
In Hitler's plan to annex the world, after defeating the Soviet Union, the muzzle of the gun would be aimed at which target

In Hitler's view, only Britain, the Soviet Union, and the United States were obstacles to his global domination. Before attacking the Soviet Union, Hitler's target was initially Britain, but Hitler changed his plans when he saw a move by the Soviet Union.

In Hitler's plan to annex the world, after defeating the Soviet Union, the muzzle of the gun would be aimed at which target

The biggest obstacle in Hitler's global strategy was the United States. Because the United States maintains a policy of neutrality on the surface, but secretly expands its armaments, the industrial strength of the United States is very strong.

Hitler predicted that the United States would complete its war preparations by the end of 1943, so he would wage war against the United States before then.

According to German Navy Commander-in-Chief Reider, Hitler was first prepared to occupy the Azores and then began fighting the United States in late 1941 or early 1942.

Europe and the United States were far apart, and germany would have to have an elite navy and air force if it wanted to annex the United States. The Luftwaffe was indeed good, but its own navy had little advantage over the United States.

In Hitler's plan to annex the world, after defeating the Soviet Union, the muzzle of the gun would be aimed at which target

How to solve this problem? Hitler's plan was to force Britain to step down and then use Britain's powerful maritime power to fight. After france surrendered, Hitler began to induce Britain to surrender, but Britain firmly refused.

But Germany and Britain were also separated by the English Channel. Hitler's mighty army could not function. In order to resist the British attack, it could only rely on the air force and U-boats to carry out non-stop bombing.

Hitler originally planned to tear up the Soviet-German Treaty of Friendship after Britain's surrender, wage war against the Soviet Union, and conquer the Soviet Union. All the strategic supplies needed for Germany's war with the United States, such as the navy, air force, oil, food, etc., are not a problem.

But when Hitler attacked Britain, the Soviet Union was ready to seize the romanian oil fields without informing Germany, which made Hitler completely embarrassed and angry.

In Hitler's plan to annex the world, after defeating the Soviet Union, the muzzle of the gun would be aimed at which target

Germany had no oil, and the oil needed for the war was mainly supplied by the Baku and Romanian oil fields of the Soviet Union.

Initially everyone knew that both the Soviet Union and Germany had aggressive ambitions and that sooner or later there would be a showdown. Now, if the romanian oil fields were controlled by the Soviet Union, it would be like pinching Hitler's testicles, and if Stalin was not happy, he would be unlucky.

In this way, in just two months, Hitler changed the direction of his operations, first taking the Soviet Union and then against Britain.

On June 22, 1941, German soldiers launched a surprise attack on the Soviet Union in three ways. In the first few months, Germany advanced smoothly, wiped out millions of Soviet Red Army, and came to Moscow.

Hitler was in high spirits at this time, so he again summoned The Commander-in-Chief of the Navy, Raeder, to discuss the next steps of the war against Britain and the United States.

In Hitler's plan to annex the world, after defeating the Soviet Union, the muzzle of the gun would be aimed at which target

What Hitler did not expect, however, was the defeat of the Germans at the Battle of Moscow.

But what surprised him even more was that his pig-like teammate Japan not only did not accept his invitation to fight the Soviet Union, but also launched the Pacific War at the most difficult time for the Germans, dragging the United States into the water in advance.

When the United States entered the war, it was bound to support Britain and the Soviet Union with a clear stance, which meant that Germany would face a two-front war.

Finally, as Hitler had expected, the United States and Great Britain formed an alliance and opened up the European front. Germany was in a state of being overwhelmed by the enemy, and was defeated one after another, and eventually Hitler's clique collapsed.

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