
The historical truth of Zhao Kuangyin's yellow robe was surprisingly strange! 1, Zhao Kuangyin Wendou Xu Xuan 2, the details of the "Chen Qiao Mutiny" suspicious doubt 1, first of all, the time doubt 2, followed by the process of doubt 3, then the cause and effect 3, actor 4, the truth hidden in 3 years after the "private conversation" case, the yellow robe plus Guo Wei 5, a stick to play an emperor double knot stick 6, the Great Song Innovation

author:Read history
The historical truth of Zhao Kuangyin's yellow robe was surprisingly strange! 1, Zhao Kuangyin Wendou Xu Xuan 2, the details of the "Chen Qiao Mutiny" suspicious doubt 1, first of all, the time doubt 2, followed by the process of doubt 3, then the cause and effect 3, actor 4, the truth hidden in 3 years after the "private conversation" case, the yellow robe plus Guo Wei 5, a stick to play an emperor double knot stick 6, the Great Song Innovation

Text: Yi Zhongtian Source: Yi Zhongtian Chinese History 17: The Great Song Revolution The Department of Reading History is authorized to use

<h1 class="ql-align-justify" >1, Zhao Kuangyin Wendou Xu Xuan


The Founder of the Great Song Dynasty was a group of warlords, the leader of whom was named Zhao Kuangyin.

Zhao Kuangyin was the Song Taizu, and the warlords were always looked down upon by the literati. During Taizu's conquest of the Southern Tang Dynasty, the later lord Li Yu sent the chancellor Xu Xuan (pronounced Ru Xuan) to see him. Seo Hyun thought that culture could resist militarization, and even chanted Li Yu's "Autumn Moon".

Taizu laughed loudly: "This kind of sour and slippery literati can't be seen." ”

Xu Xuan sneered, "Presumably, Your Majesty has more masterpieces." ”

Song Chen's face changed, but Taizu was not hurried: "In the life of a horse, I do not sing poetry." Once drunk and slept in the field. When I woke up, I saw that the moon was empty, and two poems blurted out. Is Xu Qing willing to listen? ”

Xu Xuan said: "I would like to hear more about it." ”

Taizu Lang groaned: "Before leaving the seabed and a thousand mountains, it is only when it reaches the light of all nations in the sky." ”

Seo Hyun's five bodies threw himself to the ground.

Li Yu also quickly surrendered to the Song army bare-chested. After he was taken to Kaifeng as a prisoner of war, he once recalled the scene in a very sad tone: the most hasty resignation of the temple day, the church played a parting song, and wept to the palace.

It's certainly dramatic.

Zhao Kuangyin's title of emperor and the founding of the country is even more so.

<h1 class="ql-align-justify" >2, the details of the "Chen Qiao Mutiny" are suspicious

It was the dawn of the fourth day of the first lunar month in the first year of Jianlong (960), and Zhao Kuangyin, who was sleeping, was suddenly awakened by his younger brother Zhao Kuangyi and his aide Zhao Pu. At that time, his position was the inspection of the palace in front of the palace of the last Central Plains Dynasty of the Fifth Dynasty, that is, the commander-in-chief of the emperor's personal soldiers.

The mission was to resist the Khitan invasion. However, he had just walked to Chen Qiaoyi, forty miles away from Kaifeng, the capital of Zhou, the night before, and the next day there was an accident.

The historical truth of Zhao Kuangyin's yellow robe was surprisingly strange! 1, Zhao Kuangyin Wendou Xu Xuan 2, the details of the "Chen Qiao Mutiny" suspicious doubt 1, first of all, the time doubt 2, followed by the process of doubt 3, then the cause and effect 3, actor 4, the truth hidden in 3 years after the "private conversation" case, the yellow robe plus Guo Wei 5, a stick to play an emperor double knot stick 6, the Great Song Innovation

Zhao Kuangyin, who was awakened, walked out of the post gate, only to see the golden helmets and iron armor of the generals of the three armies fighting with open flames, and the noise of the sea overturned the river. They drew their swords and shouted, "May the lieutenant be the Son of Heaven!" "

