
Why you use humic acid will feel ineffective Humic acid how to use it correctly Many people do not know

author:Spworth functional fertilizer

Humic acid is an organic substance that many growers like very much, with the functions of bonding, fertilizer retention, buffering, activation, water retention, and detoxification, which can be said to be a soil agent. Humic acid is so godly, but many growers find that the application of humic acid seems to have no effect during actual use. Could it be that the role of humic acid is exaggerated? In fact, this is all because you are too greedy and useless.

1. When to use it?

1. If the soil is acidified and salinized, it should be regulated with humic acid.

2, the ground temperature is low, especially in winter, because potassium nitrate dissolved in water will lead to a decrease in water temperature, plus humic acid effect will be better.

3. Before the arrival of the dry season and the rainy season, the use of humic acid will reduce the loss of drought and flood to a certain extent.

4. Humic acid for crops that need to be expanded.

5. If root dysplasia and premature aging are caused by any of the above reasons, humic acid should be used.

6, chemical fertilizers use a lot, soil salinization, compaction, organic matter is lacking when humic acid is used.

7, the use of biological fungal agent effect is not ideal, you can use biological bacteria with humic acid, humic acid can provide carbon source for biological bacteria, so that it can play a greater effect.

8. Crop growth is weak, and humic acid can quickly restore crop roots.

9, all the need to pursue the color and surface finish of the crop, must use humic acid, must use humic acid, must use humic acid (important words three times).

Why you use humic acid will feel ineffective Humic acid how to use it correctly Many people do not know

Second, the use of misunderstandings

1, the use of humic acid should follow the principle of a small number of times, a large amount of humic acid is applied at one time, it is better to apply it in multiple times;

2, humic acid flushing, spraying combined, the effect is better.

3, many crops after the application of humic acid will not appear visible to the naked eye, such as rapeseed, so when the crop does not appear to have an effect, it is not that humic acid is fake, but because the effect is not obvious.

Why you use humic acid will feel ineffective Humic acid how to use it correctly Many people do not know

Third, use tips

1. Humic acid is used with chemical fertilizers and inorganic water-soluble fertilizers, which can reduce the conventional use of chemical fertilizers and inorganic water-soluble fertilizers by 10% to 20%.

2, humic acid encounters calcium and magnesium ions in the water will produce flocculent precipitation, in order to prevent blocking drip irrigation holes, in the drip irrigation humic acid fertilizer, to minimize the drip irrigation time, do a small amount of times, while ensuring adequate dilution.

3. Humic acid is black or dark brown, if the concentration is too high or the degree of atomization is poor when spraying, the water will often leave black spots on the fruit surface and leaf surface after evaporation. If this is the case during picking, rinse with water.

4. Although humic acid can be used during the whole growth period of crops, for economic considerations, it is recommended to apply twice in each of the four key periods of crop transplanting, before flowering, expansion and color change, and the combined spraying effect of expansion and color change period will be better.

5. According to the "Humic Acid-containing Water-soluble Fertilizer Ministry of Agriculture Standard", humic acid raw materials must be mineral source humic acid. There are two ways to identify mineral sources or biochemical humic acid.

Smell, mineral source humic acid has no taste, biochemical humic acid will have different aromatic aromas, molasses flavors, etc. according to different sources;

The second color identification, mineral source humic acid is mostly black, biochemical humic acid is mostly brown or brownish yellow.

Why you use humic acid will feel ineffective Humic acid how to use it correctly Many people do not know

Fourth, the use of the critical period

1. Soil pH imbalance

In recent years, due to the abuse of chemical fertilizers, many soils have been polluted, soil acidification is becoming more and more serious, and once the soil acidifies, the root system of the crop will be poisoned, affecting the absorption of nutrients by the root system. At this time, we can use humic acid to calculate fertilizer, and timely add calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc to the root system to achieve the purpose of regulating the acid-base balance of the soil.

2. Soil drought and waterlogging

In addition to nutrients, water is also extremely important for crop growth and development, and if it is in the summer when it is hot and rainy, the soil is prone to drought or waterlogging. At this time, the root system of crops is relatively fragile, growth will be seriously affected, then if the use of humic acid fertilizer, then can effectively reduce the loss of water in the crop, improve the drought resistance of crops.

Why you use humic acid will feel ineffective Humic acid how to use it correctly Many people do not know

V. Precautions

1. Pay attention to the concentration of use

Humic acid fertilizer and auxin play somewhat similar, in the process of use, to pay attention to the use of fertilizer concentration, if the concentration is too high or too low, then the effect on the crop is not very obvious, serious if it will also affect the growth and development of crops.

2. Pay attention to the use temperature

When using humic acid fertilizer, we must pay attention to the use of temperature, generally suitable temperature takes 18 hours to achieve results, if the use of humic acid fertilizer at low temperatures, then the effect is very slow, it is easy to cause fertilizer waste, increase planting costs; and if the use of high temperature may cause fertilizer damage, seriously affect the yield of crops.

3. Pay attention to collocation

Humic acid fertilizer as a base fertilizer and seed fertilizer than as a topdressing effect is better, concentrated application is better than sprinkling, deep application is better than shallow application, but it should be noted that it can not completely replace inorganic fertilizer and farm manure, must be used with chemical fertilizers and organic fertilizers.

4. Pay attention to the application effect

The effect of humic acid fertilizer after application will also vary depending on the crop, and the effect will be better in the use of cabbage and radish, but if the effect is used in tuber crops, it will be worse, and the effect of use in cereal crops will be worse.

Why you use humic acid will feel ineffective Humic acid how to use it correctly Many people do not know

Spirvo (Qingdao) International Trade Co., Ltd. Herman series of functional fertilizers are added with humic acid, humic acid can do: improve soil, improve crop quality, enhance crop stress resistance, improve nutrient effectiveness, stimulate seedlings to take root and germinate.

The above is the introduction of how to use humic acid and humic acid fertilizer correctly, which is shared by Sipuwo (Qingdao) International Trade Co., Ltd., and I hope it will be helpful to everyone.

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