
"Cold violence, humiliation": Li Lianglei responded strongly to Wang Lihong, telling the sadness of contemporary women

"Cold violence, humiliation": Li Lianglei responded strongly to Wang Lihong, telling the sadness of contemporary women

Sure enough, many things in this world are not "empty".

From fermentation to expansion, a thing is not a deliberate person, but it has been breeding and growing in some dark corner, and finally growing a dark flower of desire.

A few days ago, Wang Lihong just announced his divorce, and now Li Lianglei has given a response of "the truth".

In Li Lianglei's long response, I saw the hidden patience of a full-time wife, saw the sadness of the current full-time wives, saw the softness and fragility of the mother of 3 children, and also saw the determination of a strong and brave woman to become a new life.

"Cold violence, humiliation": Li Lianglei responded strongly to Wang Lihong, telling the sadness of contemporary women

Let's take a closer look at Li Lianglei's response to say what "mistakes" Wang Lihong made in his marriage.

First: During the marriage, Wang Lihong and her family forced her to sign a notarization of property, determining that the premarital property did not belong to Li Lianglei.

Moreover, she suffered cold violence and humiliation from Wang Lihong and her mother-in-law.

The property, the house and the car were all transferred to Wang Lihong and his mother's name.

Second: For marriage and love, Li Lianglei gave birth to 3 children in a row, and the 8-year marriage has been spent in "producing and raising children".

In this regard, Wang Lihong did not fulfill the duties of a father in addition to giving some financial support.

Third: As a full-time wife, Li Lianglei plays multiple roles, such as: nanny, teacher, lover, cleaning aunt, all year round.

Fourth: During Li Lianglei's pregnancy, Wang Lihong had "cheated" behavior, and more than once.

Fifth: Not only that, Wang Lihong's private life is very chaotic, and he has an unclear relationship with many girls.

Sixth: Wang Lihong traveled to various cities on business, and there were "girls with unclear relationships" to accompany him.

Seventh: He always gives promises, but rarely fulfills them; even if he gives his children enough companionship, he can't do it.

Eighth: Even if he makes a mistake, he still hopes that Li Lianglei will not destroy his career and life.

"Cold violence, humiliation": Li Lianglei responded strongly to Wang Lihong, telling the sadness of contemporary women

In Li Lianglei's response, we can see too many absurd things that happen to one person.

Before this incident happened, Wang Lihong's personality was: a perfect idol, a powerful singer, a good look and strength, a good character and kindness, and no scandals after many years of marriage.

But now looking at the response of the original wife Li Lianglei, it makes us feel funny and absurd.

These "mistakes" mentioned above, if one of them happens to a married man, I am afraid that it will make girls unbearable.

But as a full-time wife, Li Lianglei, in the 8 years of marriage, she has always played many roles behind the scenes, silently paying attention to Wang Lihong's gains and losses, paying attention to his career, and becoming his most solid reliance and spiritual comfort.

In gain and loss, love and marriage, self and family, Li Lianglei finally ended up with such a bleak end.

I especially agree with this passage written by Li Lianglei in a long article:

"The person assigned to this role (the full-time wife) should not be taken for granted to never have the financial capacity or savings, while the party working outside gets all the benefits and rights. This will form an unequal relationship, leaving women in a weak position, even if boys cheat or domestic violence, it is difficult to have a voice. ”

It is real, transparent, and tells the sadness of the current full-time wives.

"Cold violence, humiliation": Li Lianglei responded strongly to Wang Lihong, telling the sadness of contemporary women


Full-time wife, "Superman"

I've always thought that stay-at-home wife is one of the hardest professions in the world, not one.

"Cold violence, humiliation": Li Lianglei responded strongly to Wang Lihong, telling the sadness of contemporary women

There is such a set of data on the Internet: What professional mother has the highest anxiety index?

Among them, the full-time wife ranks third.

But from the perspective of the present and the environment, the full-time wife can be regarded as the first.

What does it take for a woman to give up being a stay-at-home wife?

