
Exposed sex addiction + narcissistic personality! Wang Lihong "played dead" himself in this way


Sex addiction, should it be a reason for promiscuity?

Author: Yi Yi

Wan Wan did not expect that the "closing work" of the first year of the collapse of the star people would be Wang Lihong.

Summoning prostitutes, dating, cheating, inducing, cold violence, transferring property, seducing minors, and even "cheating on marriage suspicions"... With a detailed list of these evil deeds, it is no wonder that some netizens want to ridicule: this is a person who did "Wu Yifan + Huo Zun + Li Yundi three people to do things", worthy of being a "year-end summary person".

At present, Wang Lihong has issued an apology and said that he wants to temporarily withdraw from work.

In the three days of exposing and exposing the news, no one ever thought that under the good image of this high-quality idol, it was unsightly ugly and immoral.

However, eating melon is eating melon, but as a serious medical account, we still have to come up with a professional attitude to eat melon.

For example, from the various responses of you and me, asking for a hammer, Xiaobian found such a word from Li Lianglei's "Hammer of lei god" - psychologists believe that Wang Lihong has sexual addiction and narcissistic personality problems.

Exposed sex addiction + narcissistic personality! Wang Lihong "played dead" himself in this way

Image source: Screenshot of Weibo

Obviously not! Could it be that drug addiction can be a reason to take drugs?

So what is sex addiction?

In the 1970s, a member of the Boston Alcohol Anonymous Club named his sexuality "sex addiction," and he thought he was addicted to sex and love, as if one were addicted to alcohol. He advocated the virtues of sexual abstinence and established the first Anonymous Association for Sexual Addiction. Soon after, the consulting community became enthusiastic about the concept of "sex addiction".

The concept of sex addiction has been controversial in academic circles. In the fourth volume of the American Psychiatric Society's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, there is also a definition and description of "sex addiction", and in the latest American Manual of Diagnosis and Statistics of Mental Disorders, Volume V (DSM-5), there is no longer a word and definition of "sexual addiction".

That is to say, the medical "sex addiction" is still debated, which is not yet within the scope of diagnosable mental illness, and has not yet been recognized by most mainstream psychiatrists and psychologists. The American Psychological Association has not yet recognized "sex addiction" as a definitive, normative treatment for mental illness. However, the study of sex addiction in psychiatry and psychology has never stopped.

It manifests itself as an excessive focus on sexual fantasies, sexual impulses, or sexual behaviors, uncontrollably, even if there is obvious negative feedback, such as harm to the body or danger, or to continue, which has constituted a compulsive sexual behavior.

Compared with sex addiction, the medical community believes that it is more accurate to refer to this symptom with compulsive sexual behavior and sex drive control disorder.

Exposed sex addiction + narcissistic personality! Wang Lihong "played dead" himself in this way

Image source: Photo Network

Robert Ian F. Brown, honorary senior chancellor of psychology at the University of Glasgow in the United Kingdom, who conducts addiction research, said

"Sex addiction is the same as other types of addiction. People with sex addiction use sexual action as a way to regulate mood and escape from reality. Although the number of times someone actually puts it into action may not be very large, this kind of thinking continues all day long, and it also causes problems for people. Once you become addicted to sex, you generally indulge in a variety of sex-related activities. ”

At present, the causes of compulsive sexual behavior are not clear, and it is generally believed that physical factors, psychological factors, and social factors can lead to compulsive sexual behavior.

Studies have shown that certain chemicals in the brain, such as serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine, can help regulate your mood, and that excessive levels of these substances may be associated with compulsive sex; altered brain pathways, certain diseases such as epilepsy and dementia, can damage parts of the brain that affect sexual behavior, and may also cause obsessive-compulsive sex.

In terms of mental health, depression, anxiety, etc. can be the cause; having been sexually or physically abused can also lead to compulsive sexual behavior. For example, McCarthy's research found that 40 to 65 percent of men with sex addiction have been physically, emotionally, or sexually abused.

Some scholars believe that the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-V) should include "excessive libido disorder" and propose the following diagnostic criteria for the diagnosis of "excessive libido disorder", although this recommendation has not been adopted by DSM-V.

The diagnostic criteria they propose are:

1. Lasting more than six months, having recurrent and intense sexual fantasies, cravings, or sexual behavior, and meeting at least 3 of the following 5 criteria:

(1) Spend a lot of time planning and having sex;

(2) Repeated sexual fantasies, sexual cravings, or sexual behaviors that cause irritable mental states (e.g., anxiety, depression, boredom, irritability).

