
Spirited Away: Interpreting the "Mystery" Left by Miyazaki in the Film

author:Japan 23 Things

Miyazaki's famous anime Spirited Away (Japanese name: 千と千尋の神し) was released in China on June 21, and when he first learned of this news, he was very excited. Released in Japan in 2001, anime that has spread all over the world can finally be seen in domestic theaters. Perhaps many people have watched this film in other ways, and it seems that everyone feels that "They owe Hayao Miyazaki a movie ticket". What this anime represents, I think, has surpassed "anime" or "movie", but is the memory of an era.

Spirited Away: Interpreting the "Mystery" Left by Miyazaki in the Film

Miyazaki described Chihiro as a "girl everywhere", and Chihiro's image was designed based on the image of these girls. Miyazaki is usually very close to the children of the animation company's related personnel, and he calls these children "little friends". Chihiro's image comes from one of Miyazaki's younger friends. Perhaps it is precisely because of Miyazaki's special relationship with children that he can pass on his ideas to children around the world through anime.

I wanted to draw how rich and likely this world is, the world is so rich and beautiful all over the world. (The great intentions: The world that is likely to be appointed by 1st-hander and 1st-footed people. I really wanted to tell them (the girls) that I could get along properly, so I'm going to make this movie because I really want to tell them (the girls) that they can get along. (Y/Y): "No care,"233-们们够动她奸们够动们 )

Spirited Away: Interpreting the "Mystery" Left by Miyazaki in the Film

Therefore, this anime is full of the message that Miyazaki wants to convey to the "little friend", through this anime, we can imagine an elder who is "full of wind and frost, and a pleasant face", encouraging the image of his "little friend". Let's interpret the "mystery" left by Miyazaki through the order of the story, or to interpret the message that Miyazaki wants to convey to his little friends.

Before going into more detail about the mysteries in the film, I will analyze Spirited Away from my personal understanding, considering that readers who have not yet seen Spirited Away.

Up: Chihiro mistakenly enters the world of God

Chihiro, an elementary school student, is about to move into a new home with her parents. On the way to move, after passing through an incredible tunnel, driven by curiosity, the family got out of the car and passed through the tunnel, but unexpectedly entered a "nother world". In fact, it is a world in which only "gods" can inhabit. Because of their "gluttony", their parents ate the food that had been cast with spells and became pigs.

Cheng: Rescued by Hakuryu, Chihiro enters the oil house to work

In order to save her parents, Chihiro can only continue to go deeper, and on the way encounters a mysterious teenager - White Dragon. With the help of Hakuryu, Chihiro takes her name as a contract and goes to work at Grandma Yu's oil house.

Spirited Away: Interpreting the "Mystery" Left by Miyazaki in the Film

Turn: The Faceless Monster invades the Oil House, and Chihiro helps the White Dragon

The Faceless Monster enters the oil house, relying on the gold that has been concocted, making the waiters of the oil house crazy, but Chihiro is not moved. On the other hand, Grandma Tang asked The White Dragon to steal the seal of the Money Mother-in-law, only to be injured by magic, Chihiro had to act in order to save the White Dragon, and encountered the Faceless Monster halfway through, refusing the Faceless Monster's request, angering the Faceless Monster. The faceless monster made a big fuss about the oil house.

Knot: Chihiro says goodbye to The White Dragon and returns to the real world

After Chihiro settles down with the Faceless Monster, she gets up to save hakuryu and reminds hakuro of his real name. In the end, Chihiro passed the test of Mother Tang and allowed herself to return to the real world with her parents.

Spirited Away: Interpreting the "Mystery" Left by Miyazaki in the Film

At the beginning of the film, there is a scene of Chihiro and her parents driving, and the scene that impresses the scene the most is Chihiro's "unhappy" expression, right? Later, Chihiro and her parents are lost in the world of God, and their parents eat and become pigs. As you can see from here, her parents have different personalities from Chihiro's. Chihiro is "wanting to go back" all the way, and only Chihiro has not eaten, what is the difference? Actually, it's simple. Pig = human desire, Chihiro is very "simple" compared to her parents who were born in the "bubble economy". It is precisely because of Chihiro's purity and purity that there is no scene of faceless monster gold in the back. Parents who are eroded by society and have "possessiveness" are in stark contrast to Chihiro, who has not been eroded and maintains purity.

