
In autumn, give your family more to drink this soup, sweet and dry and simple, the whole autumn is comfortable, don't miss it

author:A bit cooked
In autumn, give your family more to drink this soup, sweet and dry and simple, the whole autumn is comfortable, don't miss it

The weather is getting cooler and cooler, morning and evening is also accompanied by a hint of chill, autumn breeze cool season, although the body feels comfortable, but with the weather gradually cooler, the air humidity weakens, it is easy to make people feel that the body is dry, and it is particularly easy to get on fire, the autumn diet should be mainly dry, we in addition to drinking more water to replenish water, we can often eat some dried fruits and vegetables.

In autumn, give your family more to drink this soup, sweet and dry and simple, the whole autumn is comfortable, don't miss it

As the saying goes, "autumn arrives, pumpkin is pretty", after sufficient sunshine, autumn pumpkin is not only sweet, the taste is also sweet and soft, steamed, boiled, fried, or made staple food, dessert, the taste is particularly good, the nutritional value is also very high, to improve the symptoms of autumn dryness is of great benefit, is the real good ingredients of good food and price, autumn may wish to eat more.

In autumn, give your family more to drink this soup, sweet and dry and simple, the whole autumn is comfortable, don't miss it

Lotus seeds have the reputation of "the first best product for autumn moisturizing health", and are cooked and eaten with pumpkin, which is not only moisturizing and nourishing, but also nourishes the mind and is beneficial to health. Now I share this pumpkin lotus seed sweet soup with you, a simple boil, clear and sweet, especially comfortable, the whole family can eat it.

Pumpkin lotus seed soup

In autumn, give your family more to drink this soup, sweet and dry and simple, the whole autumn is comfortable, don't miss it

Ingredients: 200 g pumpkin, 50 g dried white lotus seeds, sugar or rock sugar to taste

In autumn, give your family more to drink this soup, sweet and dry and simple, the whole autumn is comfortable, don't miss it

1, white lotus seeds want to cook the powder is delicious, must be soaked in advance, put the dried lotus seeds into water to soak soft, and then use tweezers or toothpicks to clip out the middle of the lotus core do not, the lotus core is more bitter, will affect the taste and taste, you can also directly buy the core of the lotus seeds.

In autumn, give your family more to drink this soup, sweet and dry and simple, the whole autumn is comfortable, don't miss it

2: Peel the pumpkin and cut into small cubes about the size of the lotus seeds. When buying pumpkin, be sure to buy old pumpkin, old pumpkin whether it is starch content or sugar content is higher than tender pumpkin, eat more sweet, the entrance is melted.

In autumn, give your family more to drink this soup, sweet and dry and simple, the whole autumn is comfortable, don't miss it

3: Boil the lotus seeds first, put the lotus seeds into the pot, add an appropriate amount of water, bring to a boil on high heat, turn to low heat and cook until the lotus seeds are open and the skin is broken.

In autumn, give your family more to drink this soup, sweet and dry and simple, the whole autumn is comfortable, don't miss it

4: Add pumpkin, boil water and cook over medium heat for about 10 minutes, add sugar or rock sugar to taste after the pumpkin is cooked.

In autumn, give your family more to drink this soup, sweet and dry and simple, the whole autumn is comfortable, don't miss it

Finally sprinkle a handful of dried osmanthus flowers, is not very beautiful? Autumn and winter, often eat pumpkin benefits, used to boil sugar water is a simple and nutritious way to eat, lotus seeds are fragrant, pumpkin sweet and not greasy, hurry up to try it.