
Reporter: Brozovic is reluctant to reduce his renewal requirement for an annual salary of 7 million euros

Reporter: Brozovic is reluctant to reduce his renewal requirement for an annual salary of 7 million euros

Live bar December 22 news According to Inter's team reporter Pasqual Guarro, Brozovic asked for an annual salary of 7 million euros.

Pasquale Guarro revealed that talks for a contract extension between Inter and Brozovic have been ongoing and Inter hope to meet the player's demands. However, O'Silio, Marotta and other Inter executives do not want this renewal negotiation to become the focus of media attention, so the two sides often conduct remote negotiations such as Internet telephony to avoid being discovered and widely reported by the media when the club and the player agent meet. Negotiations between the two sides have been going on for weeks, trying to close the gap.

Brozovic's current salary requirements are not in line with the cost-cutting plan proposed by Inter president Zhang Kangyang, who demands an annual salary of 7 million euros and is reluctant to reduce the salary requirements. However, Inter executives also realized that if Brozovic was lost, it would not only mean that the team lost a basic player, but also caused dissatisfaction among fans. Inter fans have had to accept the reality of Lukaku and Ashraf's departure this summer, and if they lose Brozovic again, the signs of Inter selling their main players will be too obvious. Therefore, Inter top brass is ready to renew Brozovic's contract at all costs.

Negotiations are continuing, and Marotta has publicly stated that he is optimistic about the success of the renewal talks. Marotta said this because in his conversations with the players, Brozovic expressed his willingness to remain at Inter and would give Inter full priority, provided inter made a suitable offer to renew his contract. Brozovic's renewed contract requires an annual salary of 7 million euros, and Inter hope to complete the renewal by January next year.

(Su Erhu)

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