Spirited Away: Interpreting the "Mystery" Left by Miyazaki in the Film

Seeing that her parents had turned into pigs, Chihiro panicked and, with the help of Hakuryu, went to work at Grandma Yu's oil house. The oil house is an incredible place. From the outside, it is very unusual, and the "people" and guests working inside are various. The oil house is actually the "soup house", which is the so-called "bathing place". Tang Po Po explained it like this: Eight Million の神様たちが疲れを癒しに來るお湯屋なんだよ。 (Translation: It is a bathhouse where eight million gods heal fatigue.) From here, it can be seen that the guests of the oil house are all so-called "gods".

Spirited Away: Interpreting the "Mystery" Left by Miyazaki in the Film

Miyazaki about the oil house, say this: modern の social を風刺的に描くため、あえて風俗店のような油屋を stageにした。 (Translation: In order to depict a scene that satirizes modern society, the oil house like a custom shop is deliberately used as a stage.) In such an environment, it is ironic to let a schoolboy Chihiro go to work. However, the problem of child labor is not only in anime, but also in the real world, Japan has also had a long history of "child labor". Today, child labour still exists in some countries of the world.

Spirited Away: Interpreting the "Mystery" Left by Miyazaki in the Film

When Chihiro works at the oil house, Grandma Tang uses Chihiro's name as collateral, which also means that Grandma Tang can dominate Chihiro. At that time, Grandma Tang said this: Today からお前は千だよ! (Translation to the effect: Starting today your name is thousand.) I don't know if you have noticed that Chihiro deliberately wrote her name wrong. Why it is written incorrectly, there is no specific explanation in the film. In the world of the gods, if the name is taken away, there is no way to return to the real world, but Chihiro did not know it at the time. Although Hakuryu later warned Chihiro to hide his name, this was also after Chihiro signed the contract. Perhaps, we all think too complicated, Chihiro was just a primary school student at the time, and the biggest possibility is that he "wrote it wrong". This contrast also illustrates the "open and dark struggle in the adult world and the pure immaculate nature of Chihiro".

Spirited Away: Interpreting the "Mystery" Left by Miyazaki in the Film

In short, Chihiro did not write her real name, so she was not completely dominated by Mother Tang and eventually returned to the real world. It can be seen from this that name, in that world, has great powers. About this, Miyazaki said so: 言葉の力が軽んじられている現代において、『言葉は意志であり、自分であり、力』である。 (Translation to the effect: In the modern age of contempt for the power of language, (I would like to illustrate) language has a will, is its own ability.) This is also one of the "messages" that Spirited Away is meant to convey.

In the work, there is a role that cannot be ignored, that is, the "faceless monster". Whether it is from the perspective of shape or action, this "monster" has annoying "characteristics". What exactly is the Faceless Monster? Why did Miyazaki arrange for his appearance? The Faceless Monster has one big feature compared to other characters: it can't speak. When you want to speak, you can only devour certain "people" and speak in his voice. This is an important clue to speculate on the identity of the faceless monster. From this I deduce that the Faceless Monster is a "selfless" character, in a world where language has great powers, the Faceless Monster cannot speak freely and does not have its own language, that is, he is a "self-aware" being.

Spirited Away: Interpreting the "Mystery" Left by Miyazaki in the Film

The image of a modern young person. I think there are people everywhere who want to stick to someone like that but don't have themselves. (A great-minded translation: A human-like figurative work of the Self-In the Age of Self-Sung.) A trisman, a defied ego, and a 这种处见吧. Or 许宫zaki 骏諯讽讽japan "death" society, 每个 The human capital 刢别别 humanphysics, the "harmony" unintended "harmony" unsatisfy voice, and the yelling end ego.

In order to rescue the White Dragon injured by magic, Chihiro must go to Grandma Qian. Chihiro got a "one-way ticket" from Kettle, where Kettle said: 昔は戻りの電車があったんだが、近頃は行きっぱなしだ。 (Translation: There used to be a return train, but now there are only trains to go.) He also warns Chihiro not to get off the wrong spot. Towards the end of the work, there is a scene of Chihiro riding a train. The translucent faceless monster sat serenely next to it, and there were many translucent people. What is hidden on such an incredible train? What does Miyazaki want to express?

Spirited Away: Interpreting the "Mystery" Left by Miyazaki in the Film

Miyazaki put it this way: あの世界(電車の中)は我々が住む現代の世界と同じように、茫漠とした世界なんです。 (Translation: That world (in the tram) is the same as the modern world we live in, a dazed world.) A one-way train, like a person's life, has no going back. The people on the train have the same characteristics as the faceless monster, none of them are talking, they are all translucent, and the train has no return, which means that these people are also traveling with no return, and they cannot return to their original places. Moreover, there is no destination, just floating around with time (trains). This feature confirms what Miyazaki calls the "dazed world"!