(3) Repeated sexual fantasies, sexual cravings, or sexual behaviors that lead to stressful life events.

(4) Repeated efforts to control or reduce sexual fantasies, sexual desires, or sexual behaviors, but still fail to control them.

(5) Repeated sexual behavior, ignoring the physical and mental harm to oneself and others.

2. The high frequency and intensity of sexual fantasies, sexual cravings, or sexual behaviors that cause distress or influence on the individual in social, occupational, or other important functional areas.

3. These sexual fantasies, cravings, or sexual acts are not physiological reactions caused by the use of external substances, such as drug abuse or drugs.

Narcissistic personality, this Wang Lihong divorce storm is a typical embodiment

There is a myth in ancient Greece: there was a very handsome and beautiful young man named Naxos. One day he found his reflection in the water, fell in love at first sight, and has had no intention of anything else. He clings to the water's edge, refuses to leave, and eventually dies of haggardness, and narcissism is named after Naxos.

Exposed sex addiction + narcissistic personality! Wang Lihong "played dead" himself in this way

For narcissistic personality disorder, the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-V) defines:

A universal pattern of psychological behavior that requires praise from others and lacks empathy (fantasy or behavior), which begins in early adulthood and exists in a variety of contexts.

According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (Fifth Edition), the basic features of narcissistic personality disorder are as follows:

1. They feel that they can do everything, and they feel in their hearts that they are the best.

2. They are often obsessed with fantasies about success, power, talent, and beauty.

3. They believe in their uniqueness and believe that their unique "abilities" can only be understood by a small number of high-status people.

4. Craving lasting attention and praise.

5. They feel like they are privileged people and think that others should have special care for themselves.

6. Severe lack of empathy.

7. Always be jealous of others and believe that others are jealous of themselves.

8. Exhibit an arrogant behavior or attitude.

Meeting five of the above criteria is sufficient to make a diagnosis. And by these criteria, we can also understand narcissistic personalities in this way: they are a group of people who care too much about themselves. But this self is not reality, but the imaginary over-inflated self.

Psychologist Kernburg once explained the causes of narcissistic personality disorder this way: "Narcissism stems from the rejection of their parents as children, so that the only people they think are worthy of trust and love in their hearts are themselves." ”

In fact, in connection with Wang Lihong's family lineage and the actions he took to deal with the divorce storm, it can be seen that he is a typical representative of the narcissistic personality:

Wang Lihong's family is a rare famous family with high gold content.

Exposed sex addiction + narcissistic personality! Wang Lihong "played dead" himself in this way

Image source: Network

My brother, Ph.D., ph.D. from Yale University, won first in a national joint examination in high school and received a greeting and congratulatory letter from Bush Sr. His younger brother was sent to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the United States and now works on Wall Street in the United States.

It can be seen that among the family peers, Wang Lihong has the lowest education.

In an interview, Wang Lihong once said that when he was a child practicing the piano and others were addicted to it, his mother would interrupt his performance and sharply point out his problems.

Exposed sex addiction + narcissistic personality! Wang Lihong "played dead" himself in this way

Image source: Video screenshot

In this environment, he developed a habit of being highly dependent on his parents and extremely narcissistic about himself.

Therefore, after receiving Li Lianglei's accusations, he first asked his father to write a handwritten response. Later, knowing that he would be hammered to death by the "Hammer of LeiShen", he still hit the mouth of the dead duck several times, and finally he could only lose his image and return home in a daze.

XiaoBian thought: in the face of that pile of unsightly facts, he can still struggle so much, in addition to death, that is, he really can't see the perfect image he painstakingly managed being trampled into the mud.


1.Coleman D. Some sexual behavior viewed as an addiction. New YorkTimens,1984: 16.

2.Kafka MP. Hypersexual disorder: Aproposed diagnosis for DSM-V.Archives of Sexual Behavior,2010( 39) : 377-400.

3.Frederico Duarte Garcia, MD.Sexual Addictions.The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse. 2010(36): 254–260.

4. Wang Weiyuan Fang Gang." A Review of the Treatment of Sex Addiction[J].Chinese Sex Science. 2014,23(5): 100-105.

5. Fang Gang Wang Weiyuan." Sex Addiction": Western Studies[J].Chinese Sex Science. 2014,23(3): 93-100.

6. Liu Zhao, I, am the best—— from personality characteristics to narcissistic personality[J]. Psychology and Health. 2020(09):22-24.

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