
Late autumn should eat "5 whites"! From head to toe, not afraid of disease

author:Shangguan News

The frost has passed, and the temperature has entered the coldest season.

From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine health, at this time, it should be appropriate to supplement and prepare for the cold winter.


The first white - lotus root

Fresh lotus root is a seasonal vegetable and fruit in autumn.

The frost falls on the dry day, and the lotus root can nourish the yin and clear the heat, moisten the thirst, and purify the heart and calm the mind. At the same time, the cooked lotus root is warm, and it can also strengthen the spleen and appetize the heart.

Late autumn should eat "5 whites"! From head to toe, not afraid of disease


Second white - lotus seeds

Lotus seeds are flat, sweet and astringent, return to the spleen, kidneys, heart meridians, have the effect of tonifying the spleen and stopping diarrhea, stopping the belt, benefiting the kidneys and astringent essence, nourishing the heart and calming the spirit.

"Wang's Medical Case": Lotus seeds, the most replenishing stomach qi and calming the deficiency, if the stomach is sick due to stomach deficiency, and the qi rush is not accepted, but the day to dry lotus seeds chew and swallow it, better than other medicines.


Third white - lily

Lily cold, sweet taste, return to the heart, lung meridian, has the effect of nourishing yin and moisturizing lungs, purifying the heart and calming the spirit, often used for yin deficiency cough, phlegm with blood, fatigue and palpitations, insomnia and dreams.

For those who cough hot or cough lung deficiency for a long time, they may wish to eat some lilies, such as "Materia Medica": Zhu Eryunyun: People who have been coughing for a long time, the lungs will be weak, and the void should be reduced. The sweetness of the lily is worse than the sour harvest of the five tastes.


Fourth white – duck meat

Duck is a waterfowl, swimming in the water is mostly a small animal that nourishes the yin, duck meat has the effect of nourishing the yin and replenishing the deficiency, which is rich in niacin, which has a protective effect on patients with heart diseases such as myocardial infarction.

In addition, duck meat also contains B vitamins and vitamin E, its fatty acids are unsaturated fatty acids, easy to digest, is an ideal food for autumn supplements.


Fifth White - Yam

Yam is flat, sweet, return to the spleen, lungs, kidney meridians, has the effect of nourishing the spleen and stomach, nourishing the lungs, and supplementing the kidneys.

Yam has a good tonic effect, and is also listed as a top product by Shennong, and it is recommended that it can be eaten frequently.

"Materia Medica Reading": Yam, can replenish the kidneys and fill the sperm, and the sperm foot is yin strong, the eyes are clear, and the ears are deaf.

All the top products are ordinary things to eat, not to cure diseases, so Shennong also proposed the word long service, which shows that every time people take the medicine of the best product.

Frost drop recipes






Duck yam soup

Ingredients: 1 duck, 2 yam, 5 g salt, 2 spoons of cooking wine, water to taste.


1. Treat the clean duck into small pieces, blanch with hot water until the blood stains foam out, drain the water, rinse with hot water and drain the water.

2. Peel the yam, cut into hob pieces, put in clean water and set aside.

3. Put the duck into a casserole dish, add the unripe hot water, add the green onion and ginger.

4. After boiling, use a spoon to skim off the surface foam and impurities, add cooking wine to reduce heat, cover and slow simmer.

5. Simmer until the chopsticks can smoothly pass through the duck, add yam, after boiling, season with salt, continue to cook until the yam is cooked thoroughly, turn off the heat.

Effect: Duck meat is cool, can nourish the yin and nourish the lungs, cough and phlegm; yam can benefit the lungs and spleen, the two ingredients are eaten together, which is a good combination of autumn supplements.

Lotus root duck soup

Ingredients: 350 grams of lotus root, 150 grams of duck meat, chicken essence, salt, ginger.

1. Peel and wash the lotus root, prepare the ingredients, 1/4 duck

2. Cut the duck into pieces, cut the ginger into strips, and cut the lotus root into slices and set aside

3. Put the duck meat and lotus root in the stew pot, add ginger shreds and salt and chicken essence, and simmer in water for 1.5 hours.

Efficacy: Lotus root with high protein and low fat duck meat, nourishing yin and dryness, is definitely a very nourishing nutritious soup in autumn.

Sesame peach porridge

Ingredients: 6 g of black sesame seeds, 6 g of peach kernels, 20 g of rock sugar, 100 g of rice.

1. Put the black sesame seeds in a casserole dish and sauté them over low heat; wash the peach kernels to remove impurities; rinse the rice; crush the rock sugar into crumbs.

2. Put the rice into the pot, add an appropriate amount of water, put it on a low heat and boil, then cook it over low heat until it is eight ripe, add black sesame seeds, peach kernels, rock sugar crumbs and stir well, and continue to cook until the porridge is cooked.

Effect: Tonify kidney and benefit five internal organs.

Nourish the yin and nourish the stomach soup

Ingredients: Dendrobium officinale 15 g, Northern Sand Ginseng 15 g, Mai Dong 15 g, Raw Land 10 g, Jade Bamboo 5 g, Rock Sugar 15 g.

1. Wash the dendrobium, northern sand ginseng, jade bamboo, mai dong, raw land, crush the rock sugar, and set aside.

2. Put dendrobium, northern sand ginseng, mai dong, raw land and jade bamboo rock sugar in a stew cup and add 300 ml of water. Bring the saucer to a boil over a low heat and simmer over low heat for 25 minutes.

Effect: Beneficial to the stomach, moisturizing the lungs and relieving cough.

Peanut rice jujube roasted pig's trotters

1. Wash and soak peanuts and dates in a bowl with water.

2. Wash the pig's trotters, cook them for four years and mix well with soy sauce.

3. Put oil in the pot, heat the heat to 70%, fry the pig's trotters until golden brown, put them in the wok, pour water, add the prepared peanuts, dates and spices, bring to a boil and simmer over low heat.

Effect: Nourish kidney yin, tonify blood and qi.


Wood ear sesame drink

Directions: Soak the black fungus in wet water for 2 hours, remove the stem and tear the flap. Stir-fry black sesame seeds until fragrant. Put the black fungus and black sesame seeds into the aluminum pot, add an appropriate amount of water, put it on medium heat and boil for 1 hour, decant the juice; then add water to fry, combine the two decoctions, add sugar and mix well.

Effects: Cool blood, stop bleeding, shave, kidney tonic.


Ginseng pear porridge

Directions: 15 grams of ginseng, 120 grams of japonica rice, a pear, brown sugar to taste. Dang ginseng soak in warm water for 2 hours, and then cook porridge in the same pot as the ingredients,

Effect: Nourish the spleen and stomach, moisturize the lungs and vitality.

Editor / Sun Chaohui

Source/ Wellness China