
How do ordinary people wear a sense of fashion? These 10 lazy dressing tips help you win easily

It's hard to dress in winter, not because there are fewer trendy items in winter than in other seasons. On the contrary, in fact, the richness of winter overlapping and mixing and matching is far greater than that of other seasons, and the inclusiveness of the body is also very strong. Logically, there should be more people who wear the aura in winter. However, the reality is not like this, and when you look at the street, there are very few colorful outfits.

How do ordinary people wear a sense of fashion? These 10 lazy dressing tips help you win easily

It's not hard to understand when you think about it. The cold is easy to consume people's willpower, whether it is for work or collocation, so most people pursue a minimalist solution, how to facilitate how to come. It is not so much that it will not be matched, but that everyone is too lazy to think, after all, exquisite clothing also requires investment of energy.

How do ordinary people wear a sense of fashion? These 10 lazy dressing tips help you win easily

"Lazy people" who don't want to bother can also easily wear a sense of fashion, but it requires a little skill. The content to be shared with you in this issue is the way fashion bloggers or celebrities are using, and everyone can try it according to their preferences. How do ordinary people wear a sense of fashion? These 10 lazy dressing tips help you win easily, let's take a look at it~

How do ordinary people wear a sense of fashion? These 10 lazy dressing tips help you win easily
How do ordinary people wear a sense of fashion? These 10 lazy dressing tips help you win easily

1. Open the side slit

Heavy, loose coats are easy to wear in the winter, so they become the preferred combination for lazy people, such as mid-length down jackets and sweatshirts, and the disadvantage of such coats is that they are easy to make people look unspired.

In order not to pull down too much when we are lazy, we can choose the style of side slit at the beginning. Although the side slits are not obvious, they can also break the bulkiness caused by a large patch of color.

How do ordinary people wear a sense of fashion? These 10 lazy dressing tips help you win easily

2. Raise the line of sight from the front

There are many pieces in winter, and when stacked, they are most afraid of dullness, so it is necessary to increase the sense of lightness by raising the waistline. However, because the inner pieces have a certain thickness, they can be more ingenious when shaping the waistline, such as using a one-sided tuck hem to be more practical than the full plug. If it is a piece with an opening in the middle, remember to pull open the hem, so that it can also quietly play a role in modifying.

How do ordinary people wear a sense of fashion? These 10 lazy dressing tips help you win easily

3. Put one on your shoulder

Fashionable elves at the forefront of fashion are certainly no strangers to this method of folding, and perhaps everyone has tried the practice of putting knitwear on the shoulder in the early autumn. Another advantage of the shoulder-to-shoulder wear method in winter is that it can be compatible with two thicker pieces.

If there is a chunky knit shirt at home that is not suitable for wearing as an underwear, it can come in handy, and it will come in handy, and it will not be as bloated as worn on the shoulder, and it is more atmospheric than using a shawl to wear it.

How do ordinary people wear a sense of fashion? These 10 lazy dressing tips help you win easily

4. The cuffs are exposed

When dressing more casually, lazy people are likely to take a few of the closest clothes to start matching, unconsciously wearing several layers of the upper body, even if the silhouette is neat and neat, it can not stand the cumbersome inside.

Exposing an underwear at the wrist enhances the echo between pieces and reduces clutter. If there are multiple layers of inner layers, it is not necessary to expose them all, it is recommended to choose the layer under the coat.

How do ordinary people wear a sense of fashion? These 10 lazy dressing tips help you win easily
How do ordinary people wear a sense of fashion? These 10 lazy dressing tips help you win easily

5. Check is used at will

Women who want to dress differently often pin their expectations on the printing of a single product, but most of the prints are not durable, and we may not be able to look at them after the fresh period, so choose some classic printing elements of the single product, which is more in line with the requirements of lazy people.

Among them, the check has its own retro charm and easy to match, and once became a symbol of lightweight fashion. When you don't want to think about it too much, just add a checked piece to the shape to make the shape come alive.

How do ordinary people wear a sense of fashion? These 10 lazy dressing tips help you win easily

Check is not easy to make mistakes, and can also be used in accessories to take into account liveliness and elegance, and used as a whole, it can solve the problem of monotony in one step. Like the British style of thick check coat, it is easier to stand out in a group of solid color coats and become the highlight of the crowd.

How do ordinary people wear a sense of fashion? These 10 lazy dressing tips help you win easily

6. Stripes to do embellishment

Compared with the check, we need to be more careful about the use of stripes. Although they are all classic patterns, the denseness and direction of the stripes are easy to affect the effect of visual expansion, and as the main item, it is not very friendly to lazy people.

However, the striped piece is very convenient as a styling embellishment, whether it is a scarf or a shawl, the upper body can easily become the focus, generally speaking, the choice of stripes and shading width 1:1 style is more versatile.

How do ordinary people wear a sense of fashion? These 10 lazy dressing tips help you win easily
How do ordinary people wear a sense of fashion? These 10 lazy dressing tips help you win easily

7. Add a vest vest inside

When it's time to reveal the inner layer, pairing it with a vest vest can instantly increase the sense of sophistication. There is no limit to the pattern of the vest vest, the floral elements can be used, and it is easy to wear the aura as much as possible in the color matching and the jacket. If you want to be more exquisite, it is recommended to choose a V-neck vest vest vest that can modify the shape of the face.

How do ordinary people wear a sense of fashion? These 10 lazy dressing tips help you win easily

8. Embellished with a printed silk scarf

Many older women like silk scarves because it is the safest bearer of bright colors, so that bright colors reduce the age of the model while controlling the area of color, which will not affect the overall dignity.

There are two important points to pay attention to when choosing a silk scarf, the first is the printing style, it is recommended not to choose a thin, gradient style, it is easy to look cheap. The second point is that the cool and warm colors are consistent with the main colors of the clothing, so that you can easily create a sense of harmony.

How do ordinary people wear a sense of fashion? These 10 lazy dressing tips help you win easily

9. Put on a dome hat

I don't know if everyone feels the same way, sometimes we see the elegant shapes of others, in fact, there is no special place to study, but the look and feel of people is very advanced, the reason is really that there is more dome hat on the head.

Hats are the kind of accessories that are dispensable, and because of this, after having them, they can better reflect our attention to details. If you don't want to look too ostentatious, you can also shrink the brim of the hat appropriately.

How do ordinary people wear a sense of fashion? These 10 lazy dressing tips help you win easily

10. Put on a white trench coat

There are definitely people who think that adding accessories is too troublesome, is there any piece that is fashionable as soon as it is worn? Yes, a white trench coat can do it. Because the popular winter coats are often warm colors in the earth color, eight of the ten coats on the street now are camel or coffee color, and beige can certainly stand out.

How do ordinary people wear a sense of fashion? These 10 lazy dressing tips help you win easily

The light and thin design of the windbreaker can weaken the swelling feeling brought by white, and the wearing method of the constriction can completely cover the messiness of the inner layer, so that the silhouette is neat and tidy, and there is also the function of windproof and warm.

How do ordinary people wear a sense of fashion? These 10 lazy dressing tips help you win easily

Well, this issue of the lazy people's fashionable tips to share here first, are you usually using these methods? Feel free to share your fashion views in the comments section Oh, we'll see you in the next issue ~ Eli

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