
The prince went into exile in the countryside, and the well-meaning old farmer adopted him for 12 years, but after he ascended the throne, he issued a fierce order: full of doors to cut!

We often say that the grace of dripping water should be repaid by a spring, and perhaps a small act of kindness or an act of ours will help this person out of suffering, and this person will repay your kindness in the future.

But not everyone will reciprocate, and some people will become an ungrateful person, so that they will come back to murder you and become the story of the "farmer and the snake".

The prince went into exile in the countryside, and the well-meaning old farmer adopted him for 12 years, but after he ascended the throne, he issued a fierce order: full of doors to cut!

The Fallen Prince

Chen Yizong is the emperor of the Chen Dynasty in vietnamese history, chen Yizong, who was a prince since childhood, lived in the imperial court, and Chen Yizong, who was a prince, also fought for the throne, and there are many historical events in China because of the struggle for the throne.

In the process of chen yizong's first struggle for the throne, he was defeated by his brother, and Chen Yizong, who failed to compete for the throne, had to live outside the palace.

The elder brother who inherited the throne began his rule, and during his brother's reign, the Chen Dynasty developed well, and the days were also thriving.

Unfortunately, his brother had only been on the throne for a few years, and he died of illness at the age of twenty-eight, and before his death, he did not have any heirs, nor did he think of asking Chen Yizong to inherit the throne, but instead passed his throne to his adopted son Yang Richi.

Because the Chen Dynasty was a lineage of the Chen family, it was now in the hands of an alien, so many ministers in the dynasty expressed their opposition, but in the end Yang Rili ascended to the throne.

The prince went into exile in the countryside, and the well-meaning old farmer adopted him for 12 years, but after he ascended the throne, he issued a fierce order: full of doors to cut!

After Yang Rili became emperor, he often wanted to revitalize his Yang family, and he also treated the descendants of the Chen clan with killers, who went everywhere to find the descendants of the Chen clan.

Chen Yizong also had to flee for his life in order to make a living, chen Yizong also escaped the murder of the killer again and again, just when Chen Yizong had run out of strength, Chen Yizong thought that he was going to die, and someone rescued Chen Yizong.

Kind old farmer

Chen Yizong was saved by an old uncle from a rural pastoral village, and Chen Yizong lived with this old man in the countryside, and at the beginning Chen Yizong would still have suicidal thoughts.

Because he was originally a noble prince, he was supposed to live in the imperial palace, but now he was lost to the folk farming.

The prince went into exile in the countryside, and the well-meaning old farmer adopted him for 12 years, but after he ascended the throne, he issued a fierce order: full of doors to cut!

But fortunately, lao Bo treated Chen Yizong very well, and also regarded Chen Yizong as his son, and Chen Yizong also felt a little warmth in his heart.

Therefore, Chen Yizong helped Lao Bo do a lot of chores, helped Lao Bo pick up cow dung to fertilize, harvested wheat in the wheat field, and made mud next to the small river to catch fish.

At this time, Chen Yizong was nearly forty years old, and the rule of the Chen Dynasty had reached a critical moment, because Yang Rili abused his power after he ascended to the throne, disregarded the government and politics, killed the people of the Chen clan, and ate and drank in the palace all day, playing with beautiful people.

In the face of such a ruler, the ministers of the court finally stopped tolerating it, and together with the army, they ousted Yang Rili from the throne, and it became a question of who would inherit the throne.

The prince went into exile in the countryside, and the well-meaning old farmer adopted him for 12 years, but after he ascended the throne, he issued a fierce order: full of doors to cut!

He ascended the throne as emperor

At this time, some people said that Chen Yizong was living in the field, and we could invite Chen Yizong back to ascend to the throne. The DPRK sent people to the fields to invite Chen Yizong to return to the dynasty and ascend the throne, and when he left, Chen Yizong was also reluctant to give up.

Chen Yizong, who returned to the middle of the dynasty, soon ascended to the throne, and after ascending the throne, he carried out a great purge, arrested the people of the Yang clan uniformly, and eliminated the rebellious Yu Party, and soon stabilized the Chen Dynasty.

Grace will take revenge

Chen Yizong's mentality of ascending to the throne has obviously changed, after all, as an emperor, he has lived in the folk for a while, and he has also done some things that make people laugh.

The prince went into exile in the countryside, and the well-meaning old farmer adopted him for 12 years, but after he ascended the throne, he issued a fierce order: full of doors to cut!

When they all thought that Chen Yizong would repay the favor of the old uncle, Chen Yizong ordered that the benefactor's entire family be wiped out, and also issued a national ban on talking about what he had done in the countryside.

It should be a good deed, but in the end it cannot withstand a person's self-esteem. But fortunately, Chen Yizong did not completely forget the kindness of the old uncle, and would go to the old man's tomb every year to mourn, which was also considered to make up for the mistakes in his conscience.

Speaking of this, are we thinking of Zhu Yuanzhang during our Ming Dynasty? After Zhu Yuanzhang seized the world, some of his partners saw that Zhu Laoba had developed, so they came to find Zhu Laoba's relatives.

As soon as I saw Zhu Laoba, I began to talk about what naughty things I had done when I was a child, but these words were not suitable for conversation in front of the public, and these words were too straightforward, which made Zhu Yuanzhang's face lose a lot.

The prince went into exile in the countryside, and the well-meaning old farmer adopted him for 12 years, but after he ascended the throne, he issued a fierce order: full of doors to cut!

After all, the emperor should be the ninth and fifth emperor, should be a noble origin, how did he do so many things when he was a teenager, so Zhu Yuanzhang ordered that his childhood partner be pulled out and executed.


Chen Yizong is ultimately a character who is not worthy of the position, and as the head of a country, the most important thing to do is to set an example for the people.

Unfortunately, Chen Yizong did not, and it was precisely because of this that Chen Yizong was ousted from the throne after being emperor for a few years.

Therefore, we should understand the reward of Grace and be kind to others, only in this way can we become a man who stands tall in the sky.

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