The historical truth of Zhao Kuangyin's yellow robe was surprisingly strange! 1, Zhao Kuangyin Wendou Xu Xuan 2, the details of the "Chen Qiao Mutiny" suspicious doubt 1, first of all, the time doubt 2, followed by the process of doubt 3, then the cause and effect 3, actor 4, the truth hidden in 3 years after the "private conversation" case, the yellow robe plus Guo Wei 5, a stick to play an emperor double knot stick 6, the Great Song Innovation

Then, without saying a word, he draped the yellow robe on Zhao Kuangyin's body, and then fell to the ground, and the mountain cried long live. This is the famous Chen Qiao Mutiny in history.

Since then, the yellow robe has become synonymous with the title of emperor.

However, the case is suspicious.

<h1 class="ql-align-justify" > doubt 1, first of all time</h1>

After the mutiny, the army returned to Kaifeng on the same day, and the officials who remained in the later zhou also recognized the coup on the same day and lined up the composition of the new government at dusk. Zhao Kuangyin was even more unceremonious, ascending the throne in the Chongyuan Hall that night, and announcing the change of the name of the country the next day, amnesty for the world.

Day - Mutiny

Same day - back to open

Day - Acknowledgement

Day - Rank list

On that day - called emperor

The next day - change the yuan

Everything is done in one day, which is not too fast, right?

<h1 class="ql-align-justify" > doubt 2, followed by the process</h1>

In fact, after the Chen Qiao Mutiny, Zhao Kuangyin and his troops became rebel forces in name only. However, when they entered Kaifeng City, they did not encounter decent resistance, and Zhao Kuangyin returned to the official office as if he were going to work, although he cried when he saw Prime Minister Fan Qian.

In short, things went very smoothly, and an official of the Hanlin Academy even took out the Book of Abdication of Emperor Gong of Later Zhou from his sleeve on the spot.

Strange, where did this file come from?

I'm afraid it's as suspicious as the yellow robe from an unknown source.

1. The rebels did not encounter resistance

2. Zhao Kuangyin goes to work normally

3, came too fast and came from an unknown way to make a book

<h1 class="ql-align-justify" > doubt 3, and then cause and effect</h1>

What is more suspicious is that the reason for the Chen Qiao Mutiny is that Zhao Kuangyin wanted to lead an army to resist the Khitan invasion. Since this was the case, after he became emperor, he should choose another commander and deploy it.

Unfortunately not.

The Khitan and the Northern Han Dynasty, which colluded with the Khitans, are also missing, and it is said that they fled on their own, for unknown reasons and no one has investigated deeply.

The historical truth of Zhao Kuangyin's yellow robe was surprisingly strange! 1, Zhao Kuangyin Wendou Xu Xuan 2, the details of the "Chen Qiao Mutiny" suspicious doubt 1, first of all, the time doubt 2, followed by the process of doubt 3, then the cause and effect 3, actor 4, the truth hidden in 3 years after the "private conversation" case, the yellow robe plus Guo Wei 5, a stick to play an emperor double knot stick 6, the Great Song Innovation

Obviously, the Chen Qiao Mutiny was by no means an emergency, but rather a well-planned military coup d'état coordinated by all parties. Even the Northern Han Dynasty colluded with the Khitan invasion to make up ways to trick the seven-year-old Emperor Gong of Zhou and his mother's taoist family.

The question is, who is the mastermind?

<h1 class="ql-align-justify" >3, actor

Zhao Kuangyin certainly wouldn't admit it. Bullying orphans and widows is always unauthentic and disgraceful. Shi Chen of the Song Dynasty would not let him admit it either, but would help him cover up.

For example, Sima Guang's record of the process of Chen Qiao's mutiny has the words "Taizu stubbornly refused, the crowd did not listen, helped Taizu get on his horse, and forced him to go south."

