
"Feidong Yearbook 2021" was officially published and issued

Recently, the "Feidong Yearbook (2021)" sponsored by the CPC Feidong County Party Committee and the Feidong County People's Government and compiled by the Party History and Local History Research Office of the Feidong County CPC Committee was officially published and issued.

This is the 11th volume in a row since the inception of the Feidong Yearbook in 2011. The whole book adopts the article-type chronicle style, classified and compiled, and has three levels: category, sub-heading, and article. The whole book is about 950,000 words, covering a wide range, containing rich content and complete narrative elements. The yearbook adds 215 practical tables, which is convenient for readers to understand the development laws of Feidong's political economy, society and so on from the changes and comparisons of figures.

"Feidong Yearbook 2021" was officially published and issued

This is a large-scale geopolitical book starting from the actual situation of Feidong, highlighting regional characteristics, highlighting the colorful and rich humanistic charm of Feidong, which completely interprets Feidong, depicts Feidong, publicizes Feidong to people, introduces the development of Feidong's political, economic, cultural, social, ecological and other aspects to the outside world, and attracts more outstanding talents to take root in Feidong. In particular, the book focuses more on cultural people, publicizes the cultural beauty of Feidong, and attracts people to punch in "Happy Feidong". At the same time, this is a large-scale tool book that can be used by party and government organs at all levels, enterprises and institutions, research institutions, and people from all walks of life inside and outside the county to understand Feidong, consult materials, grasp information, and guide work. Due to the limited edition, it has a good collection value.

Ding Mengyun Xin'an Evening News Anhui Network Dawan News reporter Zhao Mingyu

Edited by Xu Dapeng