
Healthy skin care exfoliating gel awareness...

author:My Skincare Cheats 6

Most female friends do not know what the exfoliating gel cream is, or how to use it?

So, just some of the knowledge I know combined with the answers on the Internet to give you a little popularization....

1. What does exfoliating gel do?

Removes the cortex that adheres to the surface of the skin, the aging skin tissue of the epidermis.

2. What is the role of exfoliating gel?

(1) Remove aging dead cells and rough keratin from the skin.

(2) Remove the black yellow pigment covered by the surface of the skin.

(3) Promote blood circulation and metabolism of the skin.

(4) Dissolves the aging cells of the epidermis layer of the skin, with a gentle friction effect.

In order to achieve the skin to show a delicate and smooth texture, eliminate oily spots, the skin is white and shiny, the skin cells regenerate more smoothly, the skin appears fresh and soft; improve the skin tone, so that the pores are small and delicate.

3. How to use exfoliating gel?

(1) After washing your face or bathing, in a state of water, take an appropriate amount of exfoliating gel, rub it in the palm of your hand, and then massage on the face, avoiding the surrounding areas of the eyes and lips.

(2) Apply to face or body and gently massage for 3-5 minutes. The sides of the nose and forehead can be slightly longer, and acne or broken skin should be avoided.

(3) Finally, wash with warm water, apply skin care water and lotion to moisturize, you can.

4. How often is the exfoliating gel used?

It is recommended not to use more than twice a week, especially for sensitive skin, but also with caution, 1 time for mixed or oily skin 7-10 days, and every 15 days for normal to dry skin.

The above is my summary of the knowledge points of exfoliating gel, but how to use it correctly usually depends on the state of the skin. I hope that everyone will try more to have their own experience.


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