The historical truth of Zhao Kuangyin's yellow robe was surprisingly strange! 1, Zhao Kuangyin Wendou Xu Xuan 2, the details of the "Chen Qiao Mutiny" suspicious doubt 1, first of all, the time doubt 2, followed by the process of doubt 3, then the cause and effect 3, actor 4, the truth hidden in 3 years after the "private conversation" case, the yellow robe plus Guo Wei 5, a stick to play an emperor double knot stick 6, the Great Song Innovation

○ "Embracing the Southward Journey" is found in Sima Guang's notebook "The Tale of Shuishui", Volume I, and the excerpt here is taken from the Siku Quanshu. The Tale of Shuishui was written by Sima Guang in his later years and retired to the countryside, which can be regarded as a supplement to the Zizhi Tongjian.

Good one "forced southbound"! Can the emperor also treat him in this way?

Qin Emperor Han Wu, Tang Emperor Song Zu, I am afraid that they can't.

In fact, Zhao Kuangyin is acting.

The historical truth of Zhao Kuangyin's yellow robe was surprisingly strange! 1, Zhao Kuangyin Wendou Xu Xuan 2, the details of the "Chen Qiao Mutiny" suspicious doubt 1, first of all, the time doubt 2, followed by the process of doubt 3, then the cause and effect 3, actor 4, the truth hidden in 3 years after the "private conversation" case, the yellow robe plus Guo Wei 5, a stick to play an emperor double knot stick 6, the Great Song Innovation

At the end of the day, he is the chief writer, the chief director and the male number one. At this point, the younger brother Zhao Kuangyi and the staff member Zhao Pu both knew that they also cooperated with tacit understanding.

In front of people, they all said that Taizu was forced to become emperor, and even he was one of the proponents. But when it comes to speaking privately, it is inevitable to expose the truth.

<h1 class="ql-align-justify" >4, the truth is hidden in the "private conversation" 3 years later

The incident occurred three years after Zhao Kuangyin became emperor, and the original commission was that Taizu wanted to grant a heavy subject the right to use the army, which was resolutely opposed by Zhao Pu. Zhao Pu even used the excuse that the procedures were not complete enough to withhold the order that the emperor had already signed.

Taizu asked Zhao Pu incomprehensibly: Why are you suspicious of gods and ghosts! He wouldn't be sorry.

Zhao Pu asked rhetorically: How can Your Majesty be sorry for Zhou Shizong?

Taizu was speechless.

Zhou Shizong was Chai Rong, the father of Emperor Gong of Zhou. If Zhao Kuangyin was just a "coercive subordinate" of Chen Qiao's mutiny, he should have replied: I'm sorry Zhou Shizong, wasn't it all forced by you?

So why not say that?

Because he is the mastermind.

And to be honest, his move is not creative, almost copying the story of the old predecessor Guo Wei.

<h1 class="ql-align-justify" > case, Guo Wei with a yellow robe</h1>

Guo Wei was originally the capital of the Later Han Dynasty, but was not tolerated by the Later Han Emperor because of his high merits. The flesh-and-blood Hidden Emperor sent people to Yidu to kill him, but the people sent were on Guo Wei's side.

As a result, Guo Wei killed Kaifeng in the name of "Qing Jun's side", and Emperor Yin was killed in the chaos. The only person who was invited out by Guo Wei to maintain the situation was the empress dowager. But how could this situation be maintained by the empress dowager?

Guo Wei didn't want to be an emperor, it was impossible.

The following plot is simply a rehearsal of the Chen Qiao Mutiny: there was news of the Khitan invasion first, and the messengers were zhenzhou and Dingzhou in today's Hebei Province, and they all mutinied halfway through. The difference was that the mutiny was in Liaozhou (澶州, in modern Puyang County, Henan Province), and the reason was even stronger: they had already rebelled once before, and it was not as good as the revolution to the end. Of course, the details are more realistic: the yellow robe added to Guo Wei's body is a yellow flag that was temporarily torn off.

As a result, Guo Wei became the Taizu of Later Zhou.

Zhao Kuangyin, who was the commander-in-chief of the Later Zhou Emperor's personal army, could not have been unaware of this story. Copy it again, and no one will accuse him of plagiarism.

