
Scribbling "Long live Hitler" on the school playground, a 12-year-old new York boy was arrested

author:Global Times

On Wednesday, a 12-year-old boy was arrested for graffiti anti-Semitic signs on the playground of an elementary school in Rego Park, Queens, One of New York City's largest Jewish neighborhoods, according to U.S. media.

A spokesman for the New York Police Department told U.S. media that the boy had committed serious harassment but was released as a minor and returned to his family.

The boy scribbled many swastikas on the playground and wrote the words "Long live Hitler."

Scribbling "Long live Hitler" on the school playground, a 12-year-old new York boy was arrested

The words "Long live Hitler"

Scribbling "Long live Hitler" on the school playground, a 12-year-old new York boy was arrested
Scribbling "Long live Hitler" on the school playground, a 12-year-old new York boy was arrested

New York Police Commissioner Dermot Shea praised the authorities' swift response on Twitter, saying that "no matter what kind of hatred, the NYPD and our people adopt a 'zero tolerance' attitude."

Just a few days ago, a thousand characters were found on a ride on a beach in Brooklyn.

Scribbling "Long live Hitler" on the school playground, a 12-year-old new York boy was arrested

In both cases, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said, "Let me be clear, in New York, we have 'zero tolerance' for all acts of hatred, including anti-Semitism. No student can be discriminated against on the basis of birth or religion. New York State is a beacon of american inclusion and hope, and we will do our best to ensure that this extremely egregious behavior is brought to justice. ”

According to The New York Times, the anti-Semitic hate crime rate in New York City has risen 70 percent year-over-year this year.