
To lose sugar is to skip rice and noodles? Don't mess around, please see the correct sugar reduction "strategy"

Mastering the diet method can provide enough nutrients, but those foods that will make the body fat are kept away to stabilize the weight. Some people do not control sugar, a large number of sweets, over time in addition to blood sugar instability, even the weight will exceed the standard, therefore, the need to strictly limit the intake of sugar, and in this process the skills need to be mastered. Many people say that it is okay to reduce sugar without consuming rice noodles, is it true?

To lose sugar is to skip rice and noodles? Don't mess around, please see the correct sugar reduction "strategy"

Many people can't resist the temptation of food, and sweet things can make people feel happy when properly obtained, in addition, some non-sweet foods will also produce sugar after digestion by the body. Rice, noodles, etc. are rich in carbohydrates, which also have starch substances, after digestion, hydrolysis will also provide sugar substances for the human body, but if you want to reduce sugar, you can not simply consume less rice noodles, and other foods rich in sugar should be kept away from in order to have obvious effects.

How to reduce sugar is appropriate?

If you want to really reduce sugar, the right thing to do is to mix the food reasonably, but try to avoid high-sugar foods. Many people only know that staple foods contain more starchy substances, and blood sugar will be unstable after ingestion, but they do not know that many fruits or seemingly healthy foods are also rich in sugar, including honey, durian, mango, lychee, and these foods will still be unstable if they consume more during the sugar reduction period.

Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the correct ratio of food, the proper combination of meat and vegetarian, you can supplement dietary fiber to increase satiety, other fine foods do not get too much, and high-sugar foods to avoid, low-sugar foods to obtain appropriately, so that neither lack of energy provision, but also can stabilize the indicators.

To lose sugar is to skip rice and noodles? Don't mess around, please see the correct sugar reduction "strategy"

What are the dangers of consuming too much sugar?

1. High blood sugar

Getting too much sugar has health risks and is easy to make blood sugar unstable. Elderly people should actively prevent diabetes, the chronic disease has more reasons, and a large amount of sugar is obtained and there is not enough insulin secretion to consume, the indicator will be unstable.

Many foods that are exposed to on a daily basis are rich in sugar, and after obtaining them, they do not promote calorie consumption through other channels, and chronic diseases may invade. Therefore, it is necessary to reduce the acquisition of sugar in the process of controlling blood sugar, only when blood sugar is stabilized, blood vessels, nervous system can remain functional, while protecting other organs.

To lose sugar is to skip rice and noodles? Don't mess around, please see the correct sugar reduction "strategy"

2, gradually gain weight

Excessive access to sugar substances will appear obesity, now more and more people overweight, living conditions are better, often overeating, a lot of food, calories provided but not consumed, usually the body's fat substances will accumulate more and more, and after excessive obesity, the prevalence of fatty liver will increase, and other chronic diseases will appear.

Many people's joints are subjected to the gravity brought by the body, which will make the joints wear out and the degeneration speed up. It is necessary to reduce the acquisition of sugar during the daily diet, and of course, the intake of fat-rich foods is also reduced to maintain weight stability.

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