not crushed by the dust of history, and its silver-green color was clearly visible under close inspection, because of its body length and horizontal like a duck, and the front and back ends were more like the long tail of the platypus. According to expert research, this should be formed by the blowpipe method, and then the texture should be formed by the paste method of sticking glass strips. The shape of this artifact is said to originate from the pre-Qin period, and is based on the "Xunzi" book records that "full is covered, the middle is correct, the virtual is the same" as the prototype, its characteristics are as Described by Xunzi, the abdomen is filled with water until half a time before it can be smoothly placed, and it cannot be corrected when it is full or not.

These three cultural relics will never leave the country, "two pieces of glass and a piece of cloth", "treasure of the town hall" has not yet been solved

According to expert testing, its material belongs to soda-lime glass, which was unable to be produced independently in China at that time. After reviewing the history of the time, it was speculated that this glass should be produced by the ancient Roman Empire along the Coast of Syria to the Mediterranean, first to the Western Regions and then through Rouran to Feng's Northern Yan, as a fragile product that is still a headache for transportation, whether it is a thousand miles of space or through a thousand years of time, it is a miracle. Now in the Liaoning Provincial Museum, as the "treasure of the town museum", it continues to witness the changes of history.

These three cultural relics will never leave the country, "two pieces of glass and a piece of cloth", "treasure of the town hall" has not yet been solved

The second piece, the Warring States "Glass" that "crossed"

Its name must be thunderous, and studies have shown that it is made of a whole piece of crystal polished, in addition to the rarity of the large piece of complete crystal rough itself, its craftsmanship is the most shocking to posterity. The appearance of the crystal cup adopts the same popular curved polishing and polishing process, which was extremely difficult in the pre-Qin period more than 2,000 years ago, even in the Warring States period, when jade processing technology was at its peak, it was not easy to process crystal, a rare and special raw material, into such a delicate practical vessel. Today's geology defines the hardness of crystal as 7 degrees on the Mohs scale, and only emery intermediate media can process it, so how the ancients carried it out at that time is unknown. In addition to the ingenious skills, its design concept is also really extraordinary, its line contour and appearance of the design coincides with our current minimalist style more than 2,000 years later, the beautiful and practical and generous characteristics of a collection, even if the aura of its cultural relics is erased and placed in the cup sea of the supermarket, we must be attracted by its simple and simple appearance when shopping.

These three cultural relics will never leave the country, "two pieces of glass and a piece of cloth", "treasure of the town hall" has not yet been solved

It also leaves us with a mystery that is still unsolved, the Zhejiang Provincial Department of Geology and Mineral Resources said that such a high purity, such a complete shape and such a large crystal is impossible in China, so where does it come from? The second is the polishing of the inner wall of the cup and the bottom of the cup, in the absence of scientific instruments at that time, how to polish so smoothly and smoothly under the premise that the hand cannot reach in? Finally, it is processed into upper width and lower narrowness in the case of extremely high crystal hardness, how is this core taken? These questions are still incomprehensible, but they do not mean that they will not be solved in the future. It is now the "treasure of the town museum" of the Hangzhou Museum, and after thousands of years, it is still waiting for those who understand it to appear.

These three cultural relics will never leave the country, "two pieces of glass and a piece of cloth", "treasure of the town hall" has not yet been solved

The third piece, the mysterious Han Dynasty arm guard

The arm guard itself is a very ordinary thing, but because of the ornamentation and inscription on it, it has become a national treasure. The five colors of green, red, yellow, white and green used in the cloth are from the plant dyes that were very common in the Qin and Han dynasties, and "green, red, yellow, white and green" should have been "green, red, yellow, white and black", because ancient astronomy corresponded to the color of "year star, screen star, fill star, taibai star and chen star", and experts speculated that the reason for changing black to green may be because green is brighter than black. And the embodiment of astronomical yin and yang between the square inches is the embodiment of the complexity and superb manufacturing process of the brocade.

These three cultural relics will never leave the country, "two pieces of glass and a piece of cloth", "treasure of the town hall" has not yet been solved

The most fascinating thing is its inscription "Five Stars Out of the East and China", which is undoubtedly an astronomical spectacle that says "five stars and pearls", which seems to have appeared in the Han Dynasty, and is mentioned in ancient books such as the "History of History", "Book of Han", "Zhang ErChuan", "Han Ji" and so on. The Book of Heavenly Officials says, "Among the five stars and the heavens, they are accumulated in the East and profited by China; in the West, foreign users (soldiers) benefit." The five stars are gathered together from the stars, and the country they give up can be brought to the world. Since then, the five-star beads have become the representative of Xiangrui in the celestial signs. And with the help of today's advanced science, it is confirmed that most of the astronomical records of the ancients are accurate and credible. As far as the five-star beads are concerned, many gratifying results have been achieved at home and abroad in the study of its relationship with historical events through scientific methods, among which the research of the Wuwang Keshang era and the ancient people's observation of the cycle of the five-star beads have made great progress. Of course, whether or not this proverb is credible, the special emotion of expecting this celestial spectacle to appear, the great fortune and the sign of great profit, is innate to every Chinese. Now, as the "treasure of the town museum" of the Xinjiang Museum, it is witnessing the rise of China.

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