
Winter solstice | cold days short, wind and waves and balances

Winter solstice | cold days short, wind and waves and balances

Mechanical and electrical new youth

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The winter solstice, also known as the winter festival, the sub-year, the long solstice festival, etc., has both nature and humanities, and is not only an important festival in the twenty-four solar terms, but also a traditional festival of Chinese folk. Winter is celebrated on December 21-23 of the Gregorian calendar. The winter solstice is one of the eight festivals of the year, and in ancient times, folk had the custom of worshipping gods and ancestors in the "eight festivals".

Winter solstice | cold days short, wind and waves and balances


The winter solstice festival actually originated from the Han Dynasty, flourished in the Tang and Song Dynasties, and has been along with the present, and there is even a saying that "the winter solstice is as big as the year" in the Qing Jia Lu, which also shows that the ancients attached great importance to the winter solstice, and later people believed that the winter solstice was the natural transformation of yin and yang, which was a blessing from heaven.



Winter solstice | cold days short, wind and waves and balances
Winter solstice | cold days short, wind and waves and balances

Winter solstice customs also vary from region to region. In southern China, there are customs of ancestor worship and feasting on the winter solstice. In northern China, there is a custom of eating dumplings every year on the winter solstice. Finally, Xiaodian reminds everyone to add clothes while also remembering to eat dumplings!

Winter solstice | cold days short, wind and waves and balances
Winter solstice | cold days short, wind and waves and balances

This issue edits | Liu Boqi

Graphic review | Hu Jiawei

Responsible Editor | Chen Hongshuo

Instructor | Yuan Li

Produced by the New Media Center of the School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering of Chizhou University

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