
If she had evaded taxes in ancient times, what punishment would Via have been punished?

If she had evaded taxes in ancient times, what punishment would Via have been punished?

Recently, the news that Via was fined 1.3 billion yuan for tax evasion and tax evasion has exploded across the network. Recall how ironic it is for Via to set up an "independent woman" persona before.

It really responds to the famous saying of Zhuo Wei, the famous "paparazzi" in the entertainment industry - "Now the stars, money let them earn." The good reputation let them get it, and as a result, they didn't do any bad things, and in turn, we didn't work hard enough. Is it too cheap for them?"

However, this also aroused the author's curiosity, how did the ancients evade taxes and evade taxes? If Wea had such a large amount, what kind of punishment would she have received if she had placed it in ancient times?

If she had evaded taxes in ancient times, what punishment would Via have been punished?

Today we will take a look.

In ancient times, there were generally only 3 types of people who did not have to pay taxes:

1. Relatives of the Emperor and the State

If these people have fiefs, then any output within their fiefdoms is owned by themselves and does not need to pay taxes. If there is no fief, it is supported by the government.

2. Government officials

Government officials are largely exempt from paying taxes.

For example, the Song Dynasty's grace and shadow system stipulated that the immediate family of an official could be an official, not to mention paying taxes;

3. Special personnel

For example, those who have passed the imperial examination, but have not yet become an official,

The Ming Dynasty stipulated that Xiucai did not have to serve as an errand boy and did not have to pay land rent;

People's tax avoidance is generally through three ways:

1. Household registration affiliation

For example, trusting relationships, walking through the back door, and attaching yourself to the name of an official. Officials are not required to pay taxes, and their relatives generally do not.

Second, asset affiliation

For example, attaching land to Xiucai's name and giving Xiucai a commission every year is always less than the tax to be handed over to the government.

3. Installment payment

For example, during the Ming Dynasty, the emperor stipulated that only those who purchased more than 40 taels of houses needed to pay deed tax (real estate transaction tax). Then I will pay in 4 installments, each time paying 10 taels, transferring a room. In this way, you don't have to pay a penny of tax.

So if you are found to have evaded or evaded taxes, how will you be punished?

If it was in the Qin Dynasty, tax evaders would be confiscated all their family property, and even neighbors would be implicated. Depending on the severity of the plot, play the board or exile.

If it was in the Han Dynasty, it was relatively humane, and the punishment for ordinary people was not severe; but if you were a noble family, in addition to confiscating the family property, you would have to fight with the Xiongnu cavalry for a year!

If it was in the Tang Dynasty, concealing the purchase of real estate, concealing a cane 60; stealing the market transaction tax 100 yuan, the staff 60, the fine of 2000 yuan. And if you steal the tea tax, even if there are only a few tea leaves, you will be executed. Because they were fighting with Tubo at that time, the Amount of Tea used by the Tubo people was very large, so the Tang Dynasty imposed a very strict tax on tea.

If it was in the Song Dynasty, who sold illegal salt to evade taxes, the seller of one or two more sticks beat fifteen, sold one pound of tea and beat 100 sticks, sold more than 20 pounds of execution and showed to the public, and sold private liquor five buckets to be executed.

If she had evaded taxes in ancient times, what punishment would Via have been punished?

If in the Yuan Dynasty, there was tax evasion in the sale of salt, tea, and wine, the staff was seventy and sentenced to two years' imprisonment, and half of the property was confiscated. Neighbors who do not report tax evasion are also beaten with a stick; in addition, rewards for whistleblowers are added.

If it was in the Ming Dynasty, tax evasion when buying and selling houses. Fifty heavy hits, plus a fine, which is half the amount of the house. Other tax evasions are mainly fines.

If it was in the Qing Dynasty, it would be fined five times!

Which dynasty do you think has the most reasonable punishment? Which dynasty law would you like to apply to tax evaders and tax evaders?

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If she had evaded taxes in ancient times, what punishment would Via have been punished?

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