
Mobile cinemas enter the campus, edutainment and promote safety

author:Hangzhou Net
Mobile cinemas enter the campus, edutainment and promote safety

In order to popularize the knowledge of disaster prevention and reduction and the common sense of emergency risk avoidance, master the correct emergency risk avoidance measures, enhance the safety awareness of all students and improve the ability to prevent natural disasters, on the afternoon of May 9, the film screening team of the "6th Ping An China Disaster Prevention Science Popularization Culture Film and Television Season 2017" organized by the Hangzhou Earthquake Bureau walked into Wentao Primary School in Binjiang District, where more than 280 teachers and students in the fourth grade watched the disaster prevention and reduction theme film "Lele Bear Fantasy Tracking 2". The film tells the story of the "Ambassador of Peace" Lele Bear and his friends Mira and Xiana to find the little golden eagle and protect the holy baby. In the whole process, they experienced various natural disasters, stubbornly overcame many difficulties, and finally successfully completed the task.

The film uses the language of the lens to perfectly interpret the scientific knowledge of disaster prevention and mitigation. With witty language, shocking special effects, and a beautiful soundtrack, it tells children not to panic in the face of natural disasters, to be calm and calm, and to use the escape methods learned in ordinary times to escape the clutches of natural disasters in the face of difficulties. The film also shows many specific escape methods, such as: when encountering a tornado, you must find a low-lying place to protect yourself, you cannot drive; you can't shout and cry on the snowy mountain, because it will cause avalanches, such as causing avalanches, to find something strong that can cover your body, and you can't run down the mountain. As long as the correct use of escape methods, you can avoid the chase of natural disasters.

Mobile cinemas enter the campus, edutainment and promote safety

After the viewing, the school also asked students to write their after-effects around the theme of "disaster prevention and reduction" to strengthen students' awareness of disaster prevention and reduction and the use of common sense of emergency risk avoidance. Through watching this film, students learned a lot of knowledge about disaster prevention and mitigation, and improved their ability to help themselves and protect themselves in response to emergencies.

It is reported that the school will establish this week as the "Disaster Prevention and Reduction Week", taking this as an opportunity to effectively strengthen the disaster prevention and reduction education at the same time, hold the "earthquake prevention and disaster reduction emergency evacuation drill", and at the same time open the school earthquake science popularization hall to the teachers and students of the school, teachers and students can enter the museum to visit and other related activities, take multiple measures at the same time, and effectively protect the safety of teachers and students.