
People in the unit, these kinds of people, see through not to say broken, know each other's hearts

People in the unit, is it better to be "gregarious" or "unsociable"?

The answer given by many workplace "people" is that if you are a person with no background and no backing, you must find ways to "fit in" in order to avoid being "marginalized".

It seems to make sense. But as a twenty-year-old worker, I feel that the truth is that you must have the charm of "being in the group", and you must have the confidence and ability to "not fit in".

In the face of all kinds of people, once the apparent harmony encounters a conflict of interests, a rift will soon appear; and those who do not agree with the three views, even if they have always been polite, still look down on them behind their backs.

Especially after spending a long time together, everyone is too lazy to pretend. The following kinds of people, you don't have to care, see through not to say broken, know each other's hearts.

People in the unit, these kinds of people, see through not to say broken, know each other's hearts


A man of calculation.

"Liezi" tells the story of a man surnamed Yin who treats servants harshly. In order to squeeze more of the servants' labor, yin ordered the servants not to rest from early morning until dusk. An old servant groaned and worked during the day and fell asleep at night because he was tired, and though miserable he did not feel anything to resent.

On the contrary, yin himself, every day thinking about how to run the family business, take care of the servants, the mind and body are very tired, often can not sleep at night.

Later, when his friends saw that he and his servants were too tired, they advised him to be less calculating and more tolerant. Yin shi heeded this advice, and the servants reduced their labor, and he himself was relieved.

In the unit, many small leaders are like this "Yin Family", their favorite thing to do every day is to assign work to subordinates, and then rack their brains to take the credit into their own arms.

Such a person, full of stomachs are "playing small calculations", seems to be very shrewd, seemingly watertight, but after getting along for a long time, even the most cowardly subordinates will ignore it. There is no need for interaction other than to complete the work step by step.

People in the unit, these kinds of people, see through not to say broken, know each other's hearts


Snobbish and flattering.

A gentleman loves money and has a way of getting it.

For many people, it is better to work a little more, a little bitter, a little tired, rather than repeatedly lower the bottom line of people in the world, to earn some money that looks easy but "can't see the light".

The Story of "Licking the Hemorrhoids" tells:

There was a man named Cao Shang in the Song Kingdom, who sent an envoy to the Qin Kingdom for the King of Song, and when he went, he got a few cars from the King of Song, and when he returned, he got a hundred cars from the King of Qin.

When Cao Shang met Zhuangzi, who lived in a dark alley and relied on weaving straw shoes to make a living, he flaunted his "talents" and wealth. Zhuangzi did not hurry to go back: "I heard that the King of Qin is sick, summon a doctor, the person who breaks the abscess and ulcers and scatters the boils can get a vehicle, and the person who licks and cures the hemorrhoids can get five vehicles, and the lower the part of treatment, the more vehicles can be obtained." Have you ever licked the hemorrhoids of the Qin King, and how come there are so many award-winning vehicles? You go away! ”

In Zhuangzi's view, the hundred cars obtained by Cao Shang were in a flattering way, even in a despicable and shameless way, and such money was at the cost of losing self-integrity.

In the workplace, people often encounter such mercenary and extremely flattering people, who are best at doing things, that is, "will come to things", either fanning the flames and provoking the relationships of others; or there is nothing to find in order to profit from it.

In the face of such a person, there is no need to take care of it at all. Only by not mixing with anything with him can we avoid being used and calculated. Even if it is "hated" because of this, there should be no wavering.

People in the unit, these kinds of people, see through not to say broken, know each other's hearts


Mean and unkind.

It is common for people in the unit to sweep the snow in front of the door by themselves. Even if the slogan of "division of labor and cooperation" is shouted, there is often only division of labor, no cooperation.

The reason is very simple, people in the unit, there are very few people who really help others, and they can't see others' good grasps.

Sometimes, even if it is a show of hands, people will not only not take the handle, but also find various reasons to prevaricate. It seems to have done a big "human feeling", but in fact, it is mean and unkind, "seeing death and not saving".

"Foreign Objects" tells the story of Zhuang Zhou's request to the Marquis of Jianhe to lend money. In the face of Zhuang Zhou, who was so poor that he wanted to borrow grain, he did not directly refuse, but drew a big cake: "Well, I am going to collect the tax of Fengyi, and I can lend you three hundred gold, okay?" Zhuang Zhou listened, his face changed suddenly, and responded with a story about a fish that was about to die of thirst, but promised to send it to the East Sea.

But isn't it, people in the unit, how many people speak generous and beautiful words, but do the most miserly behavior, this kind of hypocrisy, the cruelty hidden, really make people hate and infuriate.

Therefore, in the face of those who are mean and unkind, whether it is a leader or a colleague, they should stay away and do their part, and the rest, it is enough to "treat their bodies in the way of others".

People in the unit, these kinds of people, see through not to say broken, know each other's hearts



People in the unit, whether they can be promoted, ability is often not the most important, the most important thing is interpersonal relationships.

But if you can't keep yourself in the circle of flattery and flattery, you might as well focus on yourself.

After all, any unit always needs people who do things in a down-to-earth manner.

Author: Like the wind is light as a cloud.

Your happiness, my blessings.

Images are from the web.

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