
What is the difference between PNG and TGA in two mapping formats?

What is the difference between PNG and TGA in two mapping formats?

Do you know which format material maps are used?

Map format ???

I don't seem to have paid much attention to eh!!!

Should it be TGA, PNG?

Ha? I don't seem to have learned anything yet!

Confused today!!

Believe what I said

Definitely part of the little baby

I've heard of it but don't know much about it

Then in this issue, the answer will be solved

What is the difference between PNG and TGA in two mapping formats?

Let's take a look at it first

The difference between PNG and TGA image formats in the traditional sense

PNG: Streaming network graphics format

Can be used to store grayscale images and color graphics

TGA: Image file format

Files are 24-bit or 32-bit true color

While taking into account the image quality of BMP

It also takes into account the volume advantages of JPEG

Both PNG and TGA are available.

1. Transparent background

2. High compression ratio

3. Good image quality

These three points are actually decided

Both have a good performance in the CG field

So who is better?

More intuitively

PNG and TGA two mapping formats

The core difference is this

The TGA format has an Alpha channel

What is the difference between PNG and TGA in two mapping formats?

So what is the Alpha channel

And what kind of role can it play?

The most important use of alpha channels in PS

Store and build selection ranges

To put it simply

Alpha is an 8-bit grayscale channel

Three types of transparency information for an image are recorded with 256 levels of grayscale

1. Transparent area (black non-selected area)

2. Opaque areas (white full selection area)

3. Translucent area (gray semi-selected area)

PNG, on the other hand, is lossless compression using the lz77 algorithm

Its advantage is that the size becomes smaller after compression without losing accuracy

But the game runs these texture formats

Use PNG compared to TGA

It takes one more decoding process

It will bring a greater burden to the operation work

What is the difference between PNG and TGA in two mapping formats?

That's why

TGA picture with Alpha channel

Colors can be stored separately from transparent channels

and make edits and much more

These also determine the TGA in the field of CG

There is a wider use than PNG

But this also does not represent PNG

Will not be used in CG projects

Simple for some graphics

Don't care about a small number of items in the size of the game

It is also a texture that will be used in PNG format

What is the difference between PNG and TGA in two mapping formats?

Well, after reading this issue

About PNG and TGA image formats

Can there be a deeper understanding?

If it helps you

Please light up the triplet at the end of the article

Well, we'll see you next time!

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