First: give up your career

In most families, women play the role of full-time wives at home after giving birth, and take care of their own children; husbands work outside to support the family, and those with a strong sense of responsibility will help share the responsibility of caring for children.

At this time, women mean losing their financial resources and giving up their careers.

If a woman is in the "career upswing" and then becomes a full-time wife, it means that it will be difficult for her to reach such heights in the future.

Second: give up the circle of friends and get out of touch with the outside world

At least until the child is 2 years old, it is difficult for a stay-at-home wife to chat with friends and girlfriends and go shopping.

Moreover, they stay at home most of the time, and the children are too young to take them out for a walk.

Gradually, they lost friends and their ability to deal with the outside world gradually decreased.

Third: there will also be a loss of dignity and self

When full-time wives have no money to spend, she has to reach out to her husband for money, and in the process, they are "low self-esteem" and need to bear psychological pressure.

If the husband is willing to give, everything is fine; if the husband is not willing to give, then she must look at his husband's face humbly and bear the sneer.

Fourth: losing yourself

After becoming a mother, her body deformed and her face had wrinkles.

She went from a girl full of youth and beauty to an old, sloppy woman who had no time to clean up after herself.

Under such a change, it undoubtedly reduced her attractiveness and freshness in her husband's eyes.

And this stage is the "high incidence period" for men to betray their feelings.

Many women are prone to prenatal and postnatal depression, which ultimately comes down to the husband's inability to provide her with enough security.

"Cold violence, humiliation": Li Lianglei responded strongly to Wang Lihong, telling the sadness of contemporary women

Stay-at-home wives are like "supermen" who can do everything.

To be a mother, to be a nanny, to be a cleaner, to be a cook, to brush pots and dishes, to wash shoes and socks.

Just like when we were young, the image of our mother in our eyes is the same: omnipotent.

When everyone is young, the first thing they do when they come home from school is not called "Dad", but "Mom".

This also shows the importance of motherhood in everyone's heart, from another point of view, why is it not that men's participation in the family is too low?

"Cold violence, humiliation": Li Lianglei responded strongly to Wang Lihong, telling the sadness of contemporary women


I thought that I could exchange investment for love, but in exchange for hurt

The biggest problem for contemporary women in marriage is that they give disproportionately from what they give, they are always disappointed in expectation, and they want to love but get hurt.

Women are ultimately vulnerable, especially a woman who is married and has children.

From the moment the child is born, the woman dedicates almost every day of her day to the child.

Although the husband is also paying for the family and earning money to support the family, women are relatively under multiple physical and mental pressures, and the husbands are under relatively less pressure.

A woman's innocence lies in:

Thinking that if you give without reservation, for the sake of your children, for the sake of your family, you will definitely be able to exchange more love and affection.

But they also can't predict that all the original efforts have only been exchanged for hurt and neglect.

"Cold violence, humiliation": Li Lianglei responded strongly to Wang Lihong, telling the sadness of contemporary women

I don't know if you have found such a problem.

Men are a state when they are in love, and a state after they marry you;

Before you got pregnant, his attitude toward you was average; after you became pregnant, his attitude toward you suddenly changed; and after you gave birth, his attitude toward you changed again.

Unstable, undulating, like a roller coaster ride.

This is because the role women play in marriage determines men's attitudes towards her.

After reading the marriage story of Wang Lihong and Li Lianglei, I thought of a sentence by Leo Tolstoy.

"There are only great works, no great writers."

In 2001, Wang Lihong wrote "The Only", which contains a lyric that sings:

"Sure, you are the only one I am, I really love you, I can't love you anymore."

Now it seems that the world has changed, the vicissitudes of the sea, she is still the moon in the sky, full of affection every night; but he has become a cloud in the sky, perched everywhere, and settled everywhere.

"Cold violence, humiliation": Li Lianglei responded strongly to Wang Lihong, telling the sadness of contemporary women

Today's Topic:

What do you think of Li Lianglei's response?

Do you think there's a lot of pressure on a stay-at-home wife?

(Article with picture source network)

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