<h1 class="ql-align-justify" >5, a stick to hit an emperor

The only thing that cannot be figured out now is: when did he come up with this idea and how did he deploy it? We only know that when Zhao Kuangyin was still in Kaifeng, there were rumors in the city, saying that as soon as the army left the city, there would be a mutiny and he would be made the son of heaven.

Zhao Kuangyin also heard about it and was anxious to go around the house.

The historical truth of Zhao Kuangyin's yellow robe was surprisingly strange! 1, Zhao Kuangyin Wendou Xu Xuan 2, the details of the "Chen Qiao Mutiny" suspicious doubt 1, first of all, the time doubt 2, followed by the process of doubt 3, then the cause and effect 3, actor 4, the truth hidden in 3 years after the "private conversation" case, the yellow robe plus Guo Wei 5, a stick to play an emperor double knot stick 6, the Great Song Innovation

It could be gestures, hesitation, or nervousness. In short, a woman helped him make a decision, and Zhao Kuangyin's iron-colored sister rushed out of the kitchen, holding a rolling pin while beating and scolding: Manly husband, when you have something, you should make up your own mind, run home to scare us female streamers to do something!

Well, a stick hit a Song Taizu.

I am afraid that this can only be listened to by the aunt, and the Taizu Emperor of the Great Song Dynasty is not something that can be beaten with a stick. On the contrary, Zhao Kuangyin himself was a stick, and it is said that he also invented the double-knuckle stick.

<h1 class="ql-align-justify" > double knuckle stick</h1>

The double-knuckle stick is a Strange Gate weapon circulated in ancient China. Legend has it that it was created by Zhao Kuangyin, the grandfather of the Song Dynasty, and was originally named "Big Pan Dragon Stick", which was dedicated to sweeping the legs of enemy horses.

The historical truth of Zhao Kuangyin's yellow robe was surprisingly strange! 1, Zhao Kuangyin Wendou Xu Xuan 2, the details of the "Chen Qiao Mutiny" suspicious doubt 1, first of all, the time doubt 2, followed by the process of doubt 3, then the cause and effect 3, actor 4, the truth hidden in 3 years after the "private conversation" case, the yellow robe plus Guo Wei 5, a stick to play an emperor double knot stick 6, the Great Song Innovation
The historical truth of Zhao Kuangyin's yellow robe was surprisingly strange! 1, Zhao Kuangyin Wendou Xu Xuan 2, the details of the "Chen Qiao Mutiny" suspicious doubt 1, first of all, the time doubt 2, followed by the process of doubt 3, then the cause and effect 3, actor 4, the truth hidden in 3 years after the "private conversation" case, the yellow robe plus Guo Wei 5, a stick to play an emperor double knot stick 6, the Great Song Innovation

Although he did not copy Guo Wei so gloriously, his Song was not Guo Wei's Zhou, nor was it the previous Later Han, Later Jin, Later Tang, and Later Liang.

<h1 class="ql-align-justify" >6, the Great Song Revolution

Indeed, Song was the terminator of the five dynasties of the Tang Dynasty.

Counting from the Pang Xun rebellion before Huang Chao, almost a century of turmoil, division, and people's livelihood was brought to an end due to the efforts of Song Taizu and his courtiers and successors. In its place, a new era of economic prosperity, ideological activity, technological development, and social stability arose, although this dynasty also had such problems, such as the smallest territory, later only half of the country, and finally the destruction of the Mongols who rose up in the north, and so on.

The historical truth of Zhao Kuangyin's yellow robe was surprisingly strange! 1, Zhao Kuangyin Wendou Xu Xuan 2, the details of the "Chen Qiao Mutiny" suspicious doubt 1, first of all, the time doubt 2, followed by the process of doubt 3, then the cause and effect 3, actor 4, the truth hidden in 3 years after the "private conversation" case, the yellow robe plus Guo Wei 5, a stick to play an emperor double knot stick 6, the Great Song Innovation

○ The dark parts of the upper and lower maps are respectively the territorial extent of the Western Jin Dynasty and the Northern Song Dynasty, according to Tan Qihua's "Historical Atlas of China".

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