
Wine Table Culture: Why Do They Want to Get Someone Drunk?

author:Triptych middle reading

#How to view workplace wine culture # Professor Liu Dong of Tsinghua University introduced the etiquette of wine tables and the origin of penalties in the article "Chinese Drinking Culture":

What is the purpose of drunkting others? The premise is that everyone knows that alcohol can make people lose self-control, "Since moderation and vigilance against the temptations and harms of alcohol are the signs of civilization, forcing a person to drink too much alcohol and make him savagely exceed the standard of moderation in his behavior is a humiliating punishment." In the liquor store, the double physical and mental suffering caused by punishment is in stark contrast to the small cup of wine tasting enjoyed by others. ”

The reason why Chinese have developed the habit of persuading and distributing wine is because etiquette requires people to maintain restraint on wine, so "they have to be too courteous to each other, and even persuade each other to drink softly and hard, to see who has been broken by the defense line, and because of the invincibility of the wine, they are ugly." This style of persuasion often turns into an inexorable, hurtful and angry pouring of wine, drunkenness, and fighting, and flows into a kind of ugly custom unique to China. ”

This article is written by @Pei Xiaorong ° Wine table culture: why do they want to get others drunk?

Alibaba announced the "female employees are violated" treatment decision, while declaring that "still has a clear stand against the ugly wine table culture, which is gender-neutral, whether it is a customer or supervisor making such a request, our employees can explicitly refuse." ”

Wine table culture is prone to problems, because the wine table is a place where multiple social relations overlap, when working together, people are divided into superiors and subordinates, subordinates should obey their superiors, and when they eat and drink together, the leader is still the usual boss, but they are only people who eat together. If the leader asks you to drink and you don't drink, this is also against the will of the powerful, but it has nothing to do with work, which is an encroachment of power. The leader does not know how much alcohol a certain employee has, does not know the physical condition of the other party, what the mood is, as long as he does not drink, he will think that he is not willing to drink.

Wine Table Culture: Why Do They Want to Get Someone Drunk?


The machismo mentality will make some men ignore women's rejection attitudes, why do you reject me? How could you not promise me? Mary Beard, a professor at the University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom, said in her book Women and Power: "Compared to just ten years ago – let alone fifty years ago – there are more women today in positions of recognized power, whether politicians, parliamentarians, police commissioners, managers, chief executives, judges, or whatever." But our psychological and cultural paradigm of what a powerful person should look like remains unshakably male. Women's positions are still seen outside power. ”

Is there such a thing as a wine table culture? My hometown is in Xiao County in northern Anhui, and my fellow villagers will proudly say: "The north and south of the great river cannot drink Anhui; on both sides of the Yangtze River, you can't drink Xiao County." "When guests come to the house, they will generally fill a table, find a few good alcohol and will persuade the wine to accompany the wine, because it is not clear the amount of alcohol of the newly married relatives or friends, both to let the other party drink to the fullest, but also not to drink too drunk, so it is an art to accompany the wine, often drink until late at night, the dishes are cold, and the guests do not know where they are."

Professor Liu Dong of Tsinghua University introduced the etiquette of the wine table and the origin of the penalty in the article "Chinese Drinking Culture". What is the purpose of drunkting others? The premise is that everyone knows that alcohol can make people lose self-control, "Since moderation and vigilance against the temptations and harms of alcohol are the signs of civilization, forcing a person to drink too much alcohol and make him savagely exceed the standard of moderation in his behavior is a humiliating punishment." In the liquor store, the double physical and mental suffering caused by punishment is in stark contrast to the small cup of wine tasting enjoyed by others. ”

Wine Table Culture: Why Do They Want to Get Someone Drunk?

Drinking alcohol is originally for fun, everyone takes what they need, drink at will, "it does not change people's original mentality, can only be through the stimulation of the nerve center system to enhance this mentality." When you are happy, you will feel that when you sing songs during the day, you must indulge in wine, and when you are depressed, you will feel that it is more sad to raise a glass to dispel sorrows, and when you are excited, you can drink under the Book of Han, and when you are decadent, you can hang up the seal of wine like Tao Yuanming. Li Shizhen said, "Wine, the world of Meilu also." The wine of the face is curved, and if you drink less, you will be able to walk with blood, strengthen your body to withstand the cold, and be happy, and drink bitterly, you will hurt your spirit and consume blood, damage your stomach and sperm, and cause fire. ”

Professor Liu said that once the wine was formed, it had a huge impact on the character of the Chinese nation. The cultural anthropologist Benedict divided primitive civilizations into two categories in Cultural Patterns, the Dionysian and the Heliothean. In a Dionysian civilization, drunkenness can confuse hazy dreams with insightful insights. The initial stage of Chinese civilization is also a dionysian stage. Zhang Guangzhi said that on the one hand, the wine is for the ancestral gods to enjoy, and on the other hand, it may also be for the wizards to drink, to help the wizards achieve a theosophical mental state. The Zhou Dynasty people were less obsessed with religious realms that required fanatical experience and more concerned about personnel that needed to be dealt with calmly. The sensual pleasure contained in the music no longer means indulgence, intoxication and indulgence in free rhapsody, but means to tune, neutralize, and do not exceed the rules of the heart.

Wine Table Culture: Why Do They Want to Get Someone Drunk?

Stills from "Unborn"

If the wine ceremony of the King of Zhou is carried out, the guests and the host worship hundreds of times, and they drink all day long and are not drunk. The wine ceremony is divided into six stages, after the welcome, the guests and hosts toast each other, play music, pay each other in order of honor and inferiority, drink and have fun continuously, get drunk and then stop, and enjoy themselves. Finally, send guests, future thanks. Confucius said that the main points of the wine ceremony are, first, to clarify the hierarchical order of nobles and brothers, and second, to make people harmonious and happy. The wine itself is given a new value connotation to perform a new cultural function. In the more rational age, the euphoric illusion of the separation of form and god caused by wine is no longer used to seek communication between man and God, but is used to dissolve the separation and difference between man and man. Although the hierarchy is strict and the etiquette is rigid, as long as the rules are followed, people can drink and have fun and disperse in peace. Moderate alcohol is still enough to bring happiness, but it becomes a pleasure within the limits of reason.

Wine Table Culture: Why Do They Want to Get Someone Drunk?

The Zhou Li stipulates that those who are rude will be fined alcohol. When showing respect, it is necessary to serve genju (wine mixed with water), and the country people will drink alcohol. Use a smaller knight for toasting and a larger bow for wine.

There are more people abroad who drink heavily. The British writer Olivia Lane said in her book Journey to echo springs, "In the earliest religious myths and legends, wine was even one of the gifts of god. Dionysus was the son of Zeus, the god of heaven. Nor does the Bible condemn drunkenness. The idea that drunkenness is a blessing of God is deeply ingrained. Sometimes, death by alcoholism is seen as a graceful and natural death. A few friends told me that their life events were done, that their children were married, that they were in good financial shape, and that they were ready to drink freely and drink to death. One of them choked to death while drinking whiskey. Another jumped off a cliff. One lit a fire and burned the house, himself, and the children. ”

Writer Cheever said: "The excitement of alcohol and the excitement of fantasy are so similar. Both senses of excitement seemed to be able to take him out of reality, like pole vaulting, leaping over the unbearable, frustrating past; and jumping over the increasingly chaotic present that had put him in prison.

But excessive drinking can cause us to not have enough intelligence to deal with more complex, longer-term problems; we are distracted by the unexpected pleasures that alcohol brings; and our nervous system's guard-off alarms are turned off. In short, after drinking we became another self.