Spirited Away: Interpreting the "Mystery" Left by Miyazaki in the Film

What information does this scene contain about Hayao Miyazaki? Outside the window of the tram, there is an endless sea, which seems to be a scene that does not exist in the world. Miyazaki painted such a scene to tell the "little friends" that in that world, there are also unknown beauty. In the real world, in order to live every day, people sometimes ignore the beauty around them, in fact, in the severe life, there are also scenery that makes people linger, pay attention to the present may be able to see a different world. This may be the vision that Miyazaki wants to express to the world!

Spirited Away: Interpreting the "Mystery" Left by Miyazaki in the Film

After Chihiro rescues the White Dragon, the two return to the oil house together. Hakuryu, along with the rest of the staff, asks Grandma Tang to let Chihiro return to her original world. Grandma Tang eventually asks Chihiro to pick out her parents from a group of pigs, and Chihiro replies that "there are no parents in here", answering Mother Tang's difficulties. Why does Chihiro know that there are no parents? Do you have any such questions? There are three main ways to say this:

Chihiro grows up and sees Grandma Tang's "trickery"

Before coming to the oil house, Chihiro was a "timid" girl, since experiencing the oil house, Chihiro successfully rescued the white dragon, has grown into a "courageous and responsible" girl. It is this kind of growth and experience that allows Chihiro to see the trick of Grandma Tang.

Chihiro has not forgotten who she is

The second theory is that Chihiro has not forgotten who she is. Mother Tang rules the oil house by magic, and the people in the oil house are killed by mother Tang, so Mother Tang can control them and even influence their thoughts. Chihiro, on the other hand, is not controlled by Mother Tang, so Chihiro's thoughts are still her own. When Grandma Tang drives out a group of pigs (maybe not pigs, but the people in the oil house look like pigs because Grandma Tang influenced their thoughts), Chihiro sees that it is not pigs, but "people" or something. When Chihiro says that there are no parents here, Grandma Tang also realizes that she does not control Chihiro.

Chihiro's growth

The third and the first, although they look the same, are different in essence. Chihiro relies on herself to stabilize the Faceless Monster in the oil house, and then relies on herself to rescue the White Dragon. Along the way, Chihiro has grown a lot and is no longer a little girl who relies on her parents. In fact, there is a very interesting line in the original work, that is: ここにはお父さんもお母さんもいないもん。 (Translation to the effect: There are no moms and dads in here.) In fact, the translation has lost the original taste of Japanese, and finally "もん" is a closing word, which is a word that women or young children use in a relaxed environment, and has the same feeling as the following picture.

Spirited Away: Interpreting the "Mystery" Left by Miyazaki in the Film

Chihiro, who returns to the real world, meets her parents again. According to the film, it seems that the Chihiro family forgot about the oil house, but Chihiro took what she took from Qian's mother-in-law. Miyazaki didn't mention much about this, but when Chihiro visited Grandma Qian, Grandma Qian once said a sentence: Once, Chihiro said a sentence: Ichibu あったことは forgetれないものさ. 思い出せないだけで。 (Translation: Once you have experienced something, you will not forget it, but you just can't remember it.) Perhaps, Chihiro is not without experience, but just sealed her memories when she went out.

Spirited Away: Interpreting the "Mystery" Left by Miyazaki in the Film

Returning to reality means being separated from the White Dragon. After saying: きっとまた会える (大義 translation: Definitely goodbye), before the tunnel, Hakuryu and Chihiro were separated. What happened to the White Dragon after that? Many people believe that the White Dragon will be divided into five horses according to the rules of that world. When she asked Grandma Tang to return Chihiro to the real world, Grandma Tang said to Bai Long: Hachiru, "Eight", "Eight", "Cracked" or "Eight", "Mother", "Oh". (Translation: Even if you are divided by five horses, you are willing to do it!) If this clue is followed, then the white dragon can only "die." Even Miyazaki said that it was a fact that the white dragon no longer existed, "2 people の永遠の別れ" (roughly translated: 2 people are forever separated).

In this work, there are many "themes", such as:

Even ordinary children can grow up like Chihiro, with unlimited possibilities;

Language has a lot of power in our world;

No matter what kind of world it is, there will be beautiful scenery;

I think that all such themes can be contained in the words of Grandma Qian: 一度あったことは forgetれないものさ. 思い出せないだけで。 (Translation: Once you have experienced something, you will not forget it, but you just can't remember it.) Each of us has been simple, kind, and has seen the most beautiful hearts and landscapes in the world, but what makes us the "most hated person"? In fact, everyone has a beautiful look, but some people can't remember it.