
Tender handmade hammer meat, spicy and delicious rice, braised pork ribs, simple and nutritious to make

author:Chengdu tourism food recommendation

Many people have eaten boiled meat slices, tender slices of meat are the key inside, and the spicy and fragrant taste is the main delicacy of this dish. This boiled slice of meat must be tender to be delicious, otherwise even the old slices of meat cannot be chewed.

Tender handmade hammer meat, spicy and delicious rice, braised pork ribs, simple and nutritious to make

So here's how to make very tender slices of meat, which are beaten to fully absorb the starch. It's hard to think of tender slices of meat like this.

Prepare the ingredients needed: pork tenderloin one pound, eggs: two, enoki mushrooms, remove the roots, tear small flowers, mung bean sprouts, a handful of fungus, foam hair, dry starch Half a bowl, ginger, garlic, shallots, dried peppers, millet spicy, peppercorns, cooking wine, pepper, watercress paste, soy sauce, soy sauce, soy sauce, soy sauce, sugar, chicken essence, white sesame seeds.

Step 1: Prepare all the above ingredients, then process the required endor ingredients, and cut the green onion, ginger, garlic, and millet chili ring here. Then break an egg and spread it in an electric pan to form an quiche, cold and shredded.

Tender handmade hammer meat, spicy and delicious rice, braised pork ribs, simple and nutritious to make

Step 2: Here, cut the fresh tenderloin into thin slices. Then sprinkle dry starch on the board, dip the meat slices with starch on both sides, and beat the meat slices with a rolling pin. In this way, the starch will penetrate into the meat slices, and the meat will be tender and smooth, and it can be beaten into a uniform translucent state. (Do not use too much force, the meat slice is thin and easy to break)

Step 3: Here boil water in the pot, wait for the water to open the mushrooms, mung bean sprouts, fungus, boil for one minute and fish out the bottom in the pot. Put the cooking wine in the water, pour the slices of meat and cook for two minutes, then remove the cold water. (So the meat slices are set very tender)

Step 4: Prepare the stir-fry, wash and heat the wok, burn the oil in the pot, put the ginger and garlic, stir-fry the dried chili peppers, put two spoonfuls of watercress sauce and fry the red oil, put a large bowl of water and bring to a boil. Then put a spoonful of light soy sauce, half a spoon of dark soy sauce, half a spoon of sugar, a spoonful of pepper, half a spoon of chicken essence, a spoonful of salt to taste, and finally add slices of meat, shredded egg cake, cook for one minute, the soup is thick out of the pot, and pour the soup with meat on the cooked vegetables.

Tender handmade hammer meat, spicy and delicious rice, braised pork ribs, simple and nutritious to make

Step 5: Then put a handful of peppercorns, millet spicy, white sesame seeds on top of the meat slices, burn a large spoonful of hot oil and pour on, and finally sprinkle a handful of green onions.

So delicious to make well, eat can be delicious, nutritious and delicious tender and smooth, like friends quickly try it. Ribs everyone loves to eat, made of braised pork is the classic of the delicious it, let's make delicious braised ribs.

Tender handmade hammer meat, spicy and delicious rice, braised pork ribs, simple and nutritious to make

Prepare the ingredients needed: 500 grams of pork ribs, green onion, ginger, 1 star anise, 2 fragrant leaves, 2 spoons of light soy sauce, 1 spoon of dark soy sauce, 2 spoons of cooking wine, 10 pieces of rock sugar.

Step 1: Prepare the above ingredients, then rinse the fresh ribs with water. Then prepare the wok to blanch the water, where cold water is placed in the pot, and then add the ribs and two slices of ginger and blanch the water. Two minutes after the water boils, remove the ribs and wash them.

Tender handmade hammer meat, spicy and delicious rice, braised pork ribs, simple and nutritious to make

Step 3: Then wash and heat the wok, pour the appropriate amount of oil into the pot, add the large ingredients, ginger slices, and green onions, and fry the aroma. Then sauté the pork ribs, pour 2 spoonfuls of light soy sauce, 1 spoonful of dark soy sauce and 2 spoons of cooking wine into the pan and continue stir-frying.

Step 4: Braised pork must be rock sugar, so add 10 pieces of rock sugar and two pieces of fragrant leaves. Pour hot water over the ingredients, cover the pot and simmer for 30 minutes. Then open the lid, collect the juice over high heat, salt it with a little salt, and plate it.

Tender handmade hammer meat, spicy and delicious rice, braised pork ribs, simple and nutritious to make

Such a plate of red and bright red, tender and delicious braised pork ribs is ready to be made. Eat delicious, like friends quickly try it.