
Wei Ya sneaked away and said that she was punished, and Li Jiaqi became the winner? He has said publicly that he will not evade taxes

2021 melon is really one after another, Wang Lihong Li Lianglei's divorce war has just ended, "live broadcast a sister" Wei Ya was reported by the official media on the 20th to evade taxes and evade taxes and collect a combined fine of 1.341 billion yuan, the news came out, causing an uproar, it is reported that this is the result of the investigation of Wei Ya's tax situation from 2019 to 2020, as a "sister" in the live broadcast industry, the ability to make money is really amazing, stronger than the gold absorption ability of first-line stars, and I want to be fined more than 800 million and 600 million yuan by artists Fan and Zheng respectively. Via refreshed everyone's cognition.

Wei Ya sneaked away and said that she was punished, and Li Jiaqi became the winner? He has said publicly that he will not evade taxes
Wei Ya sneaked away and said that she was punished, and Li Jiaqi became the winner? He has said publicly that he will not evade taxes

In October, Via was exposed to suspected tax issues, for which via team also rebunked rumors that it was false, so that everyone should not believe it, and now just over 1 month, it has been officially confirmed.

The last anchor Sydney, who was because of tax evasion and tax evasion, has been banned by the live broadcast platform, and it is not known whether Via will face the same cool situation next, after being informed, Via has cancelled the live broadcast on the 20th.

Wei Ya sneaked away and said that she was punished, and Li Jiaqi became the winner? He has said publicly that he will not evade taxes
Wei Ya sneaked away and said that she was punished, and Li Jiaqi became the winner? He has said publicly that he will not evade taxes

After The tax evasion and evasion of Wei Ya was exposed, Li Jiaqi, who is the head anchor of the live broadcast industry like Wei Ya, has also become the focus of everyone's hot discussion.

Wei Ya sneaked away and said that she was punished, and Li Jiaqi became the winner? He has said publicly that he will not evade taxes

Many netizens went to Li Jiaqi's Weibo to shout, hoping that Li Jiaqi would not evade taxes and evade taxes, and would not do illegal things.

Wei Ya sneaked away and said that she was punished, and Li Jiaqi became the winner? He has said publicly that he will not evade taxes

In fact, for the problem of paying taxes, Li Jiaqi mentioned earlier in the live broadcast room, when Simba questioned the inflated price of the products in Li Jiaqi's live broadcast room, Li Jiaqi responded lightly in the live broadcast room, saying that the products in the live broadcast room are all formal channels, and they must pay taxes, and they will not do tax evasion and tax evasion.

Li Jiaqi can really do what he said, after the Weiya incident, Li Jiaqi may become a winner? In the past, the two were the head anchors of the live broadcasting industry, and they would also compete secretly in popularity and sales, so after the exposure of Wei Ya's tax evasion and tax evasion, the live broadcasting industry was afraid that no one could compete with Li Jiaqi's popularity and influence for a while.

Wei Ya sneaked away and said that she was punished, and Li Jiaqi became the winner? He has said publicly that he will not evade taxes
Wei Ya sneaked away and said that she was punished, and Li Jiaqi became the winner? He has said publicly that he will not evade taxes

From Sydney to Via, it shows that the official has paid more and more attention to the tax issues in the live broadcast industry, and I hope that Li Jiaqi will do what he says, withstand the investigation, and not disappoint